Be Poland

>be Poland
>one of the most prosperous nations in Europe when they had Jews
>Nazis invade, take their Jews, Poland has been miserable ever since
>modern Poles hate Jews and love Nazis

What the fuck is wrong with them? Is it Stockholm syndrome?

Attached: pl-jews.gif (377x220, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:óże_w_czasach_I_Rzeczypospolitej#Szlaki_drogowe_i_mosty

>modern Poles hate Jews and love Nazis

Yeah, let's generalize an entire nationality.

All white Americans are tiny-dicked racists that hate black people.

>modern Poles hate Jews and love Nazis
They don't.

This is based off an exhaustive researching of Polish Jow Forums posts, my methodology is flawless

>modern Poles hate Jews and love Nazis
superb ameripost

The only reason they are a shithole is because they are independent. They have always been ruled over by other people, there is a time where enough is enough and we will march into Poland again for their own sake

Polish people are bydlo white trash now

Why are you niggers so obsessed with dick size? BBC is a meme and yes most people dislike you to some degree. Probably cause all you can do is say muh dick and rayciss

>The only reason they are a shithole is because they are independent. They have always been ruled over by other people, there is a time where enough is enough and we will march into Poland again for their own sake

Is that going to happen before or after Ahmed creampies every Aryan woman in Germany?

>one of the most prosperous nations in Europe when they had Jews


awful post

>Ignoring the whole communism situation

Surely no agenda behind this post

no sweetie, we both hate jews and nazis.

jews probably more, tho. fucking back-stabbers. they had a good thing here, they had been hunted and/or exiled everywhere else. never relax.

>modern Poles hate Jews and love Nazis
Are you daft?

OH i guess you must be (((american)))

Polish people hated jews way before nazis.

>>one of the most prosperous nations in Europe when they had Jews
Fake news.
>Nazis invade, take their Jews, Poland has been miserable ever since
Miserable because of jews (commies). Look up biggest pro-soviets/stalinists after WW2 in Poland - mostly jews.
>modern Poles love Nazis
Fake news.

>>one of the most prosperous nations in Europe when they had Jews
>Nazis invade, take their Jews, Poland has been miserable ever since
World war has been a great tragedy for Poland, despite great heroism of polish soldiers who fought bravely even as their homeland languished under nazi/soviet and then just nazi occupation. Frequently brought up examples involve polish pilot participation in battle of britain or polish assault on monte cassino, or that one (or was it two?) officer who infiltrated nazi death camp and brought back detailed report.
All this only to, at the end of the war, due to the resulting power balance, find their homeland enslaved again by the soviets and their heroes persecuted, tortured and murdered by the beasts in charge of soviet union.
>modern Poles hate Jews and love Nazis
This is patently false. Although there is a minority of neonazis, as in literally any country except maybe for Vatican, they are nowhere as widespread as dishonest demagogues would have one believe. There is some antisemitism among the underclass, but in fact it doesn't seem as big a problem as what western europe, including Germany which has undergone arduous and by and large successful denazification has with their own.
And the bit about loving nazis is completely off. How could they love people who genocided them, bombed their cities to ruins and considered them subhuman? Only exceptionally deranged individuals suffer from such delusions. Although I can see how you could get such impression by observing their hatred for communism and illicitly assuming that when you hate one evil you must adore the other.
Make no mistake, Poland knows both of the monstrous regimes well enough to become genuinely enamored with either. Even if they fuck with their fundamental democratic institutions now as they struggle to overcome their insecurities, they would never drop to moral cesspit levels of nazi Germany or soviet Russia.

>Poland knows both of the monstrous regimes well enough to become genuinely enamored with either
Derp. Meant to be either
>knows them too well to become enamored with either
>knows them well enough to not become enamored with either.

Dziękuję Kuzyn!

He's quite right, tho.

Eesti had communism too but they have almost western living standards now

Poland's history: 1100 years
German occupation of Poland: 129 years

based post

>Poland's history: 1100 years
hungarian education

A country without Jews is basically a non-country, as you can see here.

Attached: 1200px-Jewish_distrib_country.png (1199x573, 149K)

Even during the 'golden age' Poland literally had no roads and had to rely on rivers for transport. Like Democratic Republic of Congo.

No fucking way that's true. Source?

We are full with Jews in here. We are fine ty!

Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 2.11M)

Don't think it has anything to do with Jews and more the fact they got literally raped by Nazi Germany and the USSR for almost all of the second half of the 20th century. Poland is a post-soviet nation and as most post-soviet nations they're struggling today.

It's from the wikipedia article about transport in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Available only in polish unfortunately but you can google translate itóże_w_czasach_I_Rzeczypospolitej#Szlaki_drogowe_i_mosty