I forgot the toilet paper so I just licked the cum off my hands. Tasted like peach, sorta.
Is this common in your cunt, pls say it is.
I forgot the toilet paper so I just licked the cum off my hands. Tasted like peach, sorta.
Is this common in your cunt, pls say it is.
Go wash your hands, you monkey
i pretty much eat every cum i make
>doesn't lick it off the tissue
I was gonna say it's normal just to troll the euros by showing how nasty brazilians are but then i remembered eating cum is a continental pass-time there
pleb, i suck my own dick
even as somebody who has sucked multiple cocks to completion and swallowed that still seems pretty fucking gay to me man
it's just my semen
i rub one of, it's on my hand, one quick lick and wa la
i also eat my boogers because tissues are a waste of trees
Godspeed Willhem, save the earth one load at a time
Could there be downsides to this? I might start doing it every time I jerk off.
enjoy going to hell
i don't see why, it's just proteins.
You should huff your braps too for maximum economy. Methane is a terrible greenhouse gas.
I eat my own cum as well, it's quite tasty (especially when you shoot it directly to your mouth so it's still warm), and also the prospect of it turns me on while fapping.
No but I just realized after taking a shit that instead of taking off my old underwear and wearing a new pair, I somehow wore my old pair over the new one
>Tasted like peach, sorta.
the fuck u eatin bro cuz i need the recipe
this. texture is unpleasant, but it just tastes of salt
I've been eating my cum for years. Nothing wrong with it, and from what I have asked friends, it's not uncommon.
who the fuck needs a toilet paper
i just wipe the cum with my underpants
That's the kind of though that goes though your mind for 0,5 seconds that you then immediately exile usually. But you know I'm glad there are people who actually do these kinds of things it's entertaining