Holochain - What went wrong?

Attached: holo.jpg (225x225, 6K)

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Idex fucked it but there is a bright future ahead.


Do we buy back in?!

unironically these

only if you want to be part of something that has the potential to be revolutionary.


this is old news, the new pnd is nexo

fuck pnds - this is a long term hodl

Its still up since yesterday white power coin is the final solution

Holochain Marine checking in!

Sirs, all is fine on the IDEX systems. We are experience small amounts of lag but all systems seem to be functioning. Price currently rock solid at 110 and climbing.

what i saw reeks manipulation. ive never seen such a huge dump before on such a tiny exchange. literally thousands of eth dumped busting through every support like a hot knife

never touching this coin again. i imagine its gonna get pumped against until theres liquidity to dump then the exact same thing will happen again

Meh. Next time don't show up late to the party

You bought a biz pnd what did you expect?

when a coin you've never heard of is being relentlessly shilled on biz for no reason, they're trying to dump on you.

I bought at 80(000000...) sats and am up almost 2 ETH on my investment kek
>people still don't believe
it crashed due to the IDEX "maintenance" fuckup

You realise this is for those who are "for the tech, not the money"

Seriously this be even worse than ChainLink

It even wants to distance fuel from being "cryptocurrency"

Not going to be listed on other exchanges,
enjoy your bags

you are going to be sad when this is the little brother of EOS and Cardano and you're sitting here with your dick in your hand mumbling about how it's a pajeet p&d coin and muh tech nerds


if vitalik and his sassy t-shirts haven't convinced you yet, you're not gonna make it, nigger!


The devs unironically want this platform to take over the world.

> mfw HOT fags keep referring to price in SATS when IDEX only measures in GWEI

come on now.

Also, if you're interested in this coin legitimately do some research. Devs claim to have been working on this project for 10 years (with support to back it up) and, while grandiose, it looks like a pretty innovative idea. The only issue I have is that the Holochain is not blockchain dependent, rather it seems like doing an ICO was a good way to raise funding and they figured they could pay token holders back later with gas.

I bought 100K of this shit though. Definitely being shilled on Jow Forums for less than altruistic reasons, but the project actually looks interesting as fuck. Worst case scenario is this shit becomes Tron 2.0 and we still make a pretty penny

>people sold at literally -50% only for it to come back mere moments later

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-01 at 10.19.40 PM.png (572x194, 31K)

>I bought 100K of this shit though
what is that, like $10?

does anyone knows what's the currents mcap?

I think like $60-70 lol.

Bought some TFD on IDEX yesterday and market bought some HOT with the remaining .1 ETH or so

just joshin' good luck friend

this is truly the coziest i have felt in awhile.

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should be arround 100-120M a bit overvalued now I'd say, but I don't think that matters in this case. This would debut in the top 100 once CMC refelcts MCAP

>This would debut in the top 100 once CMC refelcts MCAP
damn, that is comfy as fuck

who /holo's wild ride/ here?

on board senpai
didn't sell 'cuz my order wouldn't go through and now i am up another 50% kek

Hmm. I wonder.

Attached: pajeetchain.png (1350x900, 180K)

wonder why someone has not shopped a holobutthole yet

i've seen a Goatse photoshop in one of these threads

Goys 200 mil MC isn't high considering this bitch is gonna dethrown Ethereum. Screenshot this. This is the only legitimate crypto killer right now.

You guys are thinking about crypto projects and market cap and supply in the OLD WAY. Watch some holochain presentations and you will see they try to get this point across multiple times - the way we know it is old. They are doing something new, which might not make sense but it will soon. Expand your minds.

yea but apparently since the devs haven't stated a desire to pursue exchanges, this somehow discredits the whole thing.

Attached: expanding_brain.jpg (801x995, 175K)

Holy shit look what I just found. I think you autists might like this.


You're still thinking the old way.

Holochains motto is 'think outside the blocks'.

exchanges will LIST IN Holochain

Attached: namaste.jpg (3840x2160, 1.4M)

People sold HOT at 0.0000007 just a few hours ago?

The absolute state of this coin's holders.


'Dethrown'. Kek.

Sure, buddy.

buy the dip
buy the dip

Explain, i have 10eth to drop and seriously considering between hot and ori

Still the one.

Attached: holochaincard.jpg (474x659, 229K)

Checked. Kek has also gave blessings to Holo

I like this meme a lot, it should have an attack that takes down IDEX tho

What's the circulating supply?

Almost as bad as the people attempting to FUD it. It's so comical the excuses they give.

>Co-Founder is a quaker!
>Muh lib tards, I wouldn't touch it
>ZOMG SJWs mean fails!
>Wats dis supply size?
>other user said its scam so I say its scam.
>Grug have no time to DYOR

Attached: pampanddumpholo.jpg (474x659, 234K)

>What's the circulating supply?
Market cap and total supply don't matter where we are going with Holochain. Paradigm shift. Think outside the blocks.

it dumped
good time to buy

I bought in. 77 to 157, sub-110 is a good re-trace.

I'll be selling at sub-200

we /dumping/ again lads

you do realize this effects the price of the coin though, right.

coingecko says 381 Million circulating of 25 Billion total supply

It's 177 billion in circulation, with approximately $130 million market cap right now

Attached: holo_111.png (362x132, 6K)


Jesus this is pumped to shit. Thank god i didn't FOMO in... it's a long way down.

isn't it only

i think this pic is old

Checked. Also like the pic, can tell you did research and spent time on it

Same thing that happened with 0xBTC. Give it a few days and shilling will stop and you'll never hear of this again.

I'm still up, so I'm holding. Should have bought when the shill told ya

because holo is even in the same fucking ballpark as that shitcoin...

fuck the people on this board are just grug level retarded sometimes.

It's a copy of eth sharding.