What are some languages that sound like literal caveman speech?
What are some languages that sound like literal caveman speech?
Danish and southern swedish
Like the kid here: youtu.be
Haitian Creole
hebrew sounds pretty dumb, like someone punches you in the face while you speak
n-no offense ...
Every African language
you tell me
Doesn't bix nood actually mean something in somali?
kek I already knew about Somali
Thai and american.
>southern swedish
t. Cuckholmer
Scanian dialect =/= Southern Swedish
I'm from småland.
Is å pronounced like o in Swedish?
Like the o in hot but shorter
All East Asian languages are caveman-tier grammar-wise
More or less
Isn't that just for the short version
So am I. Smålandian dialect doesn't sound cavemanny at all.
No, it's pronounced as A and O at the same time. That's what the the grapheme Å (A with an O on it) represents.
Å, like all other wovels, come in many variants. Long, short, open, closed, etc. There is no one single pronunciation. But even so, the 'oo' in 'poor' makes for a more accurate "general guide".
I've heard Russian translates to stuff like "I hunger"
>the 'oo' in 'poor'
That's helpful, thanks. And ö is kinda like the i in bird, right?
>And ö is kinda like the i in bird, right?
If you are going for the open vowel, then it's pretty close, yes. Ö is quite prominent as a closed vowel however, so do not rely on only the open vowel sound.
As a shorthand, Ö is O and E at the same time. Different graphemes exist, such as the Latin Œ as well as the "slashed O" (pic related, this can't be posted on Jow Forums for some reason) which both represent the sound of O and E merged. But you still have to respect wovel lengths and such.
For example
Are all pronounced differently when it comes to the Ö, but it is still clearly an Ö-sound in each occurrence.
>Yumuz dumuz sikim sikim dlumli guzul
Hebrew is actually quite aesthetic
dumm, ronny?
That absolute totaly trüth. I and frends hunger eweryday. But truthn't that rassia sound caveman. Lie.
lol, yeah some Pole told me that Russian is Grug speak
What really is aesthetic is Georgian in all its pre-Indo-European glory, you guys seriously have a pretty amazing language
გაიხარე :3
>uga buga
>From the library
That's some kind of elaborate joke, right?
The worst sounding language I've ever heard by FAR was that Muslim Russian one. Chechen I think. Sounds like UrururluruooogurooogrrrruUUUOOOOOO
Itailan, it sounds like a mix of African tribal languages (whitles and ooga booga) with Arabic accent and intonation.
It's the brownest language known to man, if orcs from Mordor spoke arabic, it would sound something like Italian.
Turkish looks like the black speech of Mordor
Arabic by far
Every Indo European language desu
chechen. its like hearing orcs from skyrim
Russian. Arabic. Mandarin.
>says "Portuguese"
>kike flag
It's like you don't speak a goblin dialect with an alien alph...I mean, abjab.
Fuck you kike.
Hebrew, Mandarin
Hungarian, Romanian and Albanian.
Caucasian languages
is there a language that is analytic (no conjugations), with no articles and no subjunctive?
chechens told me that ramzan speaks chechen in a weird way and it sounds different normally