Tfw weeb but for samoa

>tfw weeb but for samoa
how can i be put out of my pain

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Other urls found in this thread: auckland

Enlighten me on the Samoa

What does a samoaboo like? I can't think of anything they do.

>strong community and family structure
>among the safest countries in the world
>everyone says Polynesian countries are the friendliest in the world
>better weather than Canada's arctic hellhole
>An actual culture unlike Canada's post-nationalism
>Day to day life is influenced heavily by pre-European tradition (although there is some christcuckery)

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Do they not allow people of other races to move there?

Have you ever actually talked to anyone from Samoa?

no you can move there but no one really does. The only whites who are there are there for churches.
no because I live in Canada

Okay, but there's another way to talk to Samoans than in person
It's a magical thing called
The Internet

yeah I tried interpals or whatever but the website is pretty dead. Not that many samoans dude and most don't use internet

I did have a tongan friend growing up

I met a lot of Samoans at church
Chill but they tend to keep to themselves

Isn't most of Samoa and Polynesia going to underwater before this century is over?

All of Samoa is on mountains. Tonga's main island is flat though.

what are they doing in taiwan

tonga > samoa

fucking palangi

t. tonga


which part?

If it's so nice and easy to move there why not just move there instead of sucking them off all day on Jow Forums?

I'll so next summer for 2 months or so. I am stuch here working and I start school in september so I can't leave until summer break :( Tickets there cost 2000$

are you really moving there? lel

not moving but i'm bored. going to europe too after because family

what are you going to do in samoa

It would be fun to be an English teacher but I'd need to do some extra shit for credentials.

how are you planning on telling people that you are a samoaboo

can I just autistically disappear from Canada?

i mean when you're in samoa

the grass is greener on the other side

I'll be white so i just it's implied? Trying to learn the language so that im not retarded. 'O lo'u fa'aSāmoa ua leaga

I hope you don't mean Am*rican Samoa

yeah but it literally is because in Canada it's yellow in the summer because it doesn't rain and yellow in the winter because it snows

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ew no wtf no I want to go to Apia/Savaii

wouldn't they assume you're a missionary?

no because i'm not christian (but I cant say that)


>but i cant say that
so...they're gonna think you're a missionary?

If I'm not doing missionary stuff then I don't seem like a missionary

The only thing I'm worried about is church attendence. Sundays are a big deal and you can't work those days, I think it's even impolite to visit different villages on those days. If I'm not seen in a church then will people think I'm a heathen?

don't know

this is such a bullshit phrase given that different countries have very clearly different climate, states of development, economy, culture, crime etc. Anyone who has moved country or even state/town can confirm that the grass is often in fact greener

you tongan/samoan

Just go to South Auckland if you want to experience Samoan "culture".

Are you the guy who made that thread on /hm/?

nah I'm a bong and the UK is a shithole in comparison to many places

I highly doubt this is indicative of Samoan culture. This seems like we wuzing but they think "We wuz blak n shiet".

Yes that is their culture. auckland

Notice a trend among the results?

Why can't you say that?

because they're really christian
So basically white people from Michigan are the same culturally of those from the Netherlands and Finland

do you think they're going to attack you or something for not being religious?

well its really diverse in terms of Christian denominations but everyone is some form of Christian. It might weird them out.

Accecpt Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour and join your Samoan brothers in paradise :)

Every time I see that Taiwanese flag I think it's a Samoan flag and I get excited just to get let down