Ask an italian girl anything

ask an italian girl anything

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Other urls found in this thread:

will you be my bf

Would suck hue-italian dick??

do you want to have sex with me? i promise im the next pewdiepie

Is suicide a good option?

serious questions pls

what do you think of italian americans?

Do European girls look down on girls from other races, for example asians or latinas?

whats the darkest skin color you'd go for in a guy

no, i think suicide is the easy way to problems than can be solved

post face?

kys tranny

What are you doing on Jow Forums?

Why did Julius Caesar genocide the Gauls?

not much. never met one but i know they are very different from italians

Give me advice on how to please my half Italian gf pls

>This Italian faggot has been LARPing as a girl for over 3 years already
Man I should have saved the cap exposing him

Ever fucked a nigger?

Why would someone lie about being a girl though

I'm asking you to turn Trst over immediately or face the consequences

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is it easy to find sailor moon merch in Italy?
shit’s nonexistant in Finland

no, i don't. i also don't consider myself racist, there are some girls i know that do though

i don't get the obsession with skin color but no i've never been with someone who's not italian

do we have free will?

Zagreb je Italija

I don’t mean racism, I mean more like they look down on them for how they dress or how they act. For example, American girls dress badly and are very loud.

just be youself

>do we have free will
there's no such thing as free will

Halp she's telling me to ease up on the dick pics what did I do wrong

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yeah probably but we don't have many latinos or asians, we have more balkans and north africans

Same reason Saudis genocide the Yemenis.

how old are you and what's your occupation? and do you like your occupation?

Will you go on a date with me?

that is a very imaginative position to hold
what if I told you I have free will?

Literally that, don’t send so many dick pics. It can get creepy if you send too many unless she specifically asks for them.

men are more about visuals, we prefer imagination so try to send less dick pics if you can. if you have a nice penis then go for it

Feels bad man, I just wanna show someone my penis

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Region? What do you think about salvini?

i'm 23, i study medicine

Well you already showed her so that should be enough for now. Don’t feel too bad about it. If she likes it, she will definitely ask you for more.

does a circle have infinite or no sides?

>men are more about visuals, we prefer imagination so try to send less dick pics if you can.
Women are weiiird

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post your penis in /hm/ they will appreciate it.

nice, I applied for medicine as well, but I doubt I'll be accepted

è lui o non è lui?

marche. i'm kind of conflicted about salvini. i think he did more in two weeks than the last government had done in years but he also said some questionable things

Honestly it depends on the chick and if she’s attracted to you. If she likes your penor, she’ll ask you for more dick pics.

è lui

Why are you attention whoring? Post tits or GTFO you dirty little pasta slut

pls no hate

Shave or trim?

would you like to see my spicy meatballs?

>pasta slut
I like that. An irish femanon would be a potato slut then I guess. A Canadian one would be a leaf slut. What would a Swedish femanon be called then?

Would you date with a hue-brazilian with 1,90 and 50 kilos of muscles??

Selvaggi o box office 3D?

>What would a Swedish femanon be called then?
we call them sv ho

Nobody cares that you claim to be a girl. You either post proof or you get out, filthy little spaghetti whore

black woman ?

a bbc slut

do you take care of your toes

Why are Italian women so PRETENTIOUS?

Why do so few Italians have children?

Do italians love Tunisian BVLLS

perchè tu vuo fa' l'americano



you mean why don't we have sex with you immediately?

which regions are you from?

Sputi o ingoi?


domande di spessore. comunque ci sono ragazze che sputano? non ne conosco

What uni do you go to?

cosi fan tutte?

can you answer this question this is not some faggy test I use to rank people. I am genuinely interested

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Why are Italian women so religious? At high school I remember we had a lot of Italian exchange students in philosophy class and a couple of the Italian girls would always bore us to death by telling us about their relationship with god or someshit

They were probably terrone

They were kek
Another thing, they had the most stereotypical Italian accents possible, trying to listen to them without laughing was impossible

what's biggest summer music hit in Italy?

are you virgin? age?

Yeah, I'm here with some terroni on exchange and it is a pain to hear them speak in English

No I mean why you only have sex with absolute Chads and consider anyone who isn't a Chad a disgusting loser

non ci credo nemmeno se lo vedo, e so che non vedrò nulla comunque perché sei il solito ciccione obeso che larpa com ragazzina carina nei vari general

Do you look like Laura Pausini??

i'm not religious but if i don't go to church on easter and on christmas my grandma doesn't talk to me for weeks

Who cares? You're either ugly or a dude LARPing. I should slap you in the face

i could ask you the same thing.. why do you want to have sex with attractive girls and don't even look at girls who are below average? men and women are not that different. and i definitely do not have sex with chads.. my ex bf was a pretty normal guy

men are garbage, if you’re a woman you should get out of this shithole of a website

not that much. every basic here listens to her

Posta le tette

thanks for the advice but i come here to have a laugh, i don't take the things said here as serious

are you mentally retarded? men would have sex with anything (provided it has a vagina)

why are you interested? everyone knows that Italian men are way sexier than Italian women

baby k

what do you think about huezil getting BTFO?

Based finntwink

not all men i guarantee you. only desperate virgins

Post feet please

Every time an OP claims to be a woman I say post tits

How do we destroy the e""""u""""?

Would you marry a Czech? :3

pic related, these are the italians I like
local stoners look just like them and I do as well

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