I think this website messes with brown people self-esteem

i think this website messes with brown people self-esteem

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dont let this site influence you in any way


the entire internet and real life messes with my self esteem. I'm blocking most of the internet right now on my browser though. hopefully I'll be less miserable

bye, everyone

Pride is a sin. Jow Forums doing Gods work for once

Attached: 2ajom77.jpg (330x500, 32K)

lots of white nationalist from south america browse here and Jow Forums

how can brown people have self esteem
theyre brown

oh that's just how south americans think, it comes from colonial times

i think it will mess with you only if you want to "belong" and be white
if you're proud of who you are or indifferent to race stuff then it shouldn't really affect you

>be brown
>kara boga post
>banter about whties
>they chimp out and start pulling out crime stats and genetic theories
>reply with blacked.webm

yeah pretty sure brown boys are in control here.

Reality must mess with white peoples self esteem seeing all those wite women with bbc