>have a Moroccan bf that takes care of me and treats me well and makes me feel like an arabic queen
>your surname translates as user, the moor slayer
did you betray your ancestors, Jow Forums?
Have a Moroccan bf that takes care of me and treats me well and makes me feel like an arabic queen
Other urls found in this thread:
Slay him and make them proud.
>arabic queen
Does he force you to wear the veil?
no, he doesn't like me showing too much skin tho but I don't dress like a slut so it's fine
>slay him
I can't I like him so much he's so secure and manly, manlier than most local men
You and the spanish men make your ancestors weep.
well my dad certainly isn't happy
Poor guy :/
¿Cómo puedo obtener una gf Española?
[spoiler]Pero que no se apellida Matamoros[/spoiler] :^)
How could you do this to your moor slaying ancestor?
As soon as you get married, he'll force you to wear viels and do other shit. You'll be excommunicated from your family and his family will make sure your family can't see you.
Happens all the time.
Fuck you
How white is your skin now?
among his ancestors, like all of spaniards, are included moors
He's not like that, that's what my dad said too but he's just being racist. I mean he's dominant, sure, but in a weird sweet way, that's what makes him atractive. He will never force me to do something I'm not comfortable with, he doesn't even want me to convert.
He will make you convert down the line. I’m not even being racist here. If he is a devout or semi-devout Muslim, you will have to convert down the line.
morocco and spain is like england and scotland
I say go for it
obey to BBC bitch
But we rarely talk about religion, it's like he avoids the topic. I was the one bringing out the whole converting thing and he made it sound like me not being a muslim wasn't a big deal. Why do I have to believe he's hiding his true intention?
search meaning of taqiyya
I have a white gf and my fathers tells me she's a depraved kafir each and i should let him chose a wife for me each time we see each others so i can relate with your feelings.
They're allowed to lie in Islam if it means converting the population. But he could be telling the truth. Personally, I wouldn't date someone so different from me, but if you want to deal with that headache later on, that's on you.
Also, answer me , wtf??
>it's like he avoids the topic
red falg
worst LARP I've seen in a long time
As soon as you marry him. Mark my words, he'll become your new patriarch. Happens all the time here.
Burn the coal...
Men can marry women of Islamic, Christian or Jewish background without conversion in Islam.
Learning a language of a colonizer instead of the language of my ancestors (which is more or less useless sadly), so I probably have.
>surname literally means "strong man"
>am a 170cm manlet with no muscles
Or maybe he doesn't like talking about the very big thing that could get into our relationship.
Haz lo mismo que para conseguir novia americana. Si no puedes, tengo malas noticias.
How so?
>surname means elephant king
>haven't got any elephants
he is right. Do you think any Spanish man will touch you even with a 10m long stick after a marriage with a nafri?
You still kicked them out amd got cool names and saints such as moor slayers.
They can only marry a non muslim if they have plans to convert to islam
Why do you cucks enjoy larping so much?
>am English speaking Spaniard 20%
>am English speaking Spaniard on Jow Forums 5%
>also a girl 1%
>asks Jow Forums autists for relationship help 0,05%
>Surname literally means "free man"
>Am a Wagecuck slave drone
But apparently they can? islamqa.info
This is why Spanish women should be gassed
>The ancestors of the Fields surname lived among the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture. The name comes from when they lived in the area that was near a field. This surname is a topographic name and is derived from the Old English word feld, which literally means the pasture or open country. In this case, the bearer of the surname Fields lived in an area of land that was cleared of forest. Interestingly, "Field, or De la Felda embraces both English and Norman families. Richard de la Felda is mentioned in Normandy, temp John." [reign 1199-1216] [1] This duality of origin is indeed rare.
But are you a christian then? Also reading that link shows that it is not something looked at very positive.
Thot: the post
I feel bad for your dad
Lmao you gonna get beat up when you marry him, plus you wont see your family anymore. Happens all the time you naive whore
>I'm a Moroccan leech living in Spain who makes Arab cuck threads to piss off euro fags dumb enough to believe me
Fixed that for you. Now go back you hairy subhuman ape.
jorge larping for sure
off yourself sad cunt
I used to date british guy
Not sure if he felt sorry for his great parents for dating jap gal
Well, technically speaking. I'm not much of a believer, but I was baptized and my name is probably in the church archives somewhere.
Not with him, a man can't change so drastically.
Because Moroccan men pretend to be Spanish women online? We all know he's lying. Only the dumbest whores go with Muslims and those whores can't into internet and especially don't post on Jow Forums. Anyone who's read anything online knows to stay away from Muslims.
Shut up you faggot sand nigger. You're not a Spanish women and if there's no pics you can gtfo. No one cares even if you were a women retarded enough to be with a Muslim who wants to disappoint her father.
There there, you probably won't die a virgin user, keep trying.
have him take your surname before he bombs himself, for the lols.
So no.
>these autists still think it's a real woman
feminism is right, men are too retarded to be in charge fucking hell
you should spend some more time on female imageboards and look how they type, it will help
>0 results
>mfw my surname translate as «pavise shield»
>I don't have a shield
Don't forget to have 8 babies with him
That's gay dude
Hahaha, you're in for a treat!
Why do you think that is?
> surname translates to body armour
> Doesn't have armour
So? Still don't need to convert.
I literally learned english by posting here how do you expect me to type
It says in your link she has to be very devoted, which you are not. You will convert in the future.
Considering how naive you are im sure you are a girl.
>last name means priest
>is an atheist
I have forsaken my ancestors