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Other urls found in this thread:


my mom is from qatar

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Yoohoo, darkies.

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who is this footballer?

Not aesthetic at all

Who's the guy one the left?
I've litreally seen someone that look lik him in my Uni and he was a gulf Arab

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I mrant the guy on the right ;-;
Sorry I haven't slept properly

زيد بن مكتوم

He isn't at any uni, do you have a lot of foreign students in yours?

What is up, my dudes?

What's wrong with brazilian men?

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I am Maghrebi

Good morning!

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Just finished some work with electrical circuits problems
Mashallah khoya

What’s a Maghrebi? Are they Arab Roma?

Top 5 anime motivational speeches

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Yes. There are cute Frechie and Mehgrabi girls

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Iwill educate you
Here is a maghrebi

Attached: maghrebi.jpg (640x960, 41K)

And here is an arab

Attached: gayrab.jpg (518x289, 26K)

okay, so where do they live?
are they natives or were they a migrated ethnicity like the turks?

and back at summer school

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Maghrebi means from the maghreb aka natives from modern Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria

maghrebi > arab

John, i told you to stop pretending to be a girl. you got enough attention

We're an afro-semitic group native to North Africa arabized to a certain extent depending on the regions. We're either Amazigh or Arab-Amazigh mixed.

Attached: Magreb_Google_Maps.jpg (600x330, 105K)

oh, so they’re northwestern africans.
are they related to moors?

We are the moors....

are Libyans maghrebis?

Bitch moors ARE the north africans that lived in iberia, with few arabs

Lybia is not part of the maghreb, they are not humans

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Ooh, okay. Sorry lol.

No fine but educate yourself and we are not arabs

Unclear, sometimes they are considered as maghrebis, sometimes they're not. What's sure is that Egyptians aren't maghrebis. We're the saracens, the moors and we actually didn't mix that much with Arabs, even when WE WUZ conquered Spain we weren't very united with Arabs on this matter

What are you doing in KSA?

if most were berbers who came into iberia why the hispanic arabic spoken by the populace isn't berberized?

not sayint it's wrong, just curious. the loanwords we got are also arabic, none berber. same with name places.

My name isn’t John and I’m not pretending to be anything.

I took right instead of left at Albuquerque, and now I’m here.
I do like the flag though, it gets unique reactions.

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Reminder to report the fat bitch‘s posts

A bit unrelated, but my Mexican teachers used to speak about how their culture and Arab culture had a lot of similarities!
Could’ve had to do with the Arab/Moor invasion of the Iberian peninsula shaping Spanish culture, not that sure about Portuguese.

Actually, I’m underweight, but what’d I do?

Using a proxy is against the rules
Your chubby hand says otherwise

Andalusia and northern Mexico are both deserts so the building style, clothes and food etc are already suited for the climate


it's a fact not a theory, even after reconquista the arab rule marked the christian population so much that we still have lots of loanwords and cultural similarities.

Only Greeks allowed here

Actually i watched some video of a guy explaining the andlusian arabic and it has similarities with some dialects in the north western africa.
And if they were mostly arabs, then the south spanish and port won't get a %NA but a ME %.

What's the damascus nightlife like? Is picking up chicks possible or nah?

I wanna fuck a qt Syrian gril

how are they chubby?

I’m a total geek for cultural similarities.
So what did the Arabs change the most about Spain? I know about the Andalusian architecture, but what about language and cuisine?

Are people of portuguese descent allowed?

And there are even central or south americans with NA dna in their results

genetics of actual southern spaniards aren't affected by the arab rule since the mixed ones were expelled and there was a massive blood purity genocide

north african and semitic genetics of actual spaniards are prior to the ummayad caliphate

Yes , ever had a pastel de nata?
It's one of my favourite pastry with some cinnamon on top it's peng desu
Can you speak moortuguese?

>whats Damascus nightlife like

too dark to see due to the goberment being cheap asses to build more lights + you're easily asking people to rob you walking at night.
dunno if you can pick out chicks by going to bars.

(based on my childhood experiences)

Architecture and loanwords are present all over Spain not only Andalusia, pic related is la aljaferia from northern Spain

article about language: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_language_influence_on_the_Spanish_language

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Yes, but not that often. My aunties make them during family gatherings like barbecues, thanksgiving, and christmas.

Sadly, no, I can’t speak portugese, but perhaps I should.

Very chubby

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Greetings /mena/

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here you can learn your ancestor's language

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Hyper-alpha sham

/isr/ is part of /mena/.

Please stop embarrassing yourself

/isr/ is fantasy

Nibba your flag be gay as fuck

Says the Belgian nigga

At least read my next posts moron
As long as you are semitic it's fine bro

no it isn't
be quiet

Chad Mashreqi vs Beta Maghrebi

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Oh wait, you’re calling me a moor baby.
Har har.

It's the reality, poortuguese look like the regular Momo from Tanger, nearly no difference especially in the south parts

They don't at all redeem what already happened. I'm just giving you advice here, a quick Google search would have allowed you to save your face but now you just have to autistically screech whenever presented with an opposing argument.

why did my israel palestine thread get deleted
faggy ass janitors

I'm not going to repeat all I've said but Sadaqa and Zakat are not opposed poles, they are similar in the way that Zakat is a sadaqa by itself
Also I never did the Zakat thing, family pays for everyone and I've never done it
But whatever I don't feel shame for what I was mistaken for, that's stupid

Brazilian culture is oversexualized, that's all I can say.


And I don't care about my brainletism in Islam, I have my mind focused on other things for the moment

because the kike was getting btfo

Also Islamism/political islam is khara

Ba3thiya is where its at.

Because the rules of the board state that blatant political discussion goes on Jow Forums. And anyway any kind of topic involving Israel is bound to quickly fall into trolling, retarded conspiracies, racism and discussion that leads nowhere.

Sure just make sure not to argue about stuff you have limited knowledge in.

Syrianon: To answer to what you said earlier
I'm sure at 100% that palestinians live better than you because they are controled by Israel and Fatah, and that avoids the risk of a civil war
Hamas wants to impose unnecessary wars on its people, the hijab on women (as in Iran)
Hamas raises money on workers' wages in Gaza and imposes on Christian minorities to put pictures of martyrs on Christmas trees
When Christian Palestinians are allowed to go to Nazareth (in Israel) for Christmas, they will never come back to Palestine again
I would prefer to live under the Israel's control than been in a bloodthirsty and unstable country
And about Al-Qaeda, I don't understand why you say that Israel helped them, they are our ennemy

Qu'est ce qui est sémite pour toi?

זה כן יא בן אלף

I thought I was legit right because a donation was the same in my mind whatever the motive, whatever my intention was good

Mizrahim/ Sephardim are bros
But I doubt for the rest, they don't look middle eastern

/isr/ is it's own thing and has nothing to do with this semen slurping general

>t. makes 6 million threads a day about MUH DEMOCRACY


The racist is usually one buttmad jew calling everyone shitskins.

Did you just ignore all the evidence that I posted and just posted some more crap...

It's a based Lachlan that makes the democracy threads and he does that to bait you, amazing how easy that is.

hey, user
I have few questions to ask you:
Are you an Alawite?If yes, do you consider yourself Muslim?
What do you think of Sunni Arabs?
Is it true that most of Syrians(chiefly Sunnis) hate Alawite people?
Can you say difference between Sunni Arab and Alawite Arab based on their appearence?

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Khilafa soon
1st for United States of Islam
Death to Piss-Rael and Sionists

How are you guys?

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לא נכון בכלל
תיראה כמה דברים יש לנו במשותף עם הערבים (ימח שמם וזכרם) האלה ׃
אוכלים חומוס , אומרים יא קוס ראבאק, קוס עמק.....
תיראה גם למה דומים תושבי נתיבות דווקה הם נראים כמו ערבים חחח

Je ne suis même pas sûr que les ashkénazes soient juifs..
Mais les mizrahim sont la master-race.

I do not look at websites related to conspiracy theory

Hamas has atleast some balls

Is that you? Vedic retard?


now fuck off

>some balls

Il faut en avoir des couilles pour organiser des manifestations violentes en mettant des vieillards et des enfants en première ligne comme ça ils font en sorte que Tsahal tire (ça n'arrive jamais)

it doesn't bait anyone, i'm just saying its hypocritical cause those are obviously political but here you're bitching "NOOOO POLITICS ALLOWED"

Nope, I am your proud Pashtun bvll (your being not the Muslim Indians but the other ones, your'e a brother Kashmiri dude)

every post after this one says the following:

Death to Piss-Raaeeel

Attached: sieg-heil-love-story-10.jpg (259x194, 7K)

Those threads are obvious spam, and they obviously bait you if you get mad at them, dumbass.

Muttghrebis and joos are one and the same sp*ere

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أنا راح أتكلم في اللغة العربية حتى اليهود و الهنود لا يفتهمو

staray mashe wrora

are you retarded or can you not read? I'm not saying i have a problem with them, I just don't open them. Its just entirely hypocritical for you to bitch about Jow Forums threads while being okay with those threads.

I know you jews like to use circular logic but jeez

And furthermore when you correct someone who's wrong in a decent way, make sure to not be insulting because that's just arrogance and it's pathetic.(Krieg)