Culture Pals /cp/

Old skool letter exchange edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia(ew) , China(yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
Want to banter koreaboos?
Sign up at:

Website with pastas and scripts:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:!QgY0QCaR!w6gTFL2egnqpOgzHeIPXjw

javascript, tampermonkey/greasemonkey extension for the betas

Q: Do the scripts work?
A: Nope.


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Other urls found in this thread:

First for Corean qts

remember when i used to do snail mail but let the chicks send me letter first and they wrote those super cute long letter with cute drawings and shit and i was like fuck it i can't do anything cute like this and just ghosted them

>tfw used to get messages all the time
>now barely getting views, let alone messages


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4th for brown qts

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tfw no kpop gf

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>that guy's expression on the left

Time to make a new profile.

what languages get me the best qts

Dabbin on your qt

Awww man, that's a shame. I think that above all, they'll just be happy to hear something from you and your handwritting and maybe get a little gift and such.
I got some pretty kino postcards not long ago (pic related)

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tfw no AVERAGE korean gf

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Should I delete my current one and make a new one from scratch? Or just update it?

>tfw you will never stick your infidel cock in a cute hijabi girl

I'm trying rn

Delete your current profile, and make a new profile with a new purpose, and new pictures.

Tell people how you're interested in backpacking across the world, or would like to apply for a working holiday visa to a specific country (with a lot of qts), elaborate on your passions....

Go all out this time, acquire qts.

I see.
Alright, Ill try this out in a week or two when my friends and I head over to the mountains and take new pictures there

Is it weird if I go after 14 year olds if that's the age of consent in their country???

She has to go back, I don't give a fuck where but somewhere

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no I want to fuck her

I always giggle when Turks write on their profile "I just prefer to talk with the foreigners because I have enough friends from my country."

Yes you nonce

>This user does not accept messages from Turkey, Algeria or Tunisia.

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Yes you dirty little nonce (love using the word nonce btw)

Fairly weird.

16 should be the limit. But even then...

There's a reason turks got rangebanned here aswell.

>girl fishes for compliments
>don't give in
>get blocked

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Noice, not giving girls attention trully is their biggest weakness.

I require a new Iranian qt.

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Good job

This is why we need to apply a cruise missile directly to the Ayatollah's forehead.

I got this polish qt who always talks about how depressed she is. I look on instagram and she gets 200 likes on a photo and tonnes of comments telling her how beautiful she is. She isn't even that attractive. Fucking thots need to off themselves

all slavs are depressed it's why you shouldn't bother with them

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Fact. Even Hungarians and Romanians actually seem super nice in comparison to literally any slav

Iranian girls

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Told a grill I'm a nationalist and she blocked me, sad!

no place for pride in modern society you silly cuck

flipgyal has a pic now oh my,,,

Told gf I'm a nationalist and she said it's fine as long as I let her teach our kids her family's languages (Spanish, italian and Portuguese).

Sorry my bad, I'll go castrate myself immediately

She has for ages

You're letting your potential kids get colonized?

C'mon dad, you're better than that

Literally nothing wrong with having multilingual kids, I'll be making my kids learn a second language

>Literally nothing wrong with having multilingual kids, I'll be making my kids learn a second language

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going to sleep with no Corean gf

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All good English gentlemen speak the Romance languages lad, it's second nature to us. I'm just glad that my kids will have an actual reason to know them because of grandparents

jap or gorean

I don't mean like Arabic or some shit like that, only European

yeah do it to em 561

Based Iranian lovers

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Kinda reminds me of Nadia Ali in her good years. Am I the only one?

You deserve to have your kids taken off you by cps if you teach your kids arabic like some omega cuck

Is interpals just for weird creepy stuff or can I find a regular pen pal to practice language?

For some reason had a dream that the pilot guy broke up with his French gf lmao



Yeah that's most of the population actually. It's just that we're only concerned about the weird creepy stuff in this thread for the obvious reasons

are there any polish girls that have posted here before?


yes me

Yes but fuck off because she's underaged

Nonsense! Diversity is our strength, goy.

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are you a qt?


Suffering from insomnia without a Corean gf

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Tell a German you voted leave they'll go into a meltdown

how old are we talking here? 17?

Tell a Chinese you support Taiwan and they'll go into a meltdown.
that's a dude btw

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Send a sunflower :3

>supporting taiwan

Don't be sad. I just got a korean girl to give me her kakaotalk for the first.
Keep working towards a korean gf.

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Tell a Turk you support the Kurds and they will go insane. Bonus points for making fun of the Turkish army for getting a bunch of their tanks destroyed in Syria.

Yes, and Taiwan is another :^)


Also say that Turkey is Israel's and America's puppet and that their weapons are American and Israeli. For some reason they have this illusion that they're anti American force in the middle east

>talking to chinkies

Based, now I'm busy with my job once I got freetime I'll try to get an irani gf

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I did that, but it turns out she was a Kurd herself topkek

>Bonus points for making fun of the Turkish army for getting a bunch of their tanks destroyed in Syria

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This is now a "tell an 'x' that 'y' and they'll 'z'" thread

tell op that he's a fag

I messaged an Iranian girl a couple days ago and she responded initially with multiple paragraphs. I sent multiple paragraphs back but she hasn't responded to me or read my message even though she's been online.

>tell my spanish gf that Gibraltar is British
>she doesn't know what Gibraltar is, and says that if I said it, it's probably true


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Argies Falklands meltdown

What's the best European country to get grills from?

This can't be real lmao

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For real, she's based. The longest argument we've ever had was when she was desperately trying to convince me that our kids would be white


What were you guys discussing?


Underaged is underaged no matter what
Don't try to justify it, fucking nonce

I'm just gonna assume all American flags are nonce's until proven otherwise

She saw on my profile that I'm interested in history and she was too even though she was really bad at it in school. So we were talking about that.

well, that's all history now

I speculate she was scared by your superior intelligence and knowledge of the subject.
Next time containg your power level.

This happens to me. This Belarusian qt was telling me how Belarusians were good catholics before being forcefully converted to orthodox by Russia. But Belarusians have always been orthodox and never catholic desu, so she blocked me

>talk to one french girl
>get a buncha views from french people