Is there a nation which you wish goes into political and economic ruin?

Which could benefit the entire world.

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No, political ruin ends up hurting everyone and causing the rise of extremist militants which cause a lot of problems.
I want as much stability as possible, everywhere, so people can stop worrying about dumb shit like wars and religion and start fixing the real problems like sanitation, environment, sustainable energy etc.

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USA, Japan, China, Russia.

fortunately my nigga Based Trump is working to undermine it at this very moment

Argentina too


Political and economic ruin of the middle East for example is objectively the best thing one could hope for. It would be even greater if Europe grew a spine and blocked their refugees. Europe letting them in so far has been the only negative.

Absolutely, I totally forgot about this shithole.

Russia is already in political and economic ruin. They're almost always in that state.