Me watching europe die a slow and painful death

>Me watching europe die a slow and painful death

Attached: ExcitedPepe.jpg (540x568, 62K)

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The holocaust was fake shlomo.

Your people are parasites that need to be exterminated

The holocaust was real shlomo.

Your people are geniuses that need to be reprimanded.

Dunno if the holocaust happened shlomo

Your people are probably a mixed bag

your people are the only group that should be exterminated because of their actions as a collective

The holocaust can't be proven real nor fake.

Your people are like the average every-day man that need to be left alone to do their thing.

what did the Australians do this time?

no, they should be forced to embrace diversity. Jews ran the slave trade

Who said anything about the holocaust? why are europeans obsessed with it?

You'll be the next Rhodesia without our support. So short sighted Israel-kun.

based kiwi Jow Forums autist is among us
show some respect

because you are anti European. You hate europeans because you are inferior to them. No civilization, no culture, no homeland. Nothing xd

hehe you love us too much to give up on us senpai

>No civilization, no culture, no homeland
Errr sweaty?

kek in 20 years european will be a term for third world subhumans , i can never feel inferior.


nice joke lel 10/10

>lel 10/10
actual 15 year old memer fuck off

lel because of your people. Thats why. Feckless subhumans with no morality.

raping jews should not be a crime

Thanks i'm flattered you think we have so much power in the world that we can force europe to take immigrants

Given our demographic replacement, it might not be up to *us* soon enough.

go get cucked by maori tribsmen u retarded kiwi

who will sell you new high grade military tech than?

good jew boy, play innocent.

Fucking LIAR, shut up.

Jews are responsible for the genocide
of the White race.

>white race

israel wont exist in 10 years

We won't have any to sell you after the civil war.

I loved you Chaim, we coulda been together, think about it
You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you scream about it
I hope your conscience eats at you and you can't breathe without us


Pretty funny really. Why did europeans let europe die?

Attached: 335226319e025bf3fa046ff48f6798c1--faust-painters.jpg (538x810, 68K)

You're not gonna like this...but it's because mass immigration