08/07/2018 - Communist Party of China /brit/ edition.
Image - Lei Feng.
Have you followed his good example?
08/07/2018 - Communist Party of China /brit/ edition.
Image - Lei Feng.
Have you followed his good example?
Other urls found in this thread:
*migrates to china*
Lei Feng died in a fatal work accident. May his soul live forever.
Got seriously mogged walking about in Brighton today
Might off myself
It was probably around when I was born
I don't really care
They just pushed their evil values on me, made me feel inferior and flawed
Even scared, regularly, daily, I was terrified and it ruined my childhood
Why would I speak with you? you already said you hate me before
have no idea how i’d know which films i liked if rlm didn’t exist
don't you think you're overreacting a bit la? my childhood was terrible and i turned out fine
miss thread wars
they were good fun
for me it's rachel riley
smell of curry
god you know what i miss
the chink spammer spamming his threads endlessly and relentlessly for months
Never watched rlm in mylife and I’ve seen 2000+ films in my life
Honestly don't care mate
mmmmmm what's that smell? is it curry?
literally made this post back in 2014, fuck off
was that because you questioned islam or was it something else? and I don't hate you. I don't even believe in it myself but I haven't told anyone
sorry for calling you a tranny freak btw
fuck off poley you disgusting nigger
To the legend that linked me that hot chip song - THANK YOU!!
>try praying
sudden foul waft of crisps and cider
what does it really all boil down to at the end of the day?
Why does everyone think their kids are fucking special.
Love... that's my theory
was standing in this spot playing pokemon go last week
To the user that linked me to lioness-in-the-rain I dedicate my next ejeculation to you
sad cunt likes his virtual animals
>was standing in this spot playing pokemon go last week
a nice 27.6c and 51% inside
Hit the wall
>I’ve seen 2000+ films in my life
where can i get that top?
Any lets actually do something about europeans being replaced in their ancestral homelands man in?
>30 degrees
>moderate humidity
>turns on air con
>suddenly ultra comfy
No wukkas
thinking of watching a dishonest film lads
you know that top would unironically look good on a chad, yeah?
It'll hit the wall in the back obviouusly... If it was resting on the fucking floor and the train started to move it would slide to the back... Why do people think these questions are even debateable and not just basic logic and year 7 physics
No, they just saw me as weak/naive and pounced
Some acted superior because they were more Islamic, I tried to be more Islamic but I just bought myself pain by filling my life with invisibly boogeymen and crazy rules
bet your fav movie is spiderman 2, lmaoing @ your life
>hot chip
european is not an ethnicity
Bad use of the harpost gimmick
make it end
Hit the wall. But if the RC helicopter took off while the train was moving it would not hit the wall.
it stays in the gravity formed by the train and keeps its place obviously
t. physicist
>>hot chip
cute girl at work thinks guys didn't cheat on their gfs back in the 60s haha
Hit the roof
>Moni !!R403ng5uzBd
*scrolls south*
Cheers for using my thread lads! :)
It's nothing like the suffering of an average white kid who gets bullied by other whites
the gf
I'm on it lad
chastity is true sexual liberation
you just got BAITED!
*camera guy walks out from behind the scenes into your field of vision*
Once you accept that you'll be alone forever, it's just sort of a "well what now then?" situation
Not sure what I want from life as a perma-bachelor
It wont happen lad
that was worth posting
It was so fucking clever of them to do this.
>raise the price
people won't like that
>lower the amount of chocolate?
people won't like that
>protest brexit!
cagers eliminated
Anyone got any Neymar dive webms from t'other day?
nice just bought 100k
xanax is too expensive
fuck you rappers
based & redpilled
here u go
brain has genuinely exploded
tried doing DIY but it's utterly boiling lads
Need these too please
Pathetic little 'victim'. Fuck off
*my cameramen walk out from behind your cameramen*
did you try making non-paki friends?
What was he thinking
FYI :- we are still in the EU
3 days no wank lads. might as well call me jesus now haha xxx
toiling in the kitchen
how would you ever find decent "xanax" here? it's all going to be either indian bathtub shit or american branded prescription pills that cost a bomb
go for a superior and easier to find benzo such as diazepam instead
what if a train was inside a helicopter?
>There are americans who think this was a dive
no you don't
be quiet
Cheers lads xxx
Please explain.
>how would you ever find decent "xanax" here?
get prescribed it
Just like the rotehrham girls, right?