My ancesters :)

My ancesters :)

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That Kurd drawing always makes me laugh

>not a jew
They're the most Jewish out of all khaleejis

Nah, Saudi Arabia is.

israel did not steal history shitskin muzzie

I always hate reading about pre-Islamic civilisations in the Middle East, it usually leaves me feeling quite sad. It's a shame that so much culture was wiped out to make way for Islam

Don't lie, the Jews who own Dubai and by proxy the rest of the UAE are more Jewish than Israelis

Anime makes even sandniggers qute

Worst timeline

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Wtf are you on about?
Saudi Arabia has been meddiling with eveyone and uses its money for shitty gains.
While uae uses its money to invest to create more wealth for its country

You niggers buy up every fucking port in the world and then renegotiate the fucking terms whenever it starts getting profitable. Then the country has started colonizing South Yemen

t. brainlet who thinks that under the caliphates everybody was monolithic with a same culture

>French flag defending Islam and the middle east
Hmm wonder who could be behind this post....

Unironically this.

Saudi Arabia will collapse when the oil reserves become empty.
The country isn't attractive at all for foreigners and foreign investments.

Islam will face a "Martin Luther" like revolution, otherwise the house of Saud will go down.

Only the whabbist and Salafist will deal with such thing
Normal sunni muslims don't even like them

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no but they sure did wipe out a large chunk of the culture
>american having nothing intelligent to say
looks like everything is normal here

Um, excuse me, why is Lebanon included here?

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isn't this guy who we wuzed about syrians being greeks?

because they're Arabs by blood, culture and religion

It's quite literally someone from MENA getting pissy. If you think post-Islamic middle-eastern culture is comparable to pre-Islamic I have nothing to say to you, you're just ignorant.

>Arabs by blood

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>they're arab by blood
that only applies to the gulf states though. the levantine region is a mixed bag. otherwise you're right about the religion and language.

read up on medieval Islamic societies, they had rich a culture that was pretty much a mixture of Persian and Arabian culture, over time their culture became more and more westernized because of Turks and then colonialism which is why is seems like they have no culture these days

I'm aware of that, but the thing is, no /mena/ cunt will ever be able to separate completely state from religion as long as the Saudi influence is there.
Once Saudi Arabia collapses, we'll see arab cunts becoming more independent and less "religious".

I am Greek

keep in mind it should also include the collapse of iran too since they've been autisticly pushing shia extremism

Yeah, forgot about Iran.

Good thing about it is that the Iranian youth gives 0 fucks to religion and is just waiting for the chance to overthrow the meme government.

Lebanon best girl