This is a half a million £ house in the UK

This is a half a million £ house in the UK

What does half a million of your country's money buy?

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that is an extremely retarded statement

price depends on a location and many other things

you fucking retard

This is in the centre of my town.

My town is poor and shit part of shit and poor city.

In the North of the country?
A good sized farm.

In the south?
I dunno, a shed or something.

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here is one for 400 grand

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Here in central Stockholm you get a parking space for that sum.
My brothers apartment a few hours away cost the same. 4 rooms, 120 square meters with a ocean view.
Prices in Sweden changes a lot depending on where you are.

my town house is generally 1/4 milion €
「千葉県 ユーカリが丘」for use googlemap

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What town?

Then post what you could get where you are.

Here is the floorplan for here Huyton, it's on the outskirts of Liverpool. Massive shithole.

Attached: 0ed702bfc1480177a17f55ff17b33bab67f42162.jpg (906x1280, 82K)

Posh twat

>Then post what you could get where you are.
I said it already, a parking spot.
I wasn't joking. Cheapest I could find was 360 000 SEK for one. Most expensive was over 3 million.. (like 300 000 £)

In my area? You can buy this riverfront house for $600,000US / £452,000. The house itself is 4,000 square feet (372 square m), with several outbuildings, a boat house, an external RV garage, and 4.5 acres (1.8 hectares) of land (mix of fields and forest). It has a mixed-zoning designation, meaning it can be used for professional agriculture or "light industrial" if the owner desires, in addition to residential use.

Attached: House.jpg (2047x1535, 1020K)

Americans have it too good. I makes me cry.

A comfy farm.

Attached: Skärmbild (1).png (1845x814, 1.69M)

Pros and cons.

Probably out in the sticks.

Oi share some land you greedy cunt

A shed, in the country.

It's a tradeoff. These properties are outside of the city, so it requires driving to get to shops/services. You can't just stroll down to the pub, unless you want to spend an hour or more walking down the shoulder of a highway. It can be isolating if you're not used to it.

2.4 million CAD, 1.835 million USD. Two years ago.

Attached: C1DEAD57-B29E-4FB6-9D7D-71E419F74DA5.jpg (620x349, 179K)

You get three of these farms plus some money over for 500 000 SEK (around £43 000)

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this, 2 500 000 PLN = 507k GBP

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Are you...implying Liverpool is posh...?

Yes I am, BFD represent

In South Australia, a nice big property with lots of land

In Sydney probably a flat or small unit

Houses in this country are better quality. We're one of the last countries where bricks are still in widespread use in house construction.

>England doesn't have empty lan-

Attached: Yorkshire Dales.jpg (1918x1280, 413K)

That's because we don't have access to cheap wiz and our houses are almost all attached to someone else's house.

Our houses are grim

Its a fucking ruin, who would pay money for that?

>In London half a million quid gets you a cardboard box and you will have to fight a crackhead to the death to enforce your property rights

Get me out of this an-cap hellscape.

Attached: 8b9.jpg (161x250, 6K)

Masonry construction is literally banned here unless it includes expensive reinforcement techniques for earthquakes.

Difference between rural England and rural America is in rural England everyone is rich

>We're one of the last countries where bricks are still in widespread use in house construction.

Pretty much everywhere in continental Europe they are...

I actually despise uPVC windows (the horrible, cheap-looking windows on the house in OP's pic). If I has o e wish, it would be to replace every single one with traditional wooden windows. The fact that they're even allowed to be installed on old houses is a fucking disgrace. Countless streets/houses have been ruined thanks to them.

They're a lot more energy-efficient, user.

There is classic looking windows that are equally efficient. Three plane, wooden frame windows are very common in Swedish houses.

>price depends on a location and many other things

Post one in your location then you dumb nonce

Thats what triple glass windows are for

>There is no affordable housing in Englan-

Attached: English home for sale.jpg (1620x2881, 619K)

those who want to renovate it and make money

which state is this? really don't understand why more americans dont just leave their shitty nigger filled cities and move to somewhere comfy and rural and live like a king. there is literally no excuse not to be a home owner if you're an american

€500k in a newly build suburb of a rather poor city

Attached: 38C91B2A-2A5C-4A95-A652-18313BBE4A98.jpg (1440x960, 342K)

The same is true in the UK. Just move to the scottish border

You could get a decent used car for that money, but you aint buying shit when it comes to housing wether it's outside the capital or not

why do you not like grass or nature?

But there is gras. People just need room to park their Volvos.
The entire neighborhood looks the same btw and costs the same too

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a house in a satellite town from a major city, or in some outer suburbs

>a decent used car for 500k

They probably have their own monopoly money. Icelandic rupees

Well, if you live in the middle of nowhere with no jobs around of course you'll find cheap houses

>why do you not like grass

Beacuse they've smoked it all.

God the UK looks like the Netherlands in the 80s

That's in Oregon, but the general trends of the western world operate in the US as well - the population is pulling toward larger cities, and much of the countryside has fewer people than it did in the 1910's or 20's. The jobs available in smaller towns are often very limited, with the best positions being handed down within families, and that sort of thing. There is a real lack of economic options in many of those places.

A 2-3 year old Mercedes could run you 500 000 SEK here in Sweden. You get a nice house in the countryside for that money.

500 000 SEK = 77 000 AUD

Looks like a steal

that's weird given the trend is for more and more people to work from home. it feels like with your good road infrastructure you can live out in a rural area yet still be in a city within an hour, hwich is average commuter time for someone commuting in the UK

A new poorfag-tier car.

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My parents live 30 minutes from a city and it always felt quite isolated.
At least in the Netherlands people just don’t accept ‘long’ drives and commutes.

There's sort of a complex feedback loop taking place that looks something like this:

-The people who are capable of working from home are generally working in "the knowledge economy" rather than more physical positions

-Those people attain those positions after post-secondary education, which acculturates them in a manner which valorizes the urban lifestyle

-Even if they themselves find a more rural lifestyle interesting, their friends generally do not, and especially WOMEN do not

-Hence, most work-from-home positions are actually held by people who live in major cities

alright fair enough must admit I used AUD instead of pounds in my answer too

OP asked for local currency. But a lot of currencies don’t really work like that compared to the pound. Euros and dollars do though

I love the UK but hate it at the same time. Let's remove the pakis so there's less housing demand

It is hilarious how the UK always had 3rd highest purchasing power after Switzerland and Norway, pretty low taxes but such pathetic houses. It never made much sense when I was in England and people seemed to live worse than in the Netherlands despite the wealth (in Euros) being higher

We don't have enough space unless we start building on our national parks. It's as simple as that.

what is worse is that zoomers think living in flats and small houses is trendy and desirable, so every new build is either a flat or a really shitty and tiny terraced house

But we have the same issues you have yet it looks better

A mansion in pönde.

50-180m^2 in cities depending on location

I watched "Boys from the Blackstuff" a while ago (set in early-80's Liverpool, I think) and one of the characters lived in a rowhouse with a small private garden in the back where he had chickens and a rabbit hutch. How common is that these days?

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Friends of mine bought a rowhouse with the entire garden turned into some pigeon cage
Owner was a nutter though

is volvo same thing as ford focus was for brits.

Half a million would buy you something quite a lot smaller than that. A nice 2-3 bed flat, or reasonable house. Feels bad living in such an expensive area.

Surprisingly common.
We call them terraced houses here.
Bongs love gardens and gardening despite not having much space.

they are the most common form of housing in the UK, 30% of all households are terraced

It is a BMW for smug rich well educated people that don’t want to look like a Muslim or Eastern-Euro criminal.
Only Audi and Volvo are really popular among our richer people since Mercedes and BMW are for dicklets and muslims

This in the middle of America. So basically the area of all of Europe.

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Those are the cheapest, poorest houses you will find anywhere, Jan Willem.

which state?

mcmansions are top-tier comfy. the only people who hate them are pozzed libtards and ethnic minorities desu

I’m neither of those but you realize they are a complete waste of energy and full of empty space? There’s nothing wrong with a suburban home but mcmansions are just a joke

Fuck off that costs half a million


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>full of empty space

it's called living space buddy, people have big houses because they enjoy being comfy at home and not having to live in some cramped flat

i agree that htey can be built poorly but don't tell me you wouldn't trade your standard 4 bed semi-detached house for one

Literally nothing, a shitty one bedroom apartment can cost like 800k-1m NOK.

it does lol, Americans can live like kings on a slightly above average wage

I grew up in a house roughly 3 times as spacious as the Dutch average. It still doesnt compare to a mcmansion. There’s no point having a living room the size of a football field nor having 7 bedrooms.

its really same everywhere either small thing in city or big house outside of it with 30min travel or so.
or you can buy burgher's house for even more

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Might move to Slovakia desu

This is on sale for 485,000 euro
It's 340sq meters.

Attached: home.jpg (640x5120, 713K)

its awful. dont. we are just lagged and will be just same as you in 20-30 years.

Cheap though, and qts

This one is 240sq meters for 490,000 euros

Attached: home.jpg (640x4060, 488K)

yeah qts go for westerners but man do you really want a feminist?

With modern technology it's really fucking easy to make a house. Especially if you have nearly infinite flat land. Keep in mind that house is in a rural-ish area.

my mom and her husband bought a chapel (?) for like 400k sek, plus like 600k sek more for renovation and necessities
it's comfy as fuck
I'd post a picture but I don't want to be doxxed


2 acres

Attached: mmmmmmm.png (863x571, 943K)

Where is that?



That's not too bad for half a mil, look at how big the front garden is

>We're one of the last countries where bricks are still in widespread use in house construction.
What are you on about? That's stupidly wrong.


mcmansions look like shit though
that's why they have the mc and aren't just mansions (aka a good looking big house)