I Find it incredibly unfair that us Europeans have to drive around in small cuck cars and stuff like that meanwhile...

i Find it incredibly unfair that us Europeans have to drive around in small cuck cars and stuff like that meanwhile this is the average american car

when will this change

Attached: 6.3.jpg (640x344, 46K)

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>when will this change
Never because in the US of A they have started driving Euro tier cuckboxes and gas is getting slowly more expensive.
Most sold brands in the US are Toyota and Honda.

when you establish exclusive trade deals with oppressive OPEC regimes.

Not true, the most popular car in the US is the f150. I see at least 15 of these every weekend

Attached: fifth wheel.jpg (840x280, 89K)

you can do this in my country but with huuuge taxes

With the exception of a few dicklets most sold cars nowadays in the US are economy sedans.

Attached: chartoftheday_3109_America's_Best_Selling_Vehicles_In_2014_n[1].jpg (960x684, 158K)

Imagine rolling around Denmark in something like this...

Attached: truck.jpg (4488x1926, 1.34M)

We have always drove small economy cars. Everybody in the 60s didn't drive around in muscle cars and huge landbarges, just a large portion of them did. Now instead of muscle cars, it's expensive ridiculous trucks.

Attached: xChevy_Corvair.jpg.pagespeed.ic.jST9WedIBf.jpg (1200x800, 171K)

Big car = Small dick

keep telling yourself that bud

Attached: 1971-chevrolet-camaro-z28_1375.jpg (640x360, 135K)