Do you love Japan?

Do you love Japan?

Attached: IMG_20180622_055223.jpg (464x348, 36K)

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Hai Senpai!!!

I love Japanese girls

Attached: 1527535708804.jpg (900x1200, 160K)

Yes, but not in a weaboo kind of way.

Attached: 15218907910480.png (420x673, 320K)

Yes I do

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this is the first stage
>I'm not a weeb, but Japan is ok
>What if I just read a lil more 'bout this Tatarstan...
>'Hi, fellas, how to learn Japanese easy, could you...'


Attached: M99lA5Dhr3s.jpg (2137x1205, 122K)

Attached: otoyomegatari-4192083[1].jpg (1200x862, 241K)

with all my heart

I hate