Stonerbros, let's talk about ganja in your country/city. Availability, price, and so.
Here is rather easy to buy, you don't have much of a problem if you want to buy a gram. it's not legal yet but far from a taboo. -Roundly a gram of quality marijuana cost you around 12 to 18 USD, "bad" quality marijuana or just common marijuana is called "Chilena" and can cost you from 6 to 9 USD. I obviously can't talk for my whole country , but it's probably similar. In the end price/quality totally depends on who's selling it to you and not being a total dumbass while buying.
Average price in Moscow is about 1k rubles per gram, I take it from a friend 2 hour train ride away from Moscow for half that price. Hash is also very common, much more common than normal weed, it's cheaper, but shittier.
Christian Sanchez
it is completely legal here
feels weird af man
Jason Sullivan
20€ from street niggers 15€ if you know a guy
Jace Nelson
$10/g is standard Seen it as low as $80/oz (about $3/g) if you know the right guy Living in a state where it's legal helps
Grayson Nelson
$10/g street price for good shit
Xavier Jones
Anyone know if medical weed (in states where THC isn't limited) is the same as the regular stuff? Too retarded to find a dealer and meet a couple criteria for medical so why not
Also $15/g for meh quality, legal recreational in my experience (obviously not my state) is around 15-20, medical is 10-15
Oliver Powell
15 for meh street price*
Oliver Brooks
5$/gr, dunno about availability, I grow it myself ( feminised strains costs1$/seed, pretty easy to buy online).
Aaron Robinson
in california before it became legal most people went to medical shops to get their weed so yeah i would guess it is the same
John Stewart
Well then it should be okay, I'm pretty non-THC-limited states only exist to sell it legally without pissing the public off anyway
Jayden Miller
Nicholas Rodriguez
dad's a grower. truly blessed. nothin beats trimmin bud with the ol man
otherwise i'd be spending like $10 a gram and would have to deal with people and all that shit
we have medical where i live so it's easy to find a hook up but i wish it we were recreational so i can buy straight from a dispensary instead of going to some diabetic fuck with card
20e/g is the standard on tor and streets. Fairly easily available in bigger cities.
Jordan Perry
It is very expensive right now. The cost is something above 10$/g
I remember times when it was 5$/g
Noone talks here about marijuana no more. It is illegal, but, it is too mainstream and safe to be popular. MDMA and every white powder is in Poland the King.
You don't have a life and cannot be a cool guy if you didn't try amphetamine at least once.
Charles Richardson
I've been smoking that crap daily for the past 3 months and I feel like my short term memory is getting really bad
How old are you? You shouldn't smoke a lot if your brain is still developing.
Luke Morales
I pay a little over $30 for 2g. I write to a number and then they come by bicycle to where I requested and we exchange.
Nicholas Butler
You shouldn't smoke that much in general. The furthest I've gotten was about two weeks and weed already lost most of it's luster, providing a somewhat dazed state at best. If you eat your favorite food every day for every meal it will become boring too.
Evan Perez
Responsibility is based.
Cameron Long
its about 10-12 euros at a coffee shop for a gram of mid-tier (but still pretty decent) stuff around here. If you know a guy you can get that for about a half to a third depending on how much you buy
Noah Miller
Last time I was in Amsterdam I bought ~40 euros worth, and it was some weak shit. I'm guessing I was just unlucky, though.
Grayson Ross
Periodically I buy thc vape cartridges from my friend. The pricing and amount varies. I don't even like weed that much as it makes me super anxious and neurotic but I might buy another one soon since alcohol is taking a toll on me and I need my crutch.
Liam Stewart
( Y I K E S O U )
Colton Rivera
I almost stopped drinking entirely after trying weed. At least it never makes me vomit, the most you'll get from smoking too much weed is some quality sleep. Hash is another story though, I did projectile vomit a couple of times from that one
Joseph Nelson
I've vomited several times from mixing the two lol. Smoking too much won't result in any physical damages, but it brings me close to mental breakdowns.
Jeremiah Edwards
27,65$ a gram here the quality is shitty because we do not have cannabis exports (we are in the Middle East). it's the dealers who make it grow themselves
Nathaniel Ortiz
20 EUR per gram :( Not too hard to get and pretty mainstream in Tallinn. Police take you to some consultant when you get caught with small amounts.
Jaxson Ward
Where? It's like $15 per gram here in Ohio.
Levi Price
here in darjeeling we have cheap marijuana which is still a hundred times better than the decently prices hash available in burgerland. and then there's the pricey stuff. only tried it once but let me tell you something fellas, that shit is so good that once you smoke it you'll either give up cheap marijuana because its just not the same or you'll end up stealing money just to buy that sweet pricey ganja.
Brandon Walker
Seriously take a break, lad. I used to smoke every day and I noticed my memory turning to shit also. Like the other user said, it's bad for brain development.
Josiah Clark
It's the reason why I didn't try coke yet - what if I like it and can't go back to simple speed afterwards? And that stuff is fucking expensive.
Leo Adams
All across Poland zł40/gram is the standard price for quality stuff. That's around $11, or €9. If you want something stronger it's gonna be more expensive, but not unreasonably so. Availability varies from month to month because there's not that many suppliers, at least in central Poland. Also, I have a buddy who is willing to trade 1g for 1L of moonshine which, conveniently, I happen to make on a very small scale for myself. This way I'm able to buy zł100 worth of weed for zł8 required for the materials. I don't smoke though so it's kind of a wasted opportunity. I smoked maybe 5 times in my life and didn't like it as much as I do alcohol and I'd rather drink my distilled spirits
isn't speed supposed to be waay more intense than anything else?
Ethan Robinson
I just spent two days doing coke this week. It really isn't better to me than a nice medical amphetamine. But none of them even come close to the raw opium master race.
Angel Cruz
It's different. It gives you loads of energy and makes you concentrate super fucking hard on whatever you're doing, but it's not much of an euphoretic. As a matter of fact you might dislike the thing you're doing, but you still can't stop doing it. One time I spent about 4 hours manually saving every picture I liked from Shadman's site, first on my phone, then on my PC, then I deleted the ones on the phone because they weren't sorted properly and saved them again. I never got to fapping though. It's kinda cool when you're depressed because it kinda makes you enjoy the things you stopped enjoying normally, like playing videogames. In US they actually sell it in pills and it's considered a student drug, something you do when you need to work hard on some project, not a party drug. Adderall it's called, I think.
Gavin Watson
Where I'm from it can be pretty tough to get and the dealers are pretty unreliable. It's pretty common for peoplw to purchase off the deep web. I live in the north of Sweden, somewhere pretty remote.
Michael Thompson
yea adderall isn't supposed to be a party drug but i heard its quite common for people to cursh up and then snort it at parties
Evan Moore
>Where I'm from it can be pretty tough to get Well, that's obvious. According to your state religion, cannabis is haram.
Jayden Hughes
It's extremely common in post-soviet countries. Like that pole mentioned earlier in the thread, it's about white powders here.
John Miller
I don't know man, it seems like it's just older people who think it's so "haram" as you put it. However my boomer mom got VERY upset when she found out I smoked.
Carson Smith
I managed to convince my mom that my bong is just a mini-hookah. It helps that we're both smokers and I have plenty of tobacco smoking apparel too.
Jaxson Cox
You have to be over 18 to post here
Dylan Lopez
I don't know as for now since I grow my own for 3 years, but it used to be around 8-10€/g
Joseph Watson
200 czk (9,2 usd or 7,8 eur) is considered a normal price per gram
If you know a guy it’s around 100-150 czk depends on quantity and quality
Now I grow my own, one plant at a time. CBD strains only. I used to smoke/vape a lot during uni, but I don’t enjoy it now. I have pretty low tolerance so I get panic attack when I smoke/vape potent THC strains.