Good morning
Good morning
Good morning and fuck krauts
Waht's wrong with you, Giusikibey?
Kys subhuman i am greek
a greek calling a german subhuman? what dimension is this
So, is this going to be a new trend on Jow Forums?
Shut it snow nigger
t. filthy kike
wash your mouth with bleach before speaking about Greece, you albino baboon
Let's shake hands and be friends.
You and Scatmany should pay war reparations first
>Demanding reparations
oh im laffin
laugh more then go read a history book, we won both world wars
I'll be looking out for the barcode to buy more German products from now on.
German products are quality products; unless you make something better there's no way you'll get me to ditch German.
China makes the same products at a fraction of the money
>World War II Italy
>According to the Paris Peace Treaties, 1947, Italy agreed to pay reparations of about US$125 million to Yugoslavia, US$105 million to Greece, US$100 million to the Soviet Union, US$25 million to Ethiopia, and US$5 million to Albania.
Acting as if your friends with Russia and Greece, telling others to pay reparations and still shitting on Albanians after what you've done to them?
Are you going to make this thread every single day for the rest of your life?
so we paid ur debts what about you? What about you pay us war reparations for both world wars?
>Germany has to pay reparations to Italy even if they allied with them and then betrayed them
Fuck off Waluigi or I will smack you again.
even assuming what you say its true (it isn't), g*rmany should pay reparations for the several crimes against humanity they committed in italy
It is and you are a traitorous nation at heart that should always be punished.
t. Otto in vacation at Mykonos
>What about you pay us war reparations for both world wars?
>g*rmany should pay reparations for the several crimes against humanity they committed in italy
That's bullshit.
I've bought some really crappy German shoes.
They weren't crappy; the acidic stank from you're unwashed feet is what ruined them.
Also, what stuff does Bulgaria produce?
We export sunflower seeds.
We're the 3rd biggest exporter in the world.
That's right, buy barese products (cinghiali) instead
>over 70 years later
>Poland demands **$1 trillion**
You're absolutely retarted if you think that you'll ever get (or deserve!) that.
Besides you're already receiving more than enough from the EU (read: mostly us).
>"German" quality products
This meme will die in a decade.
There is no quality products made in Germany, especially not for normal consumers anymore.
The car meme has been finally debunked lately.
Germany quality meme is dying slowly, for the better.
>foreigner living in and profiting from Germany
>shits on his host country
people like you are disgusting
All foreigners do that, only the ubercucks don't fall into that pattern.
29 September – 5 October 1944, Marzabotto massacre (Marzabotto, Emilia-Romagna; between 770 and 1,830 civilians killed)
12 August 1944, Sant'Anna di Stazzema massacre (Sant'Anna di Stazzema, Tuscany; 560 people, including children)
29 June 1944, Civitella-Cornia-San Pancrazio massacre (Abruzzo; 203 people, including children)
Ardeatine massacre (Rome, Lazio; 335 prisoners executed)
Boves massacre (Cuneo, Piedmont; 189 civilians and partisans killed in two separate massacres)[27]
Padule Fucecchio massacre (Fucecchio, Tuscany; 176 civilians killed on 23 August 1944)[28]
Cavriglia-Castelnuovo dei Sabbioni massacre (Tuscany; 173 civilians killed on 4 July 1944)[28]
Vinca massacre (Fivizzano, Tuscany; between 160[29] and 178[30] civilians executed on 24 August 1944)
Fosse del Frigido massacre (Massa, Tuscany; 146-149 prisoners murdered on 10 September 1944)[30]
Pietransieri massacre (Roccaraso, Abruzzo; 128 civilians killed on 21 November 1943)[31]
Stia massacre (Stia, Tuscany; 122 civilians killed between 12 and 15 April 1944)[29]
San Terenzo Monti massacre (Fivizzano, Tuscany; 110 civilians and 52 political prisoners killed on 21 August 1944)[29]
Valla massacre (Fivizzano, Tuscany; 103 civilians killed on 19 August 1944)[30]
Serra di Ronchidoso massacre (Gaggio Montano, Emilia-Romagna; over 100 civilians killed on 28–29 September 1944)[28]
Three men executed by public hanging in a street of Rimini, 1944
Verghereto massacre (Verghereto, Emilia-Romagna; 96 civilians killed between 22 and 25 July 1944)[28]
Massacre of Monchio, Susano and Costrignano (Palagano, Emilia-Romagna; between 79[29] and 136 civilians killed on 18 March 1944)
Leonessa and Cumulata massacre (Leonessa, Lazio; 51 civilians killed between 2 and 7 April 1944)
Cumiana massacre (Cumiana, Piedmont; 51 civilians killed on 3 April 1944)
Tavolicci massacre (Verghereto, Emilia-Romagna; 64 civilians killed on 22 July 1944)
Forno massacre (Massa, Tuscany; 72 civilians killed on 13 June 1944)
Gubbio mssacre (Gubbio, Umbria; 40 civilians executed on 22 June 1944)[29]
Valdine massacre (Fivizzano, Tuscany; 52 hostages executed in August 1944)[29]
Casaglia massacre (Marzabotto, Emilia-Romagna; 42 civilians killed on 29 September 1944)[29]
Bergiola Foscalina (it) massacre in Carrara (Carrara, Tuscany; 72 civilians killed on 16 September 1944)[28]
Madonna dell'Albero massacre (Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna; 56 civilians killed on 27 November 1944)
"La Romagna" massacre (Molina di Quosa, San Giuliano Terme, Tuscany; 75 civilians killed on 11 August 1944)[28]
San Polo di Arezzo massacre (Arezzo, Tuscany; 65 civilians killed on 14 July 1944)[28]
Certosa di Farneta massacre (Lucca, Tuscany; 60 civilians killed between 2 and 10 September 1944)[28]
Guardistallo massacre (Guardistallo, Tuscany; 46 civilians killed on 29 June 1944)[28]
Massaciuccoli-Massarosa massacre (Massaciuccoli, Massarosa, Tuscany; 41 civilians killed between 2 and 5 September 1944)[28]
Fossoli-Carpi massacre (Carpi, Emilia-Romagna; 67 civilians killed on 12 July 1944)[28]
Turchino Pass massacre (Fontanafredda, Liguria; 59 civilians executed on 19 May 1944)[30]
Pedescala massacre (Valdastico, Veneto; 82 civilians killed between 30 April and 2 May 1945)[30]
It has always been a trend to hate on us here.
Probably a Brit living in Italy
based. fuck Germany
I wonder why
in case you're being serious, the perpetrators and the victims have to make that out in court, not the entire German and Italian nation
g*rman soldiers working for g*rman government
I threw out my Siemens electric kettle after I learned they had used slave labour in Auschwitz. Please rate.
Italian cucks remember what happened in the Forrests of Teutoburg. Also pay reparations for killing Jesus.
I'm going to buy german products today at the Aldi.
based based based based BASED BASED BASED BASED B A S E D !!!!!!!
most of the Aldi stuff is made in Poland
but for what reason
and this, for istance
>German products are quality products
The ones they make for themselves, yes
The ones they send to eastern european shitholes such as yours or mine are second rate trash
you're small time
i blame the poles, not the friendly germs
This but unironially
t. 3/64 g*rman
I like the krauts. It's not their fault their government is cucked beyond belief.
what germs do now?
Each day people eat quality German supermarket food :^)
Enjoy getting poisoned.