Sold 60k LINK at 5700 thinking i could rebuy at 5000

What do i do? Fomo buy 51k back or wait?

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Hang yourself

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Let that be an lesson OP.
For now, fomo in and never sell.

Wait it out stinky linky. It will dip back down. But by God, if that was your whole stack then you should be ashamed of yourself. Never swing trade your whole stack.

Idiots haven't figured out day trading is just a meme

You don’t have the right to post our lord sergey if you sold

You think that's bad? I sold off 140k links thinking I could buy monero...get the free coin from the fork and then buy link back at a lower price....

I'm down about 12k in value from my original investment in link and I can't withdrawal more than 2 btc a i'm only going to have approximately 4 btc worth of Monero to claim some money for.

and when I buy chainlink again i'l probably only be able to buy around 120k links if i'm lucky...

Greed is an evil thing. Step up now to fomo and never make this mistake again.

>selling LINK
came here to say this

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Just wait till it hits 2850 and then buy 120k link, trading is really fucking easy, you just need to wait.

dont fomo it will drop.

I hope it climbs and makes a new floor and you get BTFO.

OP is this faggot 100%
>pic related

also sage

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I sold half my stack literally minutes before Ropsten pump, and bought Origami hours before it dumped. Don't feel bad bud.

I can't make good trades to save my life unless I am no life poopsocking.

Good luck, OP. It looks like you misjudged the bottom. Better FOMO back in.

Always go with your gut instinct. This token isn't going to do much for another 4-6 months.

haha it keeps on going higher

Wait OP it will come back down especially since BTC is dropping


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comeon all linkies should have perfect math. its not .55cent its actually 55 cents

I like that shit

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buy some bax, it will go up, sell the bax, buy link when it's down

I'm the opposite. I consolidated my LINK position the day before the pump. I got to an even 100k and am now laughing at the poor saps who ever sell mega stacks of 50k+ LINK in bulk thinking they're gonna rebuy lower ahah. What a retard.
