Today I went to walk around an upper class district of Warsaw to see how rich people live and then I came back to my...

Today I went to walk around an upper class district of Warsaw to see how rich people live and then I came back to my commieblock.

I am depressed now

Attached: žalostna_žaba.jpg (640x480, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:,20.9830399,3a,75y,149.57h,86.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQed8yoLTio5eBNQTbt2bbA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656,21.0198815,3a,75y,5.72h,107.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8PFelJT-LFNxbNfyX5616w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

cheer up friend
I'm sure it's not so bad

I use to get the same way when I'd stay at my parent's rich friends house on the beach.

btw, I met one German-speaking couple with a child there

it feels so sad when your upper class is not even your people

also the funniest thing is that upper class neighborhoods here look like middle class in Germany,20.9830399,3a,75y,149.57h,86.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQed8yoLTio5eBNQTbt2bbA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

if you make 2,5k euros/month here you're already upper class

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life is hell

that's every bourgeoisie, they're either international or pretend to be

all the bourgies here have Italian/German/Polish/Czech surnames



>that's every bourgeoisie, they're either international or pretend to be

our upper class was always traditionally German or Jewish

after WW2 we got rid of both but after communism they came back

>our upper class was always traditionally German or Jewish

I mean urban upper class ofc

Nobles were mostly Polish or Lithuanian/Ruthenian, but they lived in their palaces in villages.

I've always wondered where your nobility, the largest in Europe, went. They still around?

thank fuck I’m upper middle class


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>tfw affluent dad doesn't give you any money besides half of college
I hate boomers so damn much.

>I've always wondered where your nobility, the largest in Europe, went.

They were mostly killed by Germans and Russians in WW2, those who survived left the country when communists took power. Only few left in Poland, they mostly turned into urban intelligentsia, but still they had hard life as commies persecuted them. After 1990 some of them came back to Poland, they either became TV celebrities or got their nationalized property back and pretend to be nobles again.

another funny thing, commies used to build stuff for workers that looks more posh than upper class neighborhoods,21.0198815,3a,75y,5.72h,107.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8PFelJT-LFNxbNfyX5616w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

when I see all these capiblocks being built here, I wish we had early commie architecture back

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you dumb village retard please stop posting and kill yourself already

>ooh! ah! so improper! oh, my soul!

typical booshwah

It's just unfair that the gap between the rich and the poor is so big

I know that feel my friend.

I think this is how communism was created, I would feel better if these rich fags were as poor as me.

you western europeans don't know what a real income gap is, your rich people pay so high taxes that in fact they're not much richer than average

i make that and certainly am not upper class, more like comfy middle class

So it's only your choice because if you make that much you could easily rent such a house and live like that

Wtf are you a commie? Be glad you aren't starving and back to work

this is just light socialism

like in Sweden

why would i need such a house all to myself? anyhow, that's not how people go up the ladder, by blowing all the money on unnecessary things. perhaps that's why you're poor, user.

>that's not how people go up the ladder, by blowing all the money on unnecessary things.

Well, actually rich people (mostly programmers) living in commieblocks is only eastern european thing. In all western countries rich people live in rich neighborhoods in rich houses and the class division is visible, you can easily say which part of the city is the rich and which is the poor one which is not as obvious in eastern Europe.

umm sweetie, you should check out rent prices in the vicinity of the silicon valley. top programmers there sure as hell can't afford mansions.

and well, while you did guess my job, i have friends who make a month circa what i usually do (12k pln after taxation per month on average, since I'm a one-man company and working hours vary). one's a lawyer, one's a musician (altho he got into teaching rich kids of foreigners in warsaw), and one's an electrical engineer (high tech automation, modern plc ain't exactly programming...).

apply yourself and clean your room, bucko. ain't no german-level gibs for you.

when I read the OP post, I immediately thought about Żoliborz and obviously, it was a sure shot

have a cup of coffee in Arkadia and imagine for a while you're one of them — that's what I did before moving to a decent neighbourhood in Moscow

>umm sweetie, you should check out rent prices in the vicinity of the silicon valley. top programmers there sure as hell can't afford mansions.

It's an exception and applies to "noveau riches" like programmers mostly.

>one's a lawyer, one's a musician (altho he got into teaching rich kids of foreigners in warsaw), and one's an electrical engineer (high tech automation, modern plc ain't exactly programming...).

Whatever, what I meant is that in Poland (and in most of Eastern Europe) there is no culture of being rich, like it is in western Europe where people have been rich "since ever", so they accumulated a lot of wealth they pumped into their property mostly. In Eastern Europe under communism we didn't have chances for that.

Anyway, your arguments are really silly, if it was true, there would be no beautiful houses in all over Europe, if "rich people don't blow all the money on unnecessary things". Who lived in sophisticated houses, kamienicas etc.? Who built them and for what, if not rich people, just to show how rich they are? According to your logic, Holland should look worse than Poland, because they were always richer and shouldn't have spent money on nice houses.

Rich people in the west mostly live in rich places, only few young, "noveau riches" live in poor conditions but I'm sure they will buy a nice house when they're already 40 too.

btw, what do you even need money for if you advise people "not to spend it"? Why would things like new cars or travelling around the world be anything better than having a nice house? That's third world tier way of thinking and that's how can you easily distinguish an Eastern European immigrant from a real westerners in western Europe - he has the newest Porsche, while living in a commieblock or in any other shitty place. Real westerners have different priorities - first - a house, then entertainment.

>that's what I did before moving to a decent neighbourhood in Moscow

what does a decent neighborhood in Moscow look like?

>have a cup of coffee in Arkadia and imagine for a while you're one of them

Arkadia is not a posh shopping centre at all, it's a typical bydlocentre like any other with cheap brands

>Whatever, what I meant is that in Poland (and in most of Eastern Europe) there is no culture of being rich, like it is in western Europe where people have been rich "since ever", so they accumulated a lot of wealth they pumped into their property mostly. In Eastern Europe under communism we didn't have chances for that.

but of course we have old money. Czartoryski's rings any bells? communism is a big fat lie to keep poor people poor and rich, rich. of course you could have had money back then in pooland (= land, housing) - you just had to be extra ruthless, step over people and be willing to produce the collectivism propaganda to the plebians. how many people ended up with lots of those after the (((transformation))), which nowadays are worth of millions of pln?

> what does a decent neighborhood in Moscow look like?
Pic related, a decent stalinist area in Moscow, but I've settled in a pre-soviet neighbourhood with side-streets and shit

> Arkadia is not a posh shopping centre at all
it's not, but it's where these go anyway because one should buy shit somewhere anyway

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>Anyway, your arguments are really silly, if it was true, there would be no beautiful houses in all over Europe, if "rich people don't blow all the money on unnecessary things". Who lived in sophisticated houses, kamienicas etc.? Who built them and for what, if not rich people, just to show how rich they are? According to your logic, Holland should look worse than Poland, because they were always richer and shouldn't have spent money on nice houses.

there's a point when you have so much "money" it makes itself - that's the point when you can blow it on whatever. there's also the fact that money sitting in a bank is too risky - economy fluctuation, system collapses, inflation, legal robbery etc. it makes much more sense to invest it into tangible things.

>Czartoryski's rings any bells?

our nobles were mostly expropriated by commies, we have really few old-money people and actually most of them got rich after 1990 when they got their nationalized property back or became celebrities/married noveau riche businessmen, they weren't rich in communism.

>you just had to be extra ruthless, step over people and be willing to produce the collectivism propaganda to the plebians.

not really, even the commie politicians were really poor, comparing to their western counterparts, my uncle was a Sejm representative in the 1980s from PZPR, the only privilege he had was a "talon" for Fiat 125p. Such wealth, wow.

Pic related is the Jaruzelski's house, would you say it's a house of a dictator of a 40 million nation? Average middle class man in the west has a better house than him.

>how many people ended up with lots of those after the (((transformation))), which nowadays are worth of millions of pln?

but still, they were quite poor in communism, they just got rich after 1990, so it's hard to say they're "old money", also most of our "noveau riches" weren't even commies, they got rich from selling pants on bazars in the 1990s.

Attached: willa-jaruzelskiego.jpg (300x227, 13K)

>I've settled in a pre-soviet neighbourhood with side-streets and shit

show it pls

how much do you make?

nice stalinka, btw

stop complaining, bucko. take charge. clean your room. look for sth that can earn you money and start doing it. i won't have your defeatist mindset. next thing you'll start spouting ideas about the proletariat and robbing from rich people.

>not really, even the commie politicians were really poor, comparing to their western counterparts, my uncle was a Sejm representative in the 1980s from PZPR, the only privilege he had was a "talon" for Fiat 125p.

ahh, forget it. go fuck yourself, conmie blood.

>there's a point when you have so much "money" it makes itself - that's the point when you can blow it on whatever

Exactly, that's because they were so rich through next generations so they had acquired everything they needed and their children inherited it all and still have it. We don't have it in Poland, almost all our rich people are noveau riches so they feel a strong need to show off first. That's why I said we have no culture of being rich like in the west. Our rich people just have a lot of money but it's hard to call them "upper class", they don't live like real upper class, they don't buy luxury things, don't live in luxury houses, one of few exceptions is Żoliborz neighborhood, that's where real upper class live, people who not only have a lot of money, but also want to live like rich people, to put their wealth in something that will become a "monument" for them - a house.

I hope when Poland becomes richer and richer, more people will follow this way, because even the poor benefit from it - Poland becomes more beautiful when rich people build nice houses and demand (and pay for) better infrastructure, not only spend money on travelling abroad or new cars that won't last for more than 15 years.

my uncle became a typical Polish enterpreneur just in 1990, now he's a rich capitalist, he has a big factory

he wasn't a commie, he was an opportunist, he was in PZPR because he knew it was the only way to have better life in that system a bit, when communism collapsed, he became a 100% capitalist

>look for sth that can earn you money and start doing it.

But I don't want to be rich in a sense that I am richer than most of Poles so I can afford things they can't afford. More like I want all Poles to be an egalitarian society where everyone makes decent money, just like it is in Sweden, Finland or the Netherlands. I want all Poles to live in nice, similar to each other houses, I hate inequality, I have Scandinavian mentality.

then perhaps become rich, go full Trump on pooland and make your vision true, make everyone rich?

you're quite confused, bucko. keep wishing for a change out of the blue, but it ain't happening. it is was it is because this nation, just like your ancestors, could only see the carrot on the stick and not the bigger picture, unfortunately.

>then perhaps become rich, go full Trump on pooland and make your vision true, make everyone rich?

Voters in Poland don't vote for rich people, don't pretend you don't know how things are going here. Actually, the poorer you pretend to be, the more chance to win the election you have, remember that our current "dictator" is a guy who doesn't even have a personal bank account but shares the one with his mother.

That's a confirmation that Poles should strive for the egalitarian society though, it's deeply ingrained in our mentality, modern Poles are mostly descendants of peasants and they hate inequality, that was the reason why the Commonwealth collapsed.

There's nothing wrong with getting richer as long as all the nation benefits from it, not just few people.

>complain about the rich
>make "intellectual" excuses for being poor
>be not willing to do anything about it by yourself

i bet you'll be voting pis/po next election.

here in india, only cities have clear divisions of wealth. most towns (lets say from 10k to 200k people) have rich people living right next door to poor people. everyone except the top 0.001% here has to watch for animal shit when they walk out of their home, we never went full commie because we're pretty social already and the grit&grime keeps the richfags from feeling too special

I complain about inequality, not about "rich" per se.

Swedes are all rich and that's ok.

>have rich people living right next door to poor people.

So how do rich people differ from the poor ones?

the rich have way bigger and prettier houses, also usually more family members that live in them. they can have gardens, a pool, huge gate and walls, as well as a really large and decorative home prayer booth.

it took one faggot to kill franz ferdinand and lit the spark for ww1, i dare say another one might be enough for changing things around here.

get into a car, drive to the czech republic, buy a few guns, return to pooland and become the spark. send a message and the change will follow.

I don't want any revolution, as I said, we already have it in our mentality, we just need to get richer as a society

> also usually more family members that live in them.

Does being richer in India mean that you have more children?

>huge gate and walls,

When gates and walls are an indicator of wealth you know you live in third world.

But we have the same in Poland.

>Today I went to walk around an upper class district of Warsaw to see how rich people live and then I came back to my commieblock.
>I am depressed now
What did you think would happen?

>btw, I met one German-speaking couple with a child there
>it feels so sad when your upper class is not even your people
A bunch of corrupt Chinks and Russians own a lot of NYC real estate. It's pretty normal.

Stay positive.
At least you are not a pajeet

>What did you think would happen?

I didn't expect it would affect my mood that much desu.

Americans are a nation of immigrants, you don't feel it the same way we do.

>I don't want any revolution, as I said, we already have it in our mentality, we just need to get richer as a society

do tell mr intellectual how you see that happening by itself, because as far as i can see we're willingly regressing into a full blown communism with all the taxation for >=middle class and gibs for the below.

im not sure if the rich have more kids than the poor on average, im sure they do in certain areas but i think on average they have fewer. instead they include more connections, as many nieces/nephews cousins uncles/aunts etc as they wish

yes, but whats important is that they know whats outside their walls and gates, and that they're as much a part of that poverty as the impoverished

Same, Today I went to walk around an super upper class village to see how rich they were and then I came back to my upper middle class home. Truly depressing.

>Americans are a nation of immigrants, you don't feel it the same way we do.
They don't actually spend much time there, it's like an investment.

>do tell mr intellectual how you see that happening by itself, because as far as i can see we're willingly regressing into a full blown communism with all the taxation for >=middle class and gibs for the below.

It goes along with high GDP growth, so everything is all right. All Poles get richer, just thanks to 500+ and welfare programs like that, the gap between the rich and the poor doesn't grow as fast or maybe even becomes smaller. I like it.

>instead they include more connections, as many nieces/nephews cousins uncles/aunts etc as they wish

Oh, so in India the richer you are, the more members of your family you host? I think it's the other way around here, the poorer you are the more members of your family you live with, because it's easier to pay for expenses, while when you get richer, you move out to live alone, that's what everyone wants at the end. Interesting cultural differences.

Here the owners of upper class houses usually live there, Poland is not considered a stable place for long-term investments.

>It goes along with high GDP growth, so everything is all right. All Poles get richer, just thanks to 500+ and welfare programs like that, the gap between the rich and the poor doesn't grow as fast or maybe even becomes smaller. I like it.

go fuck yourself you fucking commie and your fucking gibs for the slavniggers. can't wait for the day i can buy a terminator and program it to kill all the lechers like your disgusting self. this is why this country is poor. instead of complaining, take a good look in the mirror.

>go fuck yourself you fucking commie and your fucking gibs for the slavniggers.

in all of western europe there is high social welfare

>this is why this country is poor

by your logic, Sweden should be the poorest country in the world

actually, it's a meme that wealth comes from work, if it was true, you would be paid less than a guy who digs holes, because he works harder than you

some people win money on a lottery, some of them inherit it, some of them just are lucky in life, it doesn't have much to do with real work, that's why you shouldn't complain when you pay high taxes because you didn't really earn money you have after all, typing on a keyboard is not real work

>actually, it's a meme that wealth comes from work, if it was true, you would be paid less than a guy who digs holes, because he works harder than you

you're a fucking idiot. stop buying into the leftists lies. money ain't free. if you're worth next to nothing, you get paid next to nothing - and only you can change that. stop being butthurt about your uncle - he took risks and worked hard, that's why he's rich. was he ruthless, unethical? probably, but it worked. if he wasn't a commie, he could now help people better themselves.

western countries can have gibs because they made smart choices and amassed wealth. pooland is, by our, colonised by the west (you can thank soros and sachs for that) and no one is willing to change that. complaining on a board for autists won't result in anything.

now clean your room, disgusting commie bucko.

>some people win money on a lottery, some of them inherit it, some of them just are lucky in life, it doesn't have much to do with real work, that's why you shouldn't complain when you pay high taxes because you didn't really earn money you have after all, typing on a keyboard is not real work

or even better, give me your address. i will go to you, beat some sense into you with a fucking keyboard, and then send the video to your uncle.

repeat after me, you fucking commie: money ain't free.

Stop being so aggressive. Just try to understand that it's better to live in an egalitarian society, even if it affects your personal well-being.

>leave my parents small terrace house to go to work
>drive past £500,000+ houses
>work for a company that makes over £30 million per year
>drive home
>sit in my childhood bedroom because I'm too poor to move out
>32 next week

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> (You)
>Stop being so aggressive. Just try to understand that it's better to live in an egalitarian society, even if it affects your personal well-being.

it's not. people in general are shit. take away the government and the promise of violence, and chaos will ensue. you should know better, living among poles. if not, you're hopeless.

>sit in my childhood bedroom because I'm too poor to move out

stop spending money on unnecessary things like video games and travelling abroad and you'd already save money for an apartment or for rent

I've spent £50 on video games this year, I've never even had a passport. Rent is £450+ for a flat plus bills and council tax which could easily add £3-400 and on top of that I need a car for work which is probably costing around £70 per month in fuel, insurance, tax and servicing. If anything went less than perfectly I'd be fucked.

>Rent is £450+

per month or week?

if per week - do you really have to live in the centre of London?

also, how much do you make?

me being aggressive. well, after highschool i run away from an alcoholic mother, a narcissist psychologically abusive all my life, and made sth out of myself. for 6 years, studying and working on the side, then interning at a small it software house for next to nothing for 2 years because they had many projects, direct work and chain of command, and i could get much more experience than at corporate. 5 years of slaving away while your commie kind would party, drink, small weed and believe in the lie of the big time jobs straight out of college. i made smart choices, stuck to them and now I've made it. I'm 25 and they pay me 20k pln before taxation for my skills.

so i hope you can see why I'm taking your stance personally. "gibs and fuck the rich". no, FUCK YOU, COMMIE SCUM. i have to pay 8k a month on your gibs, so you can sit, complain and do nothing.

>I'm 25 and they pay me 20k pln before taxation for my skills.

That's too much. You shouldn't make more than 6-7k. Why would be your skills worth more than the guy who digs holes? Just because you were lucky to choose the right niche? It's not fair, it was just a lottery, it's like people who finished law or economic school in the early 90s became CEOs and head managers of branches of international companies that came to Poland en masse that time, while nowadays people who finished the law faculty work for free until they're 30. It's just luck or lack of it, nothing more, it has nothing to do with hard work. That's why you shouldn't get so much money. People in Scandinavia understand it well, if you get richer, you pay higher taxes and they're fine with it.

>studying and working on the side

>studying for taxpayers' money
>using state infrastructure
>reee why do I have to pay taxes?

i went for electronics & telecommunication & it in english at wut, so i had to pay, those weren't free. hence part-time working. afterwards it internship when i had some documented studying and one project at the uni. luck had little to do with it. i knew what was lucrative and i went at it with all i had. no matter how much you're trying to bend the reality, nothing is gonna change the fact that mostly you are responsible for being butthurt that you can't rent some house at zoliborz. don't confuse laziness and lack of initiative with not being lucky.

I'm only complaining about gibs for slackers like you, you disgusting leech. the whole country is like you, that's why we can't have nice things around here.

give me your address now, because i really want to beat the communism out of you. i can probably reach you in an hour.