Let's legalize drugs, what's the worst that can happen... :^)

Let's legalize drugs, what's the worst that can happen... :^)


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Based Netherlands.

What can I say, but "kut"?

Anything harder than weed (coke, heroin, acid, ecstasy, meth, etc.) is still completely illegal there. There'd be no room for criminal gangs to make a profit if all drugs were fully legalised and could be purchased from legitimate establishments who would be able to provide a product which was not only much cheaper but also safer.

>drugs cut with god knows what
>varying purity and fentanyl cuts leading to more overdoses
>price is driven up which leads to more crime or doing harder shit
>worked terribly with alcohol and doesn't work with stuff like meth, coke, and heroin either
>policing what people do with their bodies
>all so that there might be a slight decrease in usage
hmm i wonder...

>a free rein
Let's stop further degenerating set expressions, yes?

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Portugal rules.


>first to legalize gay marriage
>one of the first to legalize abortion
>one of the first to legalize weed
>yet one of the richest countries in the world

Netherlands is a pretty liberal country and this might be controversial but they know what to do. I wish my shithole learns from the Netherlands.

Why? Isn't the drug war solving all your problems? I wish we had a Duterte or something.

>that false correlation
They're not successful because of degeneracy.

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Being under fire on UN's watch is never a good idea. And also
>implying drug war will solve poverty and crime of a country
If people would love to say otherwise then prove why Netherlands isn't a shithole and why Philippines is.

indeed we do

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It has nothing to do with policies enacted a few decades ago.

When i was in Portugal i never saw any drugs anywhere. When i Sweden there was drugs everywhere.

Holy shit this fucking misinformation.
>criminal gangs bring in substances that are still illegal

This is happening because they went back on legalizing soft drugs.


back when they first started the war on drugs people actually thought they could stop drug use entirely

And they still haven't realised that they can't.

"War on drugs" never happened.

It doesn't happen because people who use drugs are spoiled rotten rich kids from the first world. And the people who most die and suffer because of drugs is poor people from the third world. That's why a "war on drugs" will never happen.

America, the UK and other first world countries can only police what goes on in their own borders. We can't conduct drug wars in Mexico, Columbia, Brazil and other sovereign countries which we have no jurisdiction over. Dunno what point you're trying to make with this.

They're just enforcing laws, there is no fucking "war on drugs".

>We can't conduct drug wars in Mexico, Columbia, Brazil and other sovereign countries which we have no jurisdiction over.
You can and you have done so both legally and ilegally.

It isn't supposed to be a literal war, you autist. Enforcing the strict laws on drugs IS the drug war.

If "banning X only increases the rate of X" logic is true, then why drugs, or pedophilia, or other stuff like that is banned?

Which is a non-sense hysterical buzzword.

So are the drugs that the crime gangs are selling legal or not?

>Russian advocating for pedophilia

1. Death penalty for traffickers caught
2. Forced labour under death penalty threat for dealers
Drug problems solved

So the aforementioned logic is false?

>Death penalty for traffickers caught
what if you don't trust the authorities to be fair?

You can't compare drugs to pedophilia, unless you're saying that children are the same things as goods to be bought, sold and used.

The obvious solution here would be to regulate lower risk drugs (i.e. marijuana, mushrooms), while keeping the harder ones (heroin, meth) illegal but only punishing traffickers/producers and instead offering "punishment" to users in the form of rehabilitation and medical access.

This would of course require us to spend more on healthcare and less on prisons, though.

>unless you're saying that children are the same things as goods to be bought, sold and used.


I recall a Swedish poster saying he saw an MS13 member in his town once, and this was waaaay before Trump's callout or his campaign. What kind of gangs does Europe deal with?

>You can't compare drugs to pedophilia
I can compare everything to everything. In fact only different things should be compared because comparing two equal things is quite silly. But the question was about
> "banning X only increases the rate of X"

There's no ethical way to create child porn or provide children to have sex with. It's easy for someone to ethically produce drugs.

>There'd be no room for criminal gangs to make a profit if all drugs were fully legalised and could be purchased from legitimate establishments who would be able to provide a product which was not only much cheaper but also safer.
dumb shit
you dont know how bad it can get

This, please.

>I can compare everything to everything. In fact only different things should be compared because comparing two equal things is quite silly

You are of wisdom.

*bribes and threats the goverment forces*
Now you have an authoritarian narcostate with legal death squads.

Dutch narcos sounds cool

Just give that transaction cost money to narcos instead of having it as shit tons of tax and being able to regulate it