Hello black user here hows it going my bros.
Hello actual black user here
Other urls found in this thread:
what's good my nigga
i hate blacks and i want a genocide of you
it's allright my black brother how about you
What up fren. I come from the opposite side of Africa but never stepped foot there lol
my south Belizean hands are too pure and white for you non whites to look at
You mad brown boy?
most mexicans are a little blacked
what's up nigga⤴⤴⤴?
post your BBC
do you like chicken waffles?
rude desu
Do you support black Latinos?
Yeah I support all man kind bro
Are you a qt
Mexicans are a gross micture of nig genes and spic genes.
Can I say nigger?
I'd like to say nigger
Nope I'm average
How fo you feel about the current role of black americans in today society?, how do you see the future for black americans?
Do you get offended when youre being called a nigga by a non-black?
>He said nigger
t. yellow nigger
No not really.
Oh, am I nigger too?
do you browse /mlp/?
pic related
Yeah no I don't I mostly browse Jow Forums /co/ and /his/
have you ever witnessed a group of black women compliment a young white male during a cinema screening?
Fuck u
>black user here
Opinion on Anne Frank x Charlie
Ah ....... Based.?
Well excuse me sir I'm a pretty member of the negroid race