How many passports you lads got?

How many passports you lads got?
I have 2 - British and Irish, but my gf has Spanish, Italian and Brazilian. So by our powers combined, our kids should have 5 passports

Attached: 2018-03-23_passports.jpg (890x668, 190K)

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There is limit of how many nationalities one can get

i have brazilian passport but i could have portuguese one too since my father is portuguese, but im not interested in moving from brazil and for trips the brazilian one is ok


Attached: IMG_5686.jpg (960x720, 43K)

Found the refugee

Who says?
Get it lad, free rein in Europe is the best security you can have if shit ever goes down in Brazil
I'm mirin' hard, how'd you get them?

The law kek

Only a British one. I probably could get an Irish ones from my mother's side.

Attached: Irish migration to Great Britain.jpg (417x688, 106K)

Argentine, italian, swiss

maybe in the future, i won't spend money with that for now