Alcohol consumption per capita

Thoughts? Opinions? Insights? Comments?

Attached: HnzUAr4Uo-hqVyBXPrwmLAcgL3gkr36Olll8uOtQPsk.png (921x768, 372K)

green countries are gay and stupid
red countries are based and redpilled

Our alcohol consumption is still high and the current government is doing nothing but making the situation worse.

Those Muslims sure do skew the statistics in Britain

map doesn't account that Slavs are very resistant to alc

looks like the more the country drinks the shittier it is to live there, Turks are the Low IQ exception of course

bullshit. we have a humongous alcohol problem. we get very often cases of children who die of intoxication and people start getting drunk as soon as aged 13


Attached: belarus bitcoin cryptocurrencies.jpg (535x209, 35K)


ah so everyone drinks there because all of their bitcoins are now worthless