Your country

>your country
>post a picture of a house you can buy in it for $500,000

Attached: 14548548.jpg (728x524, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>That will be $500,000 thanks
>also the public schools are infested with niggers haha so enjoy spending another $20,000 to send your kid to the "University School"

Attached: lol.jpg (1237x841, 326K)

Everything is 1 million +

In California this is what half a million gets you these days

Attached: 210-n-spring-ave-compton-california-90221.jpg (640x359, 121K)

2 square feet doesn't sound like much.

Not even if they paid me to live there.

375k gbp

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-07-08 16-30-16.png (1366x768, 893K)

Looks very american

4 bedroom, 1800 sq ft

There are waterfront houses that are 1/3 the size that cost just as much or more though.

Attached: phippsburg.jpg (1024x682, 233K)

whats your problem with the black people? are you a racist?