
Rufio Panman edition

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good edish

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I want to smell Emma Watson's farts.

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Is this /cum/?

frumpy looking cunt

yes but much better


found the leftypol maoist spammer

I too would like an invite, please sir.

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this is drump'f america

found this sexy lookin midget on tinder
i'm nuts over her
get it?

So reassuring this warrior is on the side of good.

Not our problem as long as the immigration policy is maintained. Additionally there's certain jobs foreigners should not be allowed to do, such as service positions (shops, restaurants etc.) If it's a job that any Brit could do, it doesn't need to be done by an immigrant.

would like to jack my lwd in the corner of the room while a black bull fucked my wife

>Not our problem
Can there be any more of a boomer attitude towards life?

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because you really give a shit about the situation in Latvia, right?

The lad you're replying to is right. High IQ non white immigration is worse than shipping in anyone that shows up as muh refugee.


THANK YOU POLICE OFFICERS FOR CLEANING UP OUR STREETS! These anti-american, pro-illegal immigrant protestors are destroying our country.

watching Mississippi burning
rooting for the so called racists

why didnt americans get rid of the blacks when they had the chance with abraham lincoln LOL

Because it leads to gentrification instead of ghettoisation, not sure that's a real word.

WANT her as my gf.

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Brazil, Jews and Yanks all races that have good looking women and CHUD looking lads.

Immigration in general is terrible. Both have their downsides. One displaces working class whites, the other displaces middle to upper middle class whites.

Stop the source of it which is Jews and their carefully selected useful idiots. It's really that simple. Oh, and do it unmercifully. We have to retrain the common white imbecile, of which we have an overabundance of in modern times, to be more skeptical and to take action.


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very true

Shan't argue lad.

That can be managed with quotas and priority to natives. No policy is ever going to be straight forward whether it's open borders, 0 immigration or something in the middle. You'll be able to pick holes in any policy if it doesn't align with your ideals.


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Alri thailad. So I met this so-called proto girlfriend yesterday who is a good 10cm taller than me. Girl is ridiculous 182cm for like 48kg and the weird thing is we like each other and we look kinda hot together (me being built like a Berber buffalo and this giant skinny babe in my arm) and she's very sweet. Don't know what to do. Want to settle. Tired of dealing with proto girlfriend bullshit. Going to hua hin to set my ideas straight now.

IQ of a racehorse but I bet she fucks like one too.

Yes but if you're on left, the whole point of immigration is to degrade and impoverish the host nation to the point they revolt against the state.

why did the jews kill christ lads? it wasn't very nice


he is here

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A wild Alan appears

they love war


might shoot a nigger

things ain't been the same since the jews walked into town

this came in yesterday
time to take my stand

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But what about cruelty as an expression of hilarity?

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I want to have sex with her.

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alri, best of luck with that. I notice you're focusing on aesthetics a lot, which is important don't get me wrong but my experience with Thai girls is finding that interesting, intelligent, good personality is the real goal, beauty is not really a challenge. Love Hua Hin, have a nice time.

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dem trips
tell you what his truth about Sweden all 3 hours of it
depressing af

why is some lad on the bog in front of post apocalypse new york

business idea: gassing the kikes but actually finishing the job

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>tell you what his truth about Sweden all 3 hours of it
>depressing af
explain what you mean by this

god i fucking hate pommy soccer runts

would heem every single one of those underclass mongs

smart frogposter

this is what politics does to stupid people

ill fund it

okay well I listened to it and I hated it. I mean, not the presentation but the state of the subject matter.

There should be a few exceptions. The potential gf is Jewish and she's nothing like the stereotypes (except the nose).


fuck these lefty mongs

> I notice you're focusing on aesthetics a lot, which is important don't get me wrong but my experience with Thai girls is finding that interesting, intelligent, good personality is the real goal, beauty is not really a challenge.
Yes ten times yes. That's because of my piano background where girls are thought of in terms of looks primarily. I realized recently that it's fucked up. You're a wise lad. Have a great weekend too my lad.

Americans are /Brit/ now? Do I get to make the grandparents on my father’s side proud?

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oi alan do a stream

cheers lad

Who's Robert

>letting women and non whites vote
who dropped the ball here lads?

i hate this frogposter


Always us mate

you started it

Only a half day in the toil mines today after working 49 hours this week

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*sniffs heavily*

Oh Emma it smells magnificent!

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I think 50+ hours a week is not good for you mentally. Physically it might be fine but I think the brain needs family and friends and the touch of a woman. Being around the kids, etc.


Britain, France, and the United States should have allied with Hitler during World War 2

Theory: this is all some weird experiment, /brit/ posters are all cloned neanderthals raised in separate modern environments to see how well we’d do in comparison to the average human

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peng division

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Anyone have any distorted pics of Alan?

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oi thailad do a stream

fucking hell it’s so hot

the KKK is based


unfathomable just how many illegal immigrants currently reside in the US

"officially" (there's no real record) it's at least 10 million but it's probably more like 30 - 50m.

more people than Australia / Canada

>fucking hell it’s so hot
it is nothing to what happens here

its over for us famalamadingdong

Non-whites are subhuman creatures who take up valuable space and resources that could be used to grow the white race.

I'll be leaving soon lad, i'll figure out why the video was flickering last time sometime soon though then I'll be ready for next time. Also a reminder you or anyone else can do it, it doesn't need to be me. Just go to youtube > upload > live stream > paste the link

Nah fuck that shit. Let's talk about the most beautiful girl who ever lived instead.

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she's rancid and overrated

only adored by virgin freaks such as yourself

have an average willy but I like being told it’s small. if a girl called it big it would make me soft because that is the opposite of what I like it to be called.

Any al(ck)ohlic man in?

but you're the thaiest lad in thailand!

he will come back to his home country soon

the kikes did a serious number on our country

watched a BBC doc on Marx yesterday. They painted him a much maligned genius. Underplayed his leeching from his wife and Engles. Said when he knocked up his maid, not his greatest moment. Didn't mention he kicked her out. Poor lad was inconsolable when his son died.

I wish I was based and redpilled

you'll always be bluepilled and uninformed