Post the best borders of your country

Post the best borders of your country

Attached: cudzego_nie_chcemy.jpg (2460x3515, 2.58M)

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>tujega nočemo, svojega ne damo

this was a slogan in Slovenia too in the late 40s when Trieste was being contested, but a communist one


Attached: Brazilian_Empire_1828_(orthographic_projection).svg.png (2000x2000, 435K)

cuz it's fun

Slovenian-Polish friendship 4ever

but was Trst even Slavic?

all of the suburbs and surrounding villages were, but not the city itself, so we made up only 20% of the population of today's Trieste province.

Eritrea = rightful ethio land
And rip haile selassie :(

Attached: images.png (225x224, 6K)

>swego nie oddamy

Attached: top kyok.jpg (1000x562, 254K)

wow rare flag

is there anything like nationalism in Africa?

wrong map

Attached: RZECZPOSPOLITA_POLSKO-LITEWSKA_1939.jpg (2448x3406, 1.53M)

Attached: Repubblica_di_Venezia.png (1000x635, 114K)

Attached: 1617_Leo_Belgicus_Kaerius.jpg (1794x1484, 1.47M)

>but was Trst even Slavic?
Nope. The city itself never had slavic majority. NEVER.

Today even the historical slovenjan minority is outnumbered by albanians and romanians

we are a non-country

Why are Italians so butthurt about Triest, but not about Istria, Zadar or Dubrovnik?

>implying anyone would want to have one country with Lithuanians

because Trieste is larger and more splendid than any city in those regions except for Split (which is however in the middle of nowhere)

Attached: Please no bully.png (974x768, 156K)

>Slovenes got half of their country thanks to Croats and Serbs
>now they hate them both


or you could say that Trst and Celovec were sold down the river so Croats could get Istria and Dalmatia, it's all a matter of perspective

Remember that you could have ended up without Goritsa or Koper like it was before WW2.

But the more possible option would be that there would be no Slovenia at all without Yugoslavia

rude senpai
But yeah, the peace treaty with Soviets was designed by then to create as much of border disputes as possible.

we did end up without Gorica as a matter of fact and had to build a new one, only this one's smaller and full of concrete modernist dungpiles

>even discussing a possibility of Grodno or Suwałki being in Lithuania

Suvalki sounds Lithuanian so it should be in Lithuania, but Grodno sounds like solid Slavic clay, so it should not be

>Suvalki sounds Lithuanian so it should be in Lithuania

Yeah, just like Laibach sounds German, so it should be in Austria

Attached: LA_RAZON_383778_valla_melilla.jpg (668x447, 72K)

Attached: departement-france-napoleon-1812.png (2000x1556, 1.37M)

>we did end up without Gorica as a matter of fact and had to build a new one

Tito did, without him, you'd be now a small minority on the verge of extinction like Sorbs in Germany

haha good times

Attached: Europe_1812_map.png (500x329, 210K)

A few regions were still missing but instead of focusing on permanently recovering these we went full retard and fucked it all up

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retarded map


>the entirety of Spain under French control
Nice map you got there, Pierre

Because Germany occupies rightful Polish clay.

Well these areas were inhabited by Germans at the time. I could see why you would say that about the pre-Versailles map, then a lot of regions were inhabited by Polish majorities, but not here. Anyhow no reason to argue about it, the problem has been settled long ago

Attached: y65989.png (463x421, 376K)

Kuban aside, we mostly scored our territories, lacking only border on Son and some Slobozhanschyna.

Attached: Carte_de_ukraine_1919.jpg (934x593, 305K)

this is more pathetic than

Because except for Fiume/Rijeka and some istrian villages we were totally erased from the places you mentioned


If you asked any Venetian from Dubrovnik if he considered himself "Italian" he wouldn't know what to answer

No? We have most of our ethnical clay and btfo you from Galicia together with Nazis and Commies.

>We have most of our ethnical clay


Keep dreaming, lyakh. Lviv is Ukraine.

who hurt you?
this is just a fun little game
there's almost no border disputes left
no need to be upset

>Ukraine? No such thingxDDD
Polish nationalists are annoying as fuck
Nobody asked you for your shitty opinion
Go beat some niggers and feel cool about it

>all south-east conquered by the Russian Empire and was half Russian, half Ukrainian colonists and only became majority Ukrainian because of commies. Same thing with Lvov.
>our territories
You didn't score shit. And you also lacking Crimea and Donbass now, you delusional khokhol.

It's quite the same with all nationalists, though.

Taras calm down

>ukrainian ethnical clay
Your ethnical clay is central Ukraine, that's it.

fair enough
what the fuck are you talking about

soon all Lvivians will move to Poland to work

I want žydšaudžiai to leave this thread, pls.

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sort of looks like a cow

Attached: arshitina.png (590x375, 653K)

Laibach is a name that was introduced later, the first recorded medieval name is Luwigana, which sounds more like Ljubljana than not

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Poland was the most unfairly treated country in Europe. We lost all our main cities, they were either stolen by our neighbors or wiped off the Earth, even though we were a victim of the war that didn't ally with any of the totalitarian empires that time. This was the biggest crime in world history.

Germans must pay us $850 billion of reparations and our neighbors must give us our clay back.

Attached: link_JWUtUpIs2zu7vC2NDG7za81NLwHeWMsb,w1200h627.jpg (1196x2260, 1.71M)

gib Suvalkija

I don't have 850 billion at hand right now but I can give you my cock instead

We saved Europe from the red plague, Poles were the most brave nation ever yet Europe betrayed us, its savior.

Only $850 billion might let us find solace amidst the pain.

sure you don't want the d?

Only when you give us Wilno.

Can I cut it off? That's how Germans should be treated after what they did to us.

Fucking deal. Just take it already.

Attached: average Vilnietis.jpg (633x839, 118K)

why are you so intolerant?

already done it

no that would hurt

You can tolerate a toothache, but you still know to get that shit taken care of ASAP.
I'm very tolerant in this regard.
Gamers rise up

>wanting north pole little

>implying there are nationstates in Africa

Attached: ukrayina.jpg (965x622, 243K)


At this rate there will be no Ukrainians left in Ukraine and Ukraine will be ripe for Polish colonization.

Nah you have too much coastline

Just kick out the shitskins.

Attached: greater_germany.jpg (844x947, 53K)

>t. shithole getting colonized by Ukranians


What kind of projection is that? Before taking a look at the cities, I thought this was Piast Poland or something.

the best poland, is a non existing one

Sneaky shitskin.
They speak Polish or at least try to.

>calling anyone a shithole
Are you that anime-posting edgy teenager with a hatebonner for Poland?

Isn't Suwalki Lithuanian af? It's like Southeastern Lithuania when it comes to Poles.

Neum is such a fine Croatian city, give it back

>Isn't Suwalki Lithuanian af?
No one speaks Lithuanian there, you know.

I've been there a couple of times and pretty much everyone spoke Lithuanian. Or maybe it's just the countryside.

Why are you lying? Everyone speaks fucking Polish.



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