How can you tell if a girl is Russian or Ukranian?

How can you tell if a girl is Russian or Ukranian?
I've been with this escort girl and she told me she's russian but I suspect she's really Ukranian.
Have I been cheated?

Attached: Margarita_GlamourEscortsAthens_RussianCityTours-2.jpg (600x900, 381K)

Congratz, you got played

does it matter?

All Ukrainians have a U shaped mole on the inside of their left ass cheek

The only escort you've been with is your mom, fag

Ask her what she loves in her country.
As simple as this

she didn't know what the soviet union is
what does this count for?

You've been dating a loli? Lucky bastard.

dump her. divorce immediately.
what the fuck

Glamour escorts are almost all Ukrainian.
t. knower

So you know what an escort is?


I'm greek am I allowed here?

Taste her pussy

Stop being pedophilic thanks
It's only for Japanese and arabs

>she didn't know what the soviet union is
She obviously was lying.
Don't tip her.

Does it matter fool?

lol now I imagine every time someone in Azerbaijan goes to a prostitute they quickly get married beforehand and then divorce immediately after

We arr rook same even fot ourselves.


Crimea – Whose It?


She's probably a tranny but I'm sure you gayreeks have no problem with that.

>How can you tell if a girl is Russian or Russian?
>I've been with this escort girl and she told me she's Russian but I suspect she's really Russian.
>Have I been cheated?
They're all Russian.

She's not.
They're all Ukrainian.

>She's not.

She might be. You can't tell if the surgery was done well and she's taking her hormonal medication.

Something like 30 to 35% of all Russian and Ukrainian prostitutes are transsexuals.

"Crimea belongs to Russia". Just say these golden words

No such thing.

Bro, I know this escort service. Trannies (post and pre-op) use another platform.
Thanks for the info though. The number seems too high, you got any sources for that?

>I know this escort service. Trannies (post and pre-op) use another platform.

Escort services are known to lie about these sort of things.

Many poor Russian and Ukrainian men are desperate to make money and the easiest way to become a tranny and escort.


How do people even dare to bang escorts? Are you not afraid of stds?

success breeds jealousy you muslim shitskin

Attached: MEDIAN WEALTH 2016.jpg (4592x3196, 1.2M)

>Jow Forums posters
>Desperate for sex and not being afraid of std

checks out

How did you come to the conclusion I'm Muslim and what the hell does that or median income have anything to do with what I posted?

You sound like you're retarded and jaded.

If that were true for this particular escort service, it would be known to a certain group.
Common std's can be easily cured but yeah you always run a certain risk. The reward is having a model-tier girl and doing whatever you want to her body (within reason).
The girl in OP is definitely not worth the risk.

>How do people even dare to bang escorts? Are you not afraid of stds?

When you're an incel and you can't get someone to have consensual sex with you, you become desperate.

Poor guys.

But still imagine all nasty men she has sucked the dicks of.

So, your typical western slut in her 20ies?

why do you care ? its the same

>So, your typical western slut in her 20ies?

Just stop dude. Not all attractive women are like that.

white Americans don't hate Greeks
only muslim shitskins

It was a joke.

They usually dont suck the dicks of nasty men for money.

>They usually dont suck the dicks of nasty men for money.

>white Americans don't hate Greeks
>only muslim shitskins

It's really not a good idea to paint a broad brush across all white Americans, especially when there's something like 200-something million of us.

I don't hate Greeks though. But it's common to joke about Greeks being gay given their ancient history of condoning homosexuality.

escorts are cleaner are "normal" girl

Define nasty, because the people who usually hire escorts are middle-aged, usually wealthy men.

>Define nasty, because the people who usually hire escorts are middle-aged, usually wealthy men.

You can be wealthy and still disgusting-looking. What's your source on only wealthy men hiring prostitutes?

In Las Vegas, I'm pretty sure most of the men that hire escorts are trailer park trash.

Probably not.

escort are more expensive, they have fewer clients per day thats why we called then like that. A girl on the street is a whore not an escort

that's not true
nobody actually knows much about Greece

Is that what nasty means to you? Unattractive? Sure but oh well, who cares.
This post sums it up. Obviously I'm talking about Greek escorts, I don't know how escorts are treated outside of Greece.

>nobody actually knows much about Greece

When I was in school, we learned about ancient art depicting the Greeks in homosexual acts.

yeah public schools are bad in america

lel why would you even learn about that?
Anyhow, homosex is strictly haram ever since the christian take-over. It's getting better though.

>lel why would you even learn about that?

It was briefly covered when we learned about ancient Greece. It probably wasn't talked about more than 5 minutes but because of how bizarre it was, it was probably the one thing everyone from my class remembers well.

>yeah public schools are bad in america

Primary and secondary public schools are all over the place depending on how rich the town is.

Our universities are definitely superior to yours though.

our universities are free though