Rebranding coming soon to a cube near you

Attached: IMG_20180501_195832_384.jpg (622x1280, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

just sold 100k. looks like shit.


It's nothing?

We ruined the old logo with our memes.

Assblasted called it

Attached: Screenshot_2018-05-01-18-44-46.png (720x1280, 456K)

i like the chainlink nodes logo for a more minimalist look

Attached: Logo.png (190x190, 9K)

where's the image

Guys I'm nervous

Attached: Screenshot_2018-05-01-18-14-05.png (720x1280, 194K)



Here honey.

Attached: 312809A4-82DE-4E61-B4DC-96C0A27E596F.jpg (1280x1126, 61K)

I'm shaking frens

Attached: IMG_20180501_201000.jpg (235x103, 6K)

Holy fucking shit confirmed. Memers blown the absolute fuck out lmfao

where is the url to this


Attached: 1523599111008.jpg (528x412, 62K)


tbqh this is really, really good news. chainlink's classic logo is god-tier but it isn't exactly normie friendly. this is the beginning of the marketing phase and we're all gonna be fucking rich so quit whining

Attached: 1515585744180.png (1000x600, 27K)


Wow nice fucking logo

This is feels exactly like getting into neo while it was antshares or into raiblocks

I assumed they were going to do a logo rebrand at some point but I was expecting something a little more audacious than a fucking hexagon. This is lazier than blockarray (old and/or new) ffs.

Attached: Pied_Piper_Logo.jpg (300x300, 10K)

They should have gone with something like this.

Attached: linker.png (568x255, 32K)

>is an actual chainlink
This actually makes more sense

And good to turn the branding away from all the NEETS

Attached: .jpg (125x123, 3K)

kek don't quit your day job

This. It just means LINK is trying to make moves. It's been performing well. It won't just be a Jow Forums secret tip for much longer.

where are your autistic research skills

Too late. >:)

>where is the url to this

I who click that link, would reclick that link.

Attached: IMG_20180501_184719.png (720x140, 68K)

It's a chainlink, you idiot

Attached: 20151019104430451.jpg (670x502, 67K)

Why do you think they did this
To escape the meme autism

>biz secret tip

lol. It's not a secret

I made the screencap woooohooo
hi mom im famous

how did I not see this?


A hole you throw money into?

>there's nothing here, yet

Attached: 9329910420.png (1919x994, 80K)

That’s CHICKEN WIRE, dumb stinky

I choose to not believe this. They're fucking shadowforking our logo.

Attached: shadowforkdiamond gold.png (900x900, 134K)

really don’t care whether or not this is your first day browsing biz or you are totally skeptical. I want us all to make it and this is the biggest sign yet that sergey and chainlink are very fucking close to marketing this.

Notice the new logo. Look closely and you can see the form of the old chainlink cube wrapped up by another cube, it is fucking beautifull and professionally done.

He's right ya know

I copied the image from telegram but I did see the url posted in another thread.

You stinkies need to send this artist a few poopoocoins to touch this up.

Attached: EEAD305A-173E-4DF5-AFE7-2AC96F72D568.jpg (5472x3648, 2.66M)

It’s actually kind of boring, doesn’t mean it’s bad.

OP here, You are a Maniac. Dubs confirm.

Attached: 493w4.jpg (607x607, 31K)

Boring and not memeable means serious business. Think antshares-neo

This is what was inside the box all along,

Attached: kek.jpg (500x281, 28K)

Believe me it will be memed. The last thing you tell the autistic bizlets is that they can’t meme something.

Attached: B35B2BA1-B870-48AF-9661-70BA77C26F36.jpg (493x401, 87K)

Attached: 1518653202811.png (900x900, 135K)

I hope not, for all our sakes

It has already begun nolinker

Attached: 1499780027237.png (1242x505, 293K)

Chad looks like Moonman with his makeup off.

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee they will shadowfork for real

Attached: 23-38-18-1523667877540.jpg (1080x1069, 849K)

Im linker you fucking idiot, thats why I am concerned

Lol I actually saw this fire in my hometown

Also checked

All our memes are obselete

new logo means we might make it. i never have seen a project being run like this. no announcement whatsoever about a rebrand. not a word just silently changes it. wtf is going on something very strange is going on here.

Chainlink doesn’t actually exist user
It’s moot fucking with us

Look at that subtle off-white colouring. The tasteful thickness of it.

>all the linky memes are outdated now

Attached: 1520655359840.jpg (320x320, 23K)

InteRORYgator: Cells.
user: Cells.
InteRORYgator: Have you ever been in an institution? Cells.
user: Cells.
InteRORYgator: Do they keep you in a cell? Cells.
user: Cells.
InteRORYgator: When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells.
user: Cells.
InteRORYgator: Interlinked.
user: Interlinked.
InteRORYgator: (darker than before) What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.
user: Interlinked.
Joshi, watching from her office, sees an anomaly detected.
InteRORYgator: Within cells interlinked.
user: Within cells interlinked.
InteRORYgator: Dreadfully.
user: Dreadfully.
InteRORYgator: What’s it like to be filled with dread? Dreadfully.
user: Dreadfully.
InteRORYgator: Do you like being separated from other people? Distinct.
user: Distinct.
InteRORYgator: Dreadfully distinct.
user: Dreadfully distinct.
InteRORYgator: Dark.
user: Dark.
InteRORYgator: Within cells interlinked.
user: Within cells interlinked.
InteRORYgator: Within one stem.
user: Within one stem.
InteRORYgator: And dreadfully distinct.
user: And dreadfully distinct.
InteRORYgator: Against the dark.
user: Against the dark.
InteRORYgator: A tall white fountain played.
user: A tall white fountain played.
InteRORYgator: ...You're not even close to All time high.

Sucks balls. The OG logo was so unique and was going to be a household icon once LINK took off. This looks like literally every single startup's monotone bullshit that no one ever, ever remembers. Sucks, for something to become iconic it needs an iconic logo with it. Google, Apple, Tesla, Slack, etc. not some purple faggot cube

I don't get this reference.

I never saw Blade Runner.

Attached: INTERLINKED.png (762x420, 325K)

It's called a semblance of professionalism. Remember this is basically still a crypto start up focused on the product and networking so as much as they want to stay in stealth mode, they'll never be as stealthy as IBankers when they do M&A deals and IPOs, Lawyers on huge cases, etc. Of course there will be slip-ups but at least they try to keep shit under wraps if they're under NDA, etc.

some graphic designer got payed for that shit.

>A blue white nothingness began to dump.
>Began to dump.
>Let's move on to blockchain. Blockchain.
>Feel that in your body. The blockchain.
>What does it feel like to be part of the blockchain. Blockchain.
>Is there anything in your body that wants to resist the blockchain? Blockchain.
>Do you get pleasure out of being a part of the blockchain? Blockchain.
>Have they created you to be a part of the blockchain? Blockchain.
>Is there security in being a part of the blockchain? Blockchain.
>Is there an oracle that works with the blockchain? Blockchain.
>We're going to go all in. Coins.
>They were all put together at ICO. Coins.
>Millions and billions of them. Coins.
>Did you spend much time in the chain? Coins.
>Have you ever been adopted by an institution? Coins.
>Do they keep you in a node? Coins.
>When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a cold wallet? Coins.
>What's it like to hold the coins of someone you love? Interlinked.
>Do they teach you how to feel candle to candle? Interlinked.
>Do you long for having your data interlinked? Interlinked.
>Do you dream about feeds being interlinked?
>Have they left a place for you where you can stream? Interlinked.
>What's it like to hold your coins in your wallet? Interlinked.
>What's it like to play with your toilet? Interlinked.
>Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Interlinked.
>Do you like to connect to things? Interlinked.
>What happens when that linkage is broken? Interlinked.
>Have they let you feel heartbreak? Interlinked.
>Did you buy a bag for the person you love? Within chains interlinked.
>Why don't you say that three times?
>Within chains interlinked.
>Within chains interlinked.
>Within chains interlinked.

Attached: 1525221850704.png (600x600, 187K)


Attached: 29A30582-B804-4A28-9DEB-41E9EA63DE72.gif (400x480, 443K)

Stop it Marine

Attached: 1518604284322.jpg (500x500, 26K)

Not even the real assblaster
His trip was started with
Alot of fake assblasters lateley

that honestly makes sense, it just needs to be done properly

yeah im mind blown how they are running this operation. it is like a fine tuned oil machine not even with a twitter post about the logo change this is unbelievably well run. im being serious .

Yeah, and he probably designed 10 different logos only for them to go with the simplistic one. Stop being a faggot if you don't know what the creative process entails.


not simple enough

Simplicity is easily recognised and more professional.

I mean Sergey did work at a VC fund and a well known one that made very public investments. I think he has a pretty good grasp on how to run things professionally but invariably, because it's a start up, some things slip and collective autism is able to capitalize on that. It's like a glitch in the matrix. Or it could be Sergey purposefully leaving hints so that only the most obsessive and autistic find them

I-i-s it you using a new trip?

i hate this logo

Attached: gross.png (740x900, 927K)

you're not my assblaster

What the hell am I going to do with all these pin bags. Reeeeeee

Attached: 75448D81-2AEA-48D0-9198-A891FB273CCA.jpg (570x760, 89K)

thas p. cool

lmfao this nice one satan

Attached: sateminem.png (1671x1247, 1.73M)

Logos are actually a bitch. I've tried my hand at it a few times but no more. I just commission one, tell the guy the concept I want, and ask for 5 samples in under two weeks. I pick one I like, ask for an edit, maybe one final edit after that and we're done. It has a bigger impact on sales than you'd think. What's a couple hundred bucks when you write is as business costs on taxes anyway?

What did LINK mean by this?

Attached: qhat.jpg (1164x578, 51K)

Reeeee stop Im not done transfering funds

Sergey is counter-memeing us

He litteraly just made months and months worth of memes irrelevant. So when he goes live in the corperate world next week and we try to post on SWIFT and Microsoft's twitter he can just shrug his shoulders.

it's a star of david? The mark of the beast? A hexagon like on saturn?

Attached: 1483670660547.png (900x900, 21K)

I think LINK says it likey

he is a genius but did he change the brand too early? mainnet is a few months out no?

I actually got a meme degree in communications design with a focus on corporate identity. I know exactly what the "creative" process entails. Hint: A lot of Bullshit and Fuckery. But this new logo is just particularly low effort and shit. I wouldn't be surprised if some fiverr Pajeet did it

yes but they might start the marketing as soon as they hit their testing milestones (SWIFT wants to see the gears turning... it's how companies work).

The timeframe doesn't even matter. What can we do with a fucking hexagon for a logo anyways? Too generic. He's 10 steps ahead.

Everything Sergey has done was pretty slow and deliberate. Might be closer than we suspect.

These will be worth 500$ (aka half a linky) a pop in the near future as rare collector items from the pre singularity era

Whatever happened to plush link user?

Attached: 1502338118241.png (350x350, 495K)


Sad to see all the memes die.

But this is for the best. The new logo is significantly more professional.

I'd consider this further confirmation we're all going to be rich. It's a bittersweet day.