Why do Chinese girls like Western men so much?

Why do Chinese girls like Western men so much?

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Getting a white man is the easiest way to escape from their shithole

The ones over 26 like westerners cause chinese guys dont want them

Attached: asian visiting the UK.webm (600x338, 649K)

>British men are ugly but helpful

Why wouldn't they?

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oi luv fancy a shag?

She is a caucasian wannabe. Look at his ugly unnatural plastic surgery made eyes

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what kind of freaks even make these videos?

This tbqh


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Chad, nothing less.

Asian guys that have figured out they can capture two markets for ad revenue money.

They can get the yellow fever alt-right viewers who will go "FUCK YEAH DEM YELLOW WOMEN WANT MY DIK". And they will get the yellow incels from Jow Forumshapas that will go "FUCKING RACE TRAITOR WHORE FUK SEXPATS"

>far right gook wife
Never understood this phenomenon

Nothing gets you ass many views as sex or butthurt. Now combine the two.

Cause it's true that some asian women worship whitness. And there are a ton of white supremacists with asian women.

Ofc these are a minority of relationships.

>most Asians imagine Brits are honourable and gentlemanly
>they haven't figured out that they're classless drunks who turn pink when exposed to sunlight

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Yeah but if you're dating an Asian it's hard to seriously call yourself a white supremacist

I pray that chinese girls don't ever go to the uk and find out what it's really like there. It will break their hearts

At the moment the handsome gentleman meme still persists.

it's like the Paris Syndrome
you expect them all to look like Mogg but it turns out the exact opposite is true

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I've fucked 2 chinese students here and a Korean, they love it here

Who is Mogg? British guys are popular in China right now because of Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston

Daily Reminder if you are not Italian, Spaniard, Portuguese or Greek you are a bitter subhuman

Attached: Britisharyans.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)

You must be a chad. Chinese and Koreans are always harder to shag in the west. When they're in Asia you can be the only white in a 20 mile radius.

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T. Moor.

The Korean girl I was with, 2 of her Korean friends studying here were with Brit guys too so maybe our accents cover our ugliness

>Who is Mogg?
Ultra-conservative British politician who looks straight out of the 19th century

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>Chinese and Koreans are always harder to shag in the west
I'm a different guy and I've also fucked Hong Kongese, Taiwanese and Chinese students.
I'm not a Chad they're just easy

Out of all the brit guys in Britain they chose you tho is what I mean. You must be a chad.

I bet he can fit an entire football up his asshole, Brits are always assumed to be gay unless proved otherwise

They had to import strong men to take care of female needs because the men are to busy shagging each other

Attached: BritishGentlemen.jpg (600x423, 55K)

Chinese woman stereotypes:

American: Independent, strong and handsome
British: Handsome and gentlemanly
Italian: Romantic and passionate but have to be careful doesn't cheat
French: Sophisticated and Romantic
Spanish: Same as Italian
Arab: Can't tell them apart from Europeans unless they mention it, are weary of them because of Islam

Exactly same in korea except for sandniggers. They're vasy to spot and avoid.

A Korean girl insulted me when she found out I was part Italian, saying I wasn't pure blood etc so weird. Thought she was a Jow Forums poster or something

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Because even autistic whiteys are less creepy than your average chinaman.

In awe the gentlemen stereotype still persists, exploited the fuck out if it while I was in China though

Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with a monotone, silent boring chinkorean.

Its funny how those chinks in Korea act like they are superior to mainland chinese and japanese, they are all the same shit half mongols.

Even average European girls are superior to any chink I have ever seen.

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Most chinese women have never been outside of China.
They only see British people on Downton Abbey

desu I'm kinda surprised that Chinese women haven't caught on that White men who want them are actually losers back home. Surely some of them know that they are seen as sex objects and not human beings by these guys.

Do you know how many white men there actually are in China? It's still not rare for a chinese woman to have never seen one in the flesh. Let alone date one. It will be a long time before they find out about this.

Plus the "loser back home" beta white guy in China is just a subsection of total white guys in China.

W-What about the Swiss?

Just pretend to be French and enjoy the benefits.

Do you want to find love in east asia

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I want to find love in Korea

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Decent set of chebs on her

When they say western, they mean BLAK Btw.

what do Chinese men want?

Girls under 26

>the handsome gentleman meme
this, many of the japs I've met and seen interviews of regard britain as some kind of upper class society and imagine everyone as a "gentleman" (ジェントルマン)

Brits are basically the Pakis of Europe

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I went to Baidu and put "Brazilian men" in Chinese.

Apparently I don't even need to larp as Spaniard to get Chinese girls.

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I met some Taiwanese girls at a language school last year and I told them that I'm Swiss. The next day one began drawing Swiss flags and told me that I'm handsome. They were so cute:3

>Jow Forumsasianmasculinity
pretty sad

Just suck it up and accept that women are hypergamous whores and wh*Tes have money, like everybody else. Our sluts go for white tourists too, nobody gives a shit

They want young stupid pretty girls. Even older guys who have money can just pay young girls to be their gfs. Once a girl gets over 26 or even worse over 30. Guys don't want her. I think it's a bit silly I like girls who are around 30

>arab in korea
nice bullshit

Why are you telling them! Now I can't make money from youtube.

wo ke ai

There's some Arab temporary workers in Korea

They want girls who are easy to manipulate and won't take things seriously. Once a girl hits 26 or so, she's going to ask herself what she's doing with her life, why she isn't married, when is she going to have children etc.

It's easier to just flash some cash to sidestep that drama.

There's a couple 100 Yemeni refugees in Jeju at the moment

Can this British blubber even tan?

If we're not talking about seccs, I have a full WeChat friends list of Chinese girls (16-22 yrs old) who want to talk after I spent a summer guiding tours in Yellowstone. Most of them are friendly, only one is flirty. I think they just like talking to Western men.

>Arab: Can't tell them apart from Europeans unless they mention it
if chinks can't tell northern europeans apart from arabs, then their slanty eyes need to get checked

They want free English practice then

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A lot of them look gay as fuck though

Some arabs can look a lot like Meds if they arent wearing a towel and shave their beard


because western men are beta enough for them. look at the interest in asian foot fetishes and how men are into their feet

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Money and citizenship

Class system lad. Both types exist

Jesus Christ look at all that plastic on their faces. Chinese girls are repulsive.

how do those chinese foot guys on pornhub get to do things to random chinese women's feet? $ or being chad enough?

>tfw to intelligent to win the world cup

yeah especially that video (search: chinese gagging on pornhub or google, it should be the first result that pops up). its a dangerous sport and there's not even any sex or nudity!

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If married to a foreigner, the 1-child restriction does not apply anymore.

>muh kids

This thread is full of autists.


nobody wants the old cow, when others had the young milk.