Go back to Brooklyn and Ukraine
Palestine belong to the Palestinians
Go back to Brooklyn and Ukraine
Palestine belong to the Palestinians
Oy vey! Germans should feel guilty about 6,000,000,000,000 and worship Israel for all eternity!
>This f*rstworlder is suffering in his wealth
How much neet bucks does the pa pay you?
What does Palestinian living standards have to do with this?
You don't belong in Palestine. Go back to Poland.
I feel that Palestine is rightfully Israeli because they did, of course, conquer it.
"Palestineā¢ " is a modern invention created after 1945. The filthy terrorist goat-fucking ragheads that are posing as ancient "Palestiniansā¢" should go back to Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia where they originally came from.
Get the fuck out, terrorist vermin!
Based goy
We don't want them
Hello guys
They will soon be kicked out of the Middle East and they already control your country, so you're most likely to get them.
How does it feel to live next to the only democracy in the middle east?
Israel is a Flawed Democracy, not a real democracy
Jordan is nice. I like to go visit when I can.
Anna dami Falestini
Glory to Israel
To much of anything is bad , that includes democracy , thats why your country is run by a bunch of old lesbians that "save 3rd world children" or whatever they like to pretend they are.
Israel needs to improve but were doing better than most countries.
Nice try, JIDF