My mum wasn't a stupid whore cunt today because she bought me home subway

My mum wasn't a stupid whore cunt today because she bought me home subway.

Attached: based mum.jpg (720x960, 79K)

Does austrailia has any food culture that doesnt come via us fast food or ME immigrants?

Spider soufflé

>isn't in the subway

>full of arabs

Looks bland

>is a ching

>Australia doesn't have food cult-

Attached: Australian_Bread.jpg (3008x2000, 1.61M)

Respect your mother you spoiled brat.

Attached: 1483159418663.png (750x800, 195K)

A lot of our food culture is pretty much gone nowadays but it was mainly English cuisine + our own wildlife desu. We sill have our seafood, alcoholic beverages, and our meme foods which are owned by U.S companies now.

No one eats local fauna very much anymore besides emu and kangaroo since our new wildlife laws are cucked and we can't export a lot of it overseas now.
Plus you get a lot of poofters in places like Melbourne and Sydney that look down upon our own cuisine nowadays which is disgraceful.

Best thing we had imo was milk bars, not sure if they're around still with the same amount of quality but they're heaps good.

Sup Daniel

Not that faggot

Than which faggot are you?

Doesn't matter, this is an anonymous board, fuck off

I'm just curious because I either fucked you or had drinks with you.

>he thinks only 3 israelis post on Jow Forums

Please just fuck off.

Last time I checked there were only a handful of us here, no need to be an ערס about it

There are at least 7. There's a discord.


I knew before seeing flag this was either a US or AUS post.


Can I join it?

subway is literally vomit tier

lol wut. it's literally bread and whatever the fuck you want in it

I (bong) eat lots of roo because its cheap and also very lean, which most locals (sydney) are shocked by