Ask an icelandic boy anything

ask an icelandic boy anything
teehee don't hit on my you silly girls~

Attached: IcelandFlagImage.png (1000x720, 4K)

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What are your hobbies?

how often do you feel outnumbered by tourists?

Are you top or bottom?

Please be my gf(male).

i imagine a nordic boy such as yourself must have beautiful eyes :3 (i'm boy btw)

Can I do the sex with you?

Show boipussy

Please be my friend(male).

Sluta vara bög

cars, vidya, animu, sudoku, colonising anglo scum
I think there are something like 3 tourist for every Icelander, but they are mostly congregated downtown and in the popular tourist spots, so thankfully I don't feel it too often.

Does it ever get boring living in such an isolated place with such a small population?

What car do you have? What vidya do you play? What are your top 3 favorite animus?

i have greyish blue eyes, arguably my best physical feature
yes we can go to bars and get drunk together, greatest ally

I honestly would if I knew you, probably.

>3 tourist for every Icelander
Is this for real? Three times Iceland's population? Is there something special happening there right now or is this normal at any given time?

Do icelandic girls (and feminine boys) love the brown cock as well as swedes and norwegians?

old chevy van, Volvo 240, couple old malibus and a J60 cruiser
Just finished Dark Souls 3 recently, and before that I played through Bloodborne. They've definitely been among my top games that I've played lately.
Hmm so much good stuff to choose from, I don't think I have any top anime, I've seen a lot of good ones. The last animu movie I saw was Mary and the witch's flower, I recommend it if you like animated movies.

Show men your Icelandic feet

favorite bb weapon?

Are Icelandic women big? Not fat, just big hardy gals?

>Just finished Dark Souls 3 recently
Really great and challenging game, but why can't I beat the Twin Princes?

What do you think about shadows die twice?

I hope so.

I mostly used Ludwigs holy blade but I wouldn't call it a favourite, I liked it mostly for the damage, especially with the blood gems it has. I plan on using a Rakuyo in my next playthrough
some are big, some are small. There's no overwhelming majority of either, just a nice mix I guess
It looks great, I'm pretty excited for it. FromSoftware's strong point is making standalone/first in a series games so I'm very hopeful
tuborg og brennivín

Try the church pick as well.

how many of your cousins have you fucked already?

I'm interested to see what Déraciné is.

What what is?

Are you european or american?

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Miyazaki's side project.

oh wow, didn't even know of it
looks interesting, but I don't want to invest in a vr set for one game though
will it impress the doll qt?
none, but fucking is better than hacking each other to death anyways

Doesn't cousin fucking happen a lot in rural Mexico, too? I mean I'm not even talking shit here, it just seems only natural.

gislason desu...

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How do I learn your beautiful language?

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Learn another Nordic language first, I would think.

How does it feel to be inbred? Also, do you use that app you guys have before sex to see if you’re related? Or is the damage already done

>mehmet saying someone else is inbred

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please be in mosfellsbær

please ban circumcision

>wanting to learn a meme language
from what i know the online material is scarce, and i doubt you'd get even close to fluent in it since that requires exposure to the language.
close enough ;))

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Am I even close?

Come on mohammed, post your eyes.

I'm white and have brown eyes.

Most of the population lives on out tectonic plate and we almost bought Iceland from Denmark back in the day.
I'm saying they're ours

Then you’re a mutt not white..

I wish I could be a member of the Icelandic master race,

kirkebykloster, you were very close

>we almost bought Iceland from Denmark back in the day.
I'm glad we didn't. Can you imagine how gay it would be now?

Do people speak Danish in Iceland or do they not care enough to learn it?

Are you cut or uncut?

everyone has to learn it at school, but no one puts in the effort to actually do that
the only icelanders i've met who speak it are the ones who have actually lived over there


>none, but fucking is better than hacking each other to death anyways
said the nordic

by the way, I moving to iceland next year hope we can meet and have a drink

What a stupid question. Only kikes and slimes are cut in Iceland.

hvað finnst þér um Halldór Laxness?

islendinger som studerer lingvistikk (málfræði) mestrer som regel dansk veldig godt, og de som har særlige forbindelser til Skandinavia men de aller fleste andre i landet bruker nesten aldri dansk til noe som helst.

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Is OP kill?

no im still here
Ég las eina bók eftir Laxness fyrir löngu síðan, hún var mökk leiðinleg. En ég virði hann, enda eini nóbelsverðlaunahafi Íslands.
that's just a dumb meme that the retarded media pushes as reality, it's just a ancestry website that's been around forever

Did you ever doublecheck those you've slept with in that site?

>Ég las eina bók eftir Laxness fyrir löngu síðan
sjálfstætt fólk?

Have you lived in Iceland before?

n-no... I've never lived outside Norway...

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are you the gay one or the short 5'4 one?

Where'd you pick up the language?

Do you like picross?

Íslandsklukkan. Ég las hana hinsvegar fyrir að 10+ árum þegar ég var í grunnskóla, kannski ef ég læsi hana aftur núna myndi skoðun mín á henni breytast.
Þú skrifar góða íslensku! Ertu að undirbúa þig fyrir Noreg undir íslenskri stjórn?
Neither, I'm not gay and not a turbomanlet

are you the anime watching Icelander?

He literally said early in the thread that he watches anime.

leave me alone

Dont argue senpai

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Why spread misinformation such as that?

Iceland would probably not exist anymore due to intermixture.

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Have you ever met the veterans of the cod wars?
Did they tell stories?

i'm sorry :(

Because Icelanders do such a good job of tracing their family histories, Stefánsson and his colleagues at Decode, the genetics firm he founded, have a rich trove of data for experiments. So far, he’s discovered how specific genetic mutations affect a person's chances of having everything from Alzheimer’s to blond hair. He’s identified a certain cancer-causing mutation that’s much more common in Iceland than in America, and he's uncovered a genetic component to longevity. Most recently, he and many co-authors found that a certain mutation introduced in Iceland in the 15th century is the primary driver of Icelanders’ risk of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a disease in which the heart muscles thicken.

Part of the key to deCODE's success (in a scientific sense, not a financial one) is the relatively inbred nature of the Icelandic people. This results in greater genetic homogeneity and stronger linkage between neighbouring genetic variants, making it easier to spot the signals of association with disease

that's a very vague label, it's like if you were known as the american with hands or something
unfortunately no, but they are national heros and an eternal friend of the cod. Anyone who stands up to *Nglo scum like they did deserves to be immortalized in Icelandic historybooks

wow I love iceland now
how would you pronounce rauðrblade?

that's not even icelandic

I know it's from a game, just answer my question nigga

The ð character like the th in "the" or "breathe". As opposed to þ which is the softer th without throat vibration, like in "thick" or "three".