What happens in your region?

What happens in your region?

Attached: Baltic region.jpg (850x638, 123K)


Attached: sss.png (418x146, 46K)

todos los gentes sudan over regional politics and incoming death

Fuck NATO I am with Russia

Fuck NATO I am with Russia

Especially far, so I can only relax

Fuck NATO I am with Russia

we export terrorists to the middle east, please kill them for us

Fuck NATO I am with Russia

Attached: 15308758576083.png (536x389, 22K)

Fuck RUSSIA I am with NATO

Attached: 1530266402432.jpg (1024x768, 94K)

Fuck WITH am I NATO Russia

according to wikipedia, sudan has a lower HDI than haiti. do you have any comments on this? I always imagined haiti as hell on earth.

Naples is shit

Attached: 104B00DE-CF82-4BD2-BD75-D908ED0D2F50.jpg (600x700, 54K)

Fuck I AM russia with nato

Fuck with NATO i am Russia

I fucking hate living in a statelet

Attached: stateletsBTFO.png (1023x768, 867K)

Attached: 1531156781452.jpg (850x638, 125K)

Attached: 1528304716576.png (1440x1080, 1.17M)

>north/south divide that low
terroni scum

Attached: snugs.png (985x1400, 1.11M)
