Japan never invented the chair

>Japan never invented the chair

Attached: images (3).jpg (470x313, 16K)

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a chair doesn't have to have legs

isn't it true if you pronounce/spell chair wrong you say "testicles" instead?


>kintama, kougan, in'nou
>isu, kouza
It would be one hell of a mispronunciation.


not sure, I just remembered seeing this meme or whatever

Attached: c63a8569245a4e323a54b57b704dc0f5.jpg (480x459, 35K)

How common are these?

Attached: 150-SNCF004_MDX.jpg (1280x1280, 479K)

Does sitting like that hurt after a while?

Attached: 1512335102079.jpg (1468x504, 101K)

Seems like a fine solution for foreigners who want to but can't sit in the proper position

I think it's an old people thing.

Attached: 001060.jpg (400x400, 76K)

There are many Japanese who use 座椅子 than that seat
It's very comfy desu ԅ( ˘ω˘ԅ)


Kek that image

Attached: shogi.png (672x611, 632K)

Japan never invented perspective.

ano bakemono...


Attached: d2_1309954_SIP.jpg (708x461, 241K)

or forks

You only need one eating utensil

Attached: Soup_Spoon.jpg (1848x1419, 586K)

Well if you have chairs, why does everyone sit in that retarded way?

They just had to skip inventing a proper chair and went for the most boomer design possible

Attached: that chair.jpg (1920x1080, 305K)
