Origami Network


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oh no
im only up 2x from 2 days ago instead of 3x
how will i ever cope

Was fun while it lasted. RIP ORI 2018-2018

I'm only up 5x instead of 8x, damn

if only we bought eos or link
then we could biz special
feels bad

Have fun going back to .0003 if you're up in profit, get out. This piece of shit isn't going to $5

Nice fud

I bought this at 1.50 is it really going to keep dumping holy shit I'm unironically not upset that SEC wants to regulate this shit

Not fud. Truth. Fucking website looks like it's from 2007. You may see another pump to $2 but that's it before it slowly dies.

cucked by idex, no one seems to be able to buy it lol.

next x10 is NBAI :D

gas yourself
stop expecting the government to hold your hand
life is not fair
and most importantly
kys for thinking that

>kys gas yourself for not being a pump n' dumper
I see you are basically agreeing that crypto is an overvalued scam, and literally gambling

No, he's saying you're a dipshit for thinking this was just going to multiply your money, and now that it hasn't, you want someone to come in a protect you. Sounds preddy gay to me.

you are getting angry because i bought low and sold high
think about that

You bought a high risk investment and lost money and your response is to believe the government should ban high risk investing.
Fuck you its not my problem you are dumb.

I'm acknowledging that crypto is a scam for making money out of thin air, with the only benefactors being poopsock faggot neets like him and yourself.
>Fuck the government and the FED they are evil! Crypto is da future! Much freedoms!
>90% of crypto is legit scam pnd
>sperg if it is pointed out

who else sold for NBAI?

Who are you quoting?

Idgaf if you think it is somehow sensible for a bunch of anonymous faggots to have an endless stream of scammy shit to pump and dump with no regulation, it won't last and that has nothing to do with me, sperg

So comfy. Inb4 the real fomo starts

those are massive, potentially world changing projects. this is a shitty generic pnd token

you have to be 12 and you lost your lunch money on this
this is the only thing i can think of
you cant be this retarded unless you are 12

I only contributed one ETH to the presale and own more than 0.1% of the total supply.

lol you mongs will fomo back into this. Might not be this week or the next, but you will.
you always do.

It's a 4M cap, just hit CMC, shilled by only one low-tier Youtuber. Just relax, and wait a week. You'll see. ;)

Someone is trying to make this look cheaper than it is to accumulate. I'm in on this since presale and have serious high hopes for it.

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Works a treat too, look at all the tards writing it off because it dumped a bit.
Works in reverse too.

I have 25k of these...did I did good user?

Let it dip a bit so we can accumulate
Who gives a fuck about biz shilling or fudding

So I may get in to this. I wont do any research, its not needed, my only question is when will it get to a real exchange?

>i may get this
no one gives a shit. do your own research faggot.

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You own over 2% of the total supply. You are officially a whale.

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Any plan for when you're going to sell? So I don't actually get dumped on...


Wow, that's insane.
Holding long and slowly going to accumulate for the next few months. No worries user.

That last pump was literally biz buying and biz selling. If you think that price action was the banks that are invested then your fucked. And if you think the banks that are invested are that fucked to invest without certainty then you are lleternally fucked.
-all in 24k link stack

No he doesn't, 25k would give him about 0.5% of the supply. I have 10k and I own a bit over 0.2% and I'm accumulating more. If any of you think this pump is over at $4m market cap you're genuinely retarded