Does anybody know how is it possible that 70% of uber eats bikers in my town are shitskins and niggers...

Does anybody know how is it possible that 70% of uber eats bikers in my town are shitskins and niggers? I ordered food through uber eats dozens times, and more than half of times it was delivered by various kinds of shitskins, like arab-looking, curryniggers and so on. In around 20% suppliers talked with heavy slavic-eastern accent and the rest were Poles looking like students. Shitskins doing shit-jobs are rather rare thing here in Poland, this honour belongs mainly to guest-workers from former soviet block.

Attached: 20180708_210518.jpg (2560x1440, 1.84M)

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because it's the type of job for no-papers people.

Uber is taxed in Poland

>Uber is taxed in Poland
>EU HQ in Amsterdam
lol they ain't paying SHIT
also all the people working for such companies aren't employed by them so they can force their dodgy rules

Oh, i didnt know. It could explain it indeed.

You know why. It's unskilled labour.

looks like a nice place
theres been a lot of sperging out about it all ober the place so my best guess is those people you're seeing are the ones who put up with it because its the only job they could get

same here
it's odd

Wroclaw and Warsaw are not all of Poland you know.