Europeans will defend this abomination

>europeans will defend this abomination

Attached: file.png (640x360, 501K)

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why do americans get so confused at those? they have no complexity. a child would drive these.

that's in your country though

Nothing complicated here

It's already hard for them to use manual car, imagine that

There's quite a few around me, it's a lot better than stopping and waiting
This is really sad, i've had people think that i'm a genius because I drive a manual.

Attached: IMG_1025.jpg (1200x1200, 136K)

It's literally been scientifically proven that they improve traffic flow. Maybe if you put a few of those in some of your shit cities like LA you wouldn't have to stand in queue for 3 hours to drive 1 kilometer

>scientifically proven

Attached: brainlet.png (621x702, 56K)

fun fact: you should always be in second gear before entering a roundabout