I mean he doesn't look that bad

I mean he doesn't look that bad
>good jaw
>clear skin
>good eyes
The only problems I see are that his chin is a bit weak and his forehead is big

Attached: images.jpg (332x443, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>those eyes
>those lips
>that chin
>no eyebrows
>receding hairline
>tiny frame
>probably a manlet as well
it's over

Stop if chang, you're ugly ad hell

who is "he"?

His eyes are fucking terrible

It's the overall facial symmetry that is off. Everything looks weird. On top of that he can't grow any facial hair and he most likely is a very short person. He is also mentally ill

>Negative canthal tilt

Now that I think about it he does have a receding hairline and droopy eyes, he has a good jaw and clear skin atleast. Wouldn't say over tier

it is
he is a 2/10 at best

Attached: 2MstAzl.gif (983x622, 49K)

Tenda Spencer aka Eurasian Tiger archive.is/7ItlD I think