ITT:we discuss about penis

ITT:we discuss about penis

Attached: targetmap-penis-size-world-map1.jpg (1023x676, 91K)


So the smaller the average penis size is the better, right? Since that would make yours larger in comparison.

>tfw chinese
>12 cm

Attached: FG-lf4Li.jpg (400x400, 24K)

Brain size and penis size correlate inversely.

Attached: race differences.png (433x884, 39K)

T. Little dick mongol

t. Small brain, small dick latino

Is 7 inches small? I masturbate daily, can it make it bigger?


mine is 16 cm when erect. Does this mean I penis mog the vast majority of the world? Or am I average? But whatever it is I am not small r-right? What about girth, does it matter? Because I feel like my penis is skinny...

Attached: 2008-06-16-0chart.jpg (585x645, 167K)