What would actually happen if it was declared a security?

What would actually happen if it was declared a security?

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Only accredited investors would be able to buy it. $250k a year or $1MM in assets would qualify you.

NASDAQ lists it

kind tough, wont happen for long time. sec doesnt know what to do. big mess.

This. Would be interesting.

murricans get rekt

The absolute state of the freedom land

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Could you stop ruining good things ? Thanks

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what would it mean for ethereum to be declared a security?

flash crash as normies dump out of fear, then it will reach and ATH as people realize cryptocurrency is the one thing government can't control

set my proxy to russia

btc moon

lemme guess
they introduced these laws under the pretense of protecting regular people
the absolute, absolute, sheer fucking state of freedomland

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the entire crypto market would collapse because many of the top 100 tokens are on ethereum.

regulators would never do that because their job is to protect consumers. ETH will be fine. but it is funny they decided to hold this meeting before June 2nd.

>it’s the governments job to protect me!

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it unironically is. how will you pay your taxes if they don't?

>protect me big brother- from myself!

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newfag here what are security tokens and why does US lose to their gov again

literally every current TRX and EOS bag holder

This looks like a Trump tweet

it won't. this is just the latest round of pants shitting for gov as they realize they have no control over it other than fear tactics.

One last attempt to create fud and panic before the biggest bull run in history begins. The second half of this year is going to be a sight to see. Trillions will enter cryto before eoy screencap this.

>the entire crypto market would collapse
wrong. what would happen is the same thing people have been telling you retards for the last year and a half. erc20 tokens and eth wiped off the board. money either goes to other coins or back into fiat. bitcoin barely moves because most people invested in erc20 tokens and eth really dislike bitcoin and would rather cash out then put it in a real crypto currency.

We Bull.

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also, the erc20 tokens that aren't complete scams move to the other platforms like *** or ***

XRP has the highest likelihood

Even if it is declared a security, it will take some time before people start dumping it. Whatever other projects claim eth is the only network that has dApps. They are mostly useless games, but it works. It will not be the death of ETH, but it will definitely damage it significantly

so you're telling me to buy as much eth as possible right now because the price will go stratospheric following big money plays?

America is cucked beyond understanding

>Whatever other projects claim eth is the only network that has dApps.
>EOS releases next month and kills eth even if it wasn't regulated

what did he mean by this

To clarify, Only to amerimuts. Everyone else is free to do as they please. Not that anyone could even stop them in the first place.

nothing, nobody cares about us

assuming accredited investors are immune to Jow Forums tier FOMO shitposting and actually do research and buy into something as retarded as ETH who basically have a track record of rolling back their block chain because of their own incompetence. sure.

i would like to add, eth is no different than fiat. literally no different. bitcoin and cryptocurrencies were designed to fix fiats problems. remember that.

So basically, If it did happen... Any Tokens held by US Citizens would be lost??

>>regulators protect consumers
Regulators protect the ruling class. Here fixed it for ya

You only need to control ther fiat gateways


You mean like LocalBitcoins, payfair, and graft?

Don't breed

Underated post

If my crypto holdings grow to become worth $1MM will that make me accredited?

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