Faces of Jow Forums and ethnicity

Let's post our faces and describe where we're really coming from.

I'm from Auvergne from my father side and Vendée from my mother side, which is quite central/western France
Guess i'm maybe a celt

and you, what are you?

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You had one job

>I'm from Le Village du Faggotery

he sideways

I am Volga-German.

Attached: me.jpg (470x470, 25K)

I am greek

Attached: IMG_2947.png (222x222, 56K)

I look almost identical to you. Same eyes, facial hair, hair, nose, eyebrows, skin color. It's honestly like looking at my own photo.

I'm white Brazilian.

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My brother just went in Croatia for holidays, he said you guys were looking quite like us


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Sometimes I wish I was Clayton in Tarzan

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My mother is a black american from Texas and my father is a Nigerian from Lagos he says that he's family was a bunch a fisherman so that's cool I guesss

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You a metizo?

Everybody who posts their legitimate face ITT sucks big black cock in McDonald's restrooms for a hobby every night.

>sucks big black cock in McDonald's restrooms for a hobby every night
this is very specific. it's almost like what you do for a hobby.

r8 me

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i'm just a mutt

Attached: 15230667_1898149647080636_4283802782716523902_n.jpg (960x954, 56K)

Looks M

Appearance U

Stature T

Height T

recent progress pic. Is my body ok to impress normies?

Attached: july progress.jpg (4032x2268, 2.03M)

You are a future chad boyo


Australian mutt?

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