How are Afghans and the Soviet Afghan war viewed in your country ?

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Barely anyone knows about it

He looks really cool

Like a pointless fuck up that made shitton of NATO weapon and terrorists spread all over the middle east
Shoul've nuked them

am afghan AMA

Agents of imperialism and American stooges

why are you in Finland ?

South Asia not the middle east

Al quaeda operated all over the middle east

because he is a highly educated person who had his pick of the litter on the country to go to and decided that he would positively benefit the most toward finnish society like the rest of your sandnigger tribesmen that come to europe.

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The US State Department was out for revenge from Vietnam.

>if vodka niggers can arm the NVA, so fuck it, we'll arm the Mujahadeen and give you your own medicine back.

we like afghans

can I ask why?

Isn`t it ironic that those "freedumz fighters" are "ebul terrorizdz" nowadays? Karma is such a bitch.

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terrorists around the globe armed with AKs and other soviet weapons and gear. yanks and french only supported churkas with MANPADS and ATGMs

No one gives a shit here usually, despite we had a couple of anti-communist mercenaries fighting there.

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Communist Afghanistan was best Afghanistan

based trip episode

I honestly don't even know what the soviet goal or excuse was.

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Afghans: Islamic terrorists living on a backwards islamic shithole
Soviet afghan war: no one cares/knows

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I don't think most people here know about it. people barely talked about afghanistan at all until the world trade center attack and the subsequent american military intervention.

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People who know take it as example for the terrible USA foreign policies.