mexicans are BASED
Is there some point you're trying to make?
ey ese... el based civic nationalism is the way to go pinche vato cabron
besides, even thought there are like 120million mexicans in america, the problemsa are those PINCHES centro americans wey... we good we white bro trust me ese
I already made a point, look
Why is always Chile?
Trump doesn't know the difference between a Mexican and a Central American.
Latinos were counted as white in the first image
It is not important to me to have a racial/ethnic safe space.
This would make the image make a lot more sense.
>see Texas
Goddamn Texas is literally not Texas anymore. Feels bad.
>america used to be white
It doesn't take long for a civilization to be replaced.
Why do Latinos in Latin America hate Latinos in America?
that wasn't his point
Not true, and even I know this and I'm not American.
Texas was Mexican first, ese.
Wanna help me out then Klaus?
mostly the "latinx" bullshit and their racial obsession
that's beside the point
It strikes me that the region with the least non-whites like New England are super progressive and anti-racism
While the region with the most non-whites like American south are more racist and right wing
>quality of life keeps going down
>crime keeps going up
>life expectancy is down too
>middle class is dying
>poor people are even more poor
>whites get beaten and killed and nobody gives 2 shits
Fuck is it going to be fun to see America in the future. They're going South Africa, but slower due to its size. I think balkanization is the next step.
Just as important as the difference between t*rks and k*rds
jokes on you it will happen to europe too. africans, chinese, and indians are destined to inherit the earth
To trump you are just a mexico like the others, tio Tomas.
The land but not its soul!
Tell him that. I understand.
Because they LARP as their parents' nationalities and like to speak on behalf of "their people" despite not speaking their language and not sharing any cultural links with them. I think I speak for everyone in LatAm when I say that we see our diasporas in the USA as Americans of (insert LatAm nationality)-descent.
whiter than chile
But not as white as Argentina amirite?
maybe you shouldn't speak for everyone, then
Also this ------->
We have the "native to the land" here so we got a defence. Shit is already tense here and we're not even close to your levels.
Who cares?
doesn't matter, global warming and aging demographics will ensure movement of people into european lands. it'll happen slower in europe for the reason you listed, but it will still happen
Crime rate in America is lower than it was 30 years ago
Look up the 1940 census
What did they mean by this?
Texas is rightful Mexican clay, you pathetic leaf. Kill yourself.
Can California fuck off already?
Good thing I am moving to Europe then
Only if they take Washington and Oregon with them. WAfag reporting
This map proves that USA is not for white people anymore.
We're going Fortress Europa in the next years. Even the fucking EU is scared of people getting edgier.
No pls
Is this your subtle sneaky way of inviting yourself over?
>minorities percentage increases
>US hegemony decreases
nope, no correlation at all
Based and redpilled.
Europe will be Brown and there's nothing you can do to stop it
>Not sensing the tensions in the air
France will be one of the first areas, so you'll participate.
t. Alberto Barbosa
you're mentally retarded if you think that
t. Alberto Barbosa
I am not going to portugal dont worry, i was planning somewhere up north like switzerland, germany, scotland , norway etc
Yeah good luck faggot. That might be the hardest euro cunt to get into.
t. norgeboo
Hispanics (any race) have a higher life expectancy than non-hispanics (any race)
Got some sauce to go on that pasta?
People that speak Spanish at home have a higher life expectancy than people that don't speak Spanish at home.
Even if I learn the language? I will have a PhD by the time I move so I think I could get into some skilled worker job
The present is literally proving my point though. I don't even need to argue with you.
All countries in Europe are hard as fuck to get into, and will only get worse. If you plan on doing it, do it as fast as you can. Doctorate won't help you.
Yeah right LMAO
Yeah a PhD and the language would probably do it t b h. I've studied it a bit on duolingo and found it very intuitive. Lots of similarities with English.
>Northen portugal
Huh, never would have thought
I would, it's the best area of the country.
Scary looking, aggressive, probably a bully
Colorful, happy, probably an anti-bully ranger
It's not that hard to beat the most populated spots
Based and redpilled
The North is highly populated user, where are you from ?
>colorful, happy
ha ha, just like brazil
Brazil is a society dominated by a white minority, not even joking.
Fernão Ferro
[spoiler] No i'm not 80 [/spoiler]
I've only been to the north once so sorry for assuming shit i don't know
>Living near Lisbon
>beta virgem
Everything seems to be in order, is a hero my only option?
No. Work with us Northerners and destroy Lisbon from within.
>is a hero my only option?
an hero
Youd also have to give up your American citizenship. Which would be pretty dumb, I don't see many reasons for choosing Norway over America if you're well educated and so on.
>I don't see many reasons for choosing Norway over America if you're well educated and so on.
Less niggers and spics in Norway, I imagine
Isn't Seattle relatively white in American terms? Washington is a nice state.
According to 2010 census it was 69% non-Hispanic white. I suppose cor a city that's alright but if you hate minorities the best thing to do is just move north-east.
I like the way that sounds
Two heros
I live in Seattle dude. It's got a lot of Asians and Hispanics. Not so many blacks, but they exist. I don't care about that though.
Good job user. You will be bleached to look more like us and will be given an honorary Minhoto statue.
the cancer is malignant. it's all downhill from here. there's no stopping the brown tide
>white genetics
I don't know user. Things are already tense as they are in Western World. Migration is the number one topic in every single Western country, even in fucking Portugal.
The future is unpredictable. Nobody expected a US as superpower by the 20th century. Nobody expected a commie Russia and a Nazi Germany.
Blah, blah, blah
all the far right parties are cucked, too. every single one of them has token based niggers or muds
fucking end your life chi faggot
one of the reasons why whites have such a (relatively) low life expectancy is because redneck whites in rural areas don't always have their babies in hospitals and because of opium crisis.
I talked about commie Russia and the US and you read EVROPA NATIONALIST REBIRTH.
You people are so biased it hurts. At least READ what I wrote before replying. I talked about 3 world events, and none of the three were good for Europe.
How come yanks don't consider Mexicans white? Aren't they like 99% european ancestry, there's barely any actual natives left.
Are you really this fucking dumb?
they're half european and half native rape baby. the spanish loved indio whores and fucked them. they aren't considered white because they look like pic related mostly
Have you seen how they look. Even some Southern Iberians/Southern Italians/Greeks don't look white, and you expect mestizos to look like one? Plus they're all Mexicans mostly, our central Americans. No Argies or Ur gays or South Apezillians.
You'll never be American, Jose
If only that were true, but it isn't. Most are short, fat, brown goblins. Picture the amerimutt meme in your head. Okay that's how they actually look.
I'm southern Italian and white
kill yourself
Well if it isn't mr nafri