1- your country

1- your country
2- i can't sleep, tell me how was your day/how is it going


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Everything is going to be alright, user. Everyone has tough days. Mine was alright though, thanks for asking.
What did you have for dinner?

1. flag
2. I am studying for my final exam (which is tomorrow) while I shitpost on Jow Forums. I haven't eaten something decent in the whole day.

Nice to hear your day was nice user, i ate fish with salad, now it's 1:15am, i should be sleeping but i can't

but tomorrow is sunday... why haven't you eaten something decent? too lazy or not enough money?

que estudias?
did you poo in the loo today?
why does it matter? tomorrow is saturday anyway

Tomorrow is Saturday, I wish that tomorrow was Sunday. I couldn't eat something decent because I was studying the whole day.

Ingeniería Industrial

Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
Yes, taking a poo in the loo rn. How about you? Discovered the bidet yet?

do you have to take thermodynamics courses? must be a bitch

Nice career, in which year are you?

Not really, spend time on youtube and maybe walk without reason for hours, what about you?

que materia rendis?

Not much either. Had to go for a blood test but I'm hungry as fuck now, I'll get it done on Sunday I guess.
I have to revise some German as well.
Are you a student or in a gig?


Except Argentina can’t be simios because they’re white

I'm a neet (not for much), what is the blood test for? any sexual disease?

where in india are you from?

I'm sad because I left a crazy girl who just used me for money, but she also filled the void of loneliness. I just see so many beautiful friendships, and I have nothing. I'm socially behind everyone else in their 20s cause I spend all my time studying

how does it feels to live in a country with over a billion people?

i can't even imagine that number of people.

Why would an Indian study German Im genuinely curious? You have like 20 different langages plus some other languages like Chinese or French could be more useful for you no?

Nah, it's for my liver. I have mild jaundice atm (faint-yellow tinted eyeballs and skin)
New Delhi. Why do you ask, fren?

Por qué no puedes dormer? ¿Estás estresado?

>do you have to take thermodynamics courses?
Yep. But I take these on my third year, I'm still on the first year.

As I said before I'm on my first year, and I just turned 18. As soon I ended school I ended up in college.
So I'm still taking generals, I got pretty high grades this whole semester in pretty much all my courses except in one.

Ahora estoy todavía en generales. Y el curso para que estoy estudiando es fundamentos de Ingeniería Industrial.
He sacado muy buenas notas en mis exámenes y trabajos individuales, pero no se puede decir lo mismo de los grupales, así que debe tratar de salvar mi nota con este examen.

I'm sorry user. I wish that things go better for you.


Very fucking busy.

I met several Indians in college. Punjabis, Gujuratis, Tamils, and a guy from Andhra Pradesh. Don't know of anyone from New Delhi

> fundamentos de Ingeniería Industrial

ah tranqui, despues se complica cuando arrancas con analisis matematico, termodinamica y algunas otras.

My days have been pretty good lately and i’m starting to feel a lot happier. Today I got a hair cut from my barber whom I can never get in contact with because he’s always in Miami or Puerto Rico, bought a new pair of shoes and planted a few pea seeds in a home-made pot I made out of an used strawberries tin and tupperware.

I’m about to read for 15 minutes and go to bed but im procrastinating by browsing Jow Forums.

1. Québec
2. Cool. I worked for the first time as a waiter (or server? idk the difference) at my job. I had a family from Colombia who barely spoke English or French so I practiced my Spanish a bit.

Now i am gonna go smoke some kush, listen to music and hit the sack.

¿Tienes escuelas que dan el curso de ingeniería biomédica en tu escuela? ¿Y también puedes decirme cuál es tu escuela? Voy a empiezar este curso en Polytechnique Montreal en septiembre, pero pienso que en el primer año muchos cursos de ingeniería tienen los mismos cursos de matemática, física y otro.

It sucks. As I said, I live Delhi and it's the capital city so there's a metric fuckton of people. I have to take the metro and it's packed like sardines, and people stink like fishes too because it's really warm and humid outside (35-45 celcius). I'm emigrating in August tho, waiting for the visa thing.
I know, I speak Hindi, English and very little German and Russian. My endgoal is to be proficient in atleast 4-5 languages. Indian regional languages ehhh, there's no point in learning them because Although we have like 20 something languages (and each state/province uses their mother tongue), every written media is in english: Packaging, directions, interfaces, sign boards, government and private service(s) forms, pretty much everything that you can read off of something is in English so I can do without learning regional ones. English is the only language that's used all across India, we're pretty shit at it though.

my sister is going to india in a few months, i think she will only see the touristic side.

My family is Punjabi (ethnically?) but we can't read the language. My parents are agnostic, we don't follow any customs or religious practices either.

Shit. I just moved out to an apartment in which I have roomies. One of them, a dyke, who I've knew for decades (I'm 24), asked If I wanted to go out to watch the WC game. I accepted and It was interesting. It was a multicultural table, with japs, chineses, germans, and others, all speaking broken portuguese. Had some fun, the waitress tried to hook up with me too, but I have a gf. However, I still have the symptoms of someone who was in a crippling depression and didn't leave his room for months. I sometimes just seem to wander off wherever I am atm...Now I'm back in my room and haven't left since I arrived. I like the loneliness.

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Gracias user. Espero que no tenga tantos trabajos grupales cuando me toque llevar esos cursos.
La universidad me hizo odiar tener que trabajar en equipo.

¿Tienes escuelas que dan el curso de ingeniería biomédica en tu escuela?
Por "escuelas" creo que te refieres a universidades. Si es así, entonces sí: La Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), y la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) enseñan Ingeniería Biomédica.

>¿Y también puedes decirme cuál es tu escuela?
Estudio en la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC).

>Voy a empiezar este curso en Polytechnique Montreal en septiembre, pero pienso que en el primer año muchos cursos de ingeniería tienen los mismos cursos de matemática, física y otro.
Por lo que he visto viendo el Plan de Estudios/Malla Curricular de la PUCP, sí toman cursos generales donde también enseñan matemáticas básicas, física, Ciencia y Filosofía.

If you can convince her, get her to visit Thailand or Vietnam instead. India is slightly comfy because everything is in English and people on the street can communicate a bit but it's super unsafe for women, especially foreign women.
There's news about raped foreign nationals every week which I'm sure is a small fraction of total number of visitors, but the harassment is very real. It's not safe for her at all especially if she's travelling alone.
Go look up news about India, the most recent trend is mobs of villagers lynching people after accusing them of being child-abductors. I read one yesterday, random peeps spotted a dad scolding her daughter in an auto, some bikers stopped him and a mob gathered and started beating him. It was confirmed that it was his daughter after the cops took him in custody and called his wife.

>Por lo que he estado viendo en el Plan de Estudios/Malla Curricular...*
Lo siento.
Also ¿Eres el user que está tratando de mejorar su español?

trabajar en equipo es malo en los primeros años, que hay mucha gente que todavia no sabe bien que hace en la universidad, pero una vez que pasas los primeros años ya todos quieren aprobar, asi que todos mas o menos colavoran con los trabajos

she have already visited thailand.
and she is going there with his boyfriend, who lived a few years in delhi, also she is brown (typical latina girl), so i bet she won't contrast much with the locals

Day just started. Yesterday however some idiot let loose his pet dog over an innocent street dog and he died in front of my gate

Delhi's alright unless you're unlucky, simply put. I hope she has a semi-decent time her, our food is the next best thing if you can't afford french food.
Could be worse. :v

My university prohibited female students to participate in exchange programs in India because of the local male's behavior. Why are indians so rapey?

yes, i love indian food.
im sure she will be allright, we don't live in a paradise neither. so we are not naive first-worlders, we know how to look after ourselves

What did you with the dog's corpse user?

Supongo. Aún así tengo miedo, he escuchado historias de horror de gente que deja la carrera justamente unos días antes de entregar el trabajo grupal.

Good for them. I don't have an answer for that. Let's just say that 90% of Indian males have never been on a date or held hands with a lady. 70% of them are kissless virgins, until they get into an arranged marriage. And pretty much everyone not from a major city/town is regressive (especially in North India), in south they're more conservative, and it's a combo of both in cities and towns. Liberals exist but liberals I know (in Delhi) are literally in liberal arts and Humanities programs. And no, they're not like American sjws.

creeme que es solo los primeros años, despues ya no es un problema.

Sounds good :)
Get some sleep user, or you'll get dark circles under your eyes. It looks worse on our brown skin.

sure, have a good day user.

Bueno ojalá que ese sea mi caso, gracias user.
Que tengas un buen día mañana.

Well well well... what a comfy thread i made.

Si, debería ser yo. Gracias por la respuesta Peruanon

No hay de que.
Tu español esta bien por lo que puedo ver, pero en general te puedo decir que estas haciendo un buen trabajo.

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