Culture Pals - /cp/

Homosex edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia(ew) , China(yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
Want to banter koreaboos?
Sign up at:

Website with pastas and scripts:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:!QgY0QCaR!w6gTFL2egnqpOgzHeIPXjw

javascript, tampermonkey/greasemonkey extension for the betas

Q: Do the scripts work?
A: Nope.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Wanna homosex with me?

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They're actually not hard to get, I flirt with them saying I'll seduce them and get them to convert, they eat that shit up

>Homosex edition

how to get less gay viewers?

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lads, i've thought about it a bit and if the trap is cute enough and you're hitting it from the back it aint gay at all.

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es is not human

tfw too autistic to keep a gf

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>if the trap---
Stop your mental gymnastics, you're a faggot if you make intimate contact with it, period.

Iranians are super easy and I've had some get clingy as fuck with me even though I wasn't really flirting with them. But they might not be the kind of hijab girls you're looking for because most of them only wear it because it's the law for women to wear a hijab in public there and they generally don't wear it probably. Most Iranian girls on interpals don't have pictures with them wearing hijabs either.

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>they generally don't wear it probably
Properly not probably fuck

They're clingy and slutty. Love em.

How to get more

You're a fucking weirdo lmao

he who calls you is its himselfs

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No bully finnbro


Not bullying him. I like him

Reminder that J-pop > k-pop

They're both a bit naff though

Wave your hands and bring them down
Slide right slide left and turn around
Roll your hands from high to low
And that's how the fiveish goes

Only viewed by Africans

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This is probably me in 20 years

Talking to like 3 Iranian qts right now.

Iranian qts > rest of the Mena qts

I got ghosted by an Iranian it's not fair. I also had an Iranian qt last year but she disappeared on me.

I got ghosted by one of them the other day after I had phonesex with her.

Get them to dance for you

Medieval music is so comfy

Simply love em

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Ask her about the eternal paki

Cute girls, terrible music

so why do you hate arabs

Greedy, violent, and rude.

hi randy

>My disgusting shitskins are better than your disgusting shitskins!11

Hey, at least they aren't pakis

Indians are the at bottom, after sandnigs, yes.

>i try to mask my crippling depression and loneliness by traveling to other countries
thats the feel im getting from this girl

If it's a crippling depression, how the fuck are you able to travel? Le I am an attention whore depression teen meme

That's me too

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>4k instagram followers
yeah right, into the trash heap

>kinda into Qts with pic related hairstyle
>find the perfect match.
> she's 15

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No one will judge you pajeet

sleep behen kay londay

nah m8, kinda pointless talking to 15-16yo.
Can't help but laugh at their "life problems"

I can only speak to younger people because I'm still at their mental level

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>the polish qt ignores you question about what she dances to

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That's a very poor excuse, nonce


>told my qt that I think she's cute, but I don't want a long distance relationship because they're retarded
>she ignores what i said and just focuses on how i said she's cute

what do i do with this girl lads

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fug 'er

aren't 16+ accounts banned from contacting 15 year olds anyway

>P-poland's not a shithole... I swear!

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That's why we message them on the instagram they put on their mood...

>tfw no iranian gf

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I want to fuck every iranian qt out there, in the ass.

>get message
>it's a fucking algerian dude

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>Messaged me first
>Reply the message
>Ignores it

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Who else here /spreadingthewordofgod/?

She looks like a prostitute with those shoes. Disgusting.


This dood keeps viewing me

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Happened to me once. A really good first message and when I replied, no message back.

Well... Whatchu gonna do about it?

View him back till he stops

>Russians sending cryptic messages in cyrillic again

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>cute girl messages me first
>not used to that and spill my spaghetti
>take an hour to respond
>she doesn't even open it
fuck my life

(X) Doubt

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Unironically loved that show


>she doesn't even open it
Same here. What's the deal with that?

Any of you lads talk to Stephanie_F

What middle eastern countries have high numbers of qts on interpals? I think I've been through most of the active Iranians already but I've only messaged a couple of them.

Mнe жaль, чтo вы, yвы, бoльны нe мнoй...


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Кaлм дoвн, ниггa.
Эвpиcинг из aллpaйт.

Accurate pic of my previous mental state. Here's a contrasting, comfy Gondola.

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Taны үйлдэл хapaмcaхaacaa өмнө шyyд зoгcoo.

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>ok also I don't know if I told you but I don't have 18

>kinda cute german girl first messaged me yesterday
whats the deal with german girls? most of them are fake or from Jow Forums right?

Yeah, unless they're ugly

Send her my way haha xx



Will using interpals while trying to learn Russian enhance my position in the sexual marketplace by reducing scarcity of cute Russians?

Anyone else here pray on teenage Slavic girls?

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3rd worlder blocks me,,,, abstract kinda feel


jerking off while talking to qts right now

Having a cold one right now

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Heineken the fucking state of you

There's always this one guy who calls it piss

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sry lad I only drink GOOD beer,,,

I call it that too
Also my girl boss who happens to be worst korean, loved it.

DO NOT possumpost. I am the authority on possumposting, pal (though my phone broke so I have no possums)

Worst Koreans are the only people who understand me. Now it all makes sense.

That's my only possum, sadly eh. I'm not interested in taking your place

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