
Why many of them have AIDS?

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Depressed white people = Heroin

Heroin = AIDS

Religion and conspiracy theories

No think there

Never knew drugs can spawn AIDS even without sex

Estonia, wew lad

Hahaha, I'm glad America invented AIDS for sinners.

I can share with you if you want.

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too many unprotected invasions of their neighbors

I have heard that the URSS had propaganda that said that AIDS does not exist and it was an invention from capitalists

Also: bad healthcare. Liberating Crimea and maintenance of nukes is more important that aids.

Yes, they can.
The most AIDS-problematic city is Saint-Petersburg, and this city has also a huge problem with drugs. Like, REEAAL problem.

>ctrl+f aidstugal
>0 matches
wtf, Jow Forums?

Wanna borrow my president?

It can contaminate through blood as well as semen so you don't have to fuck someone to get their AIDS.

>that AIDS does not exist and it was an invention from capitalists

And Russians are now believing Israel is behind ISIS..

How many of Filipinos were killed by your president?

wtf? Why do we have so much aids?

A lot, but only because the criminals fought back. Of course, the country is still not safe yet but I can definitely tell you it's a lot safer than it was.

We have our own STD problem too though, we're the only country in Far East Asia with an alarming growth on STDs.

Not quite. The USSR invented a conspiracy theory that it's a manmade virus created by the US and then spread that conspiracy all over the developing world (which harmed the vaccination efforts among other things, since many people started believing that the West was trying to kill them with evil Western science). As for Russia now, there's a heavy mix of nationalistic denial and religion-based idiocy, telling them that only the "bad people" can get it and they deserve it anyway.

Estonia has a large Russian minority.

Estonia like duble maybe even animas have ass aids

Majority of population is not Nordic and lacks CCR5 immunity to HIV.

Attached: ccr5.jpg (606x359, 48K)

It is important for AIDS?

AIDS actually sucks at being transmitted sexually because it can't permeate mucuous membranes easily. That's actually the reason it's seen as a homofag virus, it propagates through semen entering the blood through rectal fissures. Unlike vaginas, anuses aren't designed to resist penetration by a cock so you get tears an expose the bloodstream to contaminated semen directly.

Sharing needles with an infected junkie has the same effect.

Heroin abuse is a primarily (of course not exclusively) Russian problem in the Baltics.

Lol the darkest patches are 13%. That's hardly a significant factor.

Now I know why it's a common belief that only gay people gets HIV. At this point I should really be scared more of herpes.

It's not like there's 0 risk, but it's pretty low. Heterosexual PIV sex with a condom and kissing are very safe afaik.

woah, so i wont get aids even if i fuck someone infected?

You only have like a 0.1% chance of getting aids from fucking an infected cunt to begin with. But look at the numbers, only 13% have the immunity in even the black areas.

Finland has the highest frequencies for CCR5 and lowest numbers for HIV.

i wonder if it's possible to get a test where i can see if i happen to have it

but honestly, what's up with estonia? they've got like 500 aids people, not all that much i suppose but percentually they got a lot.

>A genetic approach involving intrabodies that block CCR5 expression has been proposed as a treatment for HIV-1 infected individuals.[62] When T-cells modified so they no longer express CCR5 were mixed with unmodified T-cells expressing CCR5 and then challenged by infection with HIV-1, the modified T-cells that do not express CCR5 eventually take over the culture, as HIV-1 kills the non-modified T-cells. This same method might be used in vivo to establish a virus-resistant cell pool in infected individuals.[62]

>This hypothesis was tested in an AIDS patient who had also developed myeloid leukemia, and was treated with chemotherapy to suppress the cancer. A bone marrow transplant containing stem cells from a matched donor was then used to restore the immune system. However, the transplant was performed from a donor with 2 copies of CCR5-Δ32 mutation gene. After 600 days, the patient was healthy and had undetectable levels of HIV in the blood and in examined brain and rectal tissues.[6][63] Before the transplant, low levels of HIV X4, which does not use the CCR5 receptor, were also detected. Following the transplant, however, this type of HIV was not detected either, further baffling doctors.[6] However, this is consistent with the observation that cells expressing the CCR5-Δ32 variant protein lack both the CCR5 and CXCR4 receptors on their surfaces, thereby conferring resistance to a broad range of HIV variants including HIV X4.[64] After over six years, the patient has maintained the resistance to HIV and has been pronounced cured of the HIV infection.[7]

>Enrollment of HIV-positive patients in a clinical trial was started in 2009 in which the patients' cells were genetically modified with a zinc finger nuclease to carry the CCR5-Δ32 trait and then reintroduced into the body as a potential HIV treatment.[65][66] Results reported in 2014 were promising.[10]

so wait, we can actually cure HIV already? wtf i didn't know that

>we can actually cure HIV already?
Being able to do something in a limited run trial with unknown side effects is not the same as being able to mass manufacture a cure.

You can give your DNA to the CIAnigger jew datamining project of your choosing. Shell out a hundred bucks and you'll know all sorts of things. All for the small price of letting the US government and silicon valley megacorporations take your DNA and do with it what they please.
Sure, but that doesn't mean anything by itself. You need to account for other variables for one. But more importantly it says fuck all about your individual risk. You either have the immunity or you don't.

Think about it, if i've got the thingie i could just sell my sperm an advertise that it makes the child immune to HIV and shit, i'm also blonde and average height, man i'd become a goddamn millionaire.

That's not how any of this works, though.
>sperm makes immune
It doesn't. To get "immunity" both parents need to provide the child with an allele. In heterozygous cases it's just reduced vulnerability.
>Individuals homozygous(denoted Δ32/Δ32) for CCR5 Δ32 do not express functional CCR5 receptors on their cell surfaces and are resistant to HIV-1 infection, despite multiple high-risk exposures.[32] Individuals heterozygous(+/Δ32) for the mutant allele have a greater than 50% reduction in functional CCR5 receptors on their cell surfaces due to dimerization between mutant and wild-type receptors that interferes with transport of CCR5 to the cell surface.[33] Heterozygote carriers are resistant to HIV-1 infection relative to wild types and when infected, heterozygotes exhibit reduced viral loads and a 2-3-year-slower progression to AIDS relative to wild types.[30][32][34]

Besides, just being a carrier doesn't mean you are immune. Most carriers only have 1 allele.
>CCR5 Δ32 has an (heterozygote) allele frequency of 10% in Europe, and a homozygote frequency of 1%.

>ussr claimed aids is an artificial virus made to attack ussr
Never heard of such thing. But i heard that people with aids during soviet times were absolutely isolated from the others. Aids populated during wild 90s times, through the drug addict scum.

>Poland,Czezh, hungary, romania, croatia, Slovak