About to double my Holo Stack AMA

Got in at 70... then bought more at earlier in the day. Watched it dump due to idex shit exchange. Now going in big. This is great tech and it WILL be dubbed the blockchain killer. Think about the amount of NORMIE FOMO that will kick in. This thing is going to skyrocket. It is unfortunate the IDEX shit the bed or Holo would probably already be pushing 180-200.... this play is clear as day to me. Going to kill it. Cant wait until the MAJOR fomo hits.

The tech is actually incredible. This is going to explode like tron/eos... This is your chance to make it bix. The IDEX botch may be the best thing to ever happen to any user. Dont fuck this up.

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Other urls found in this thread:


and we are back yo 140! Fomo is starting.. LOVE THIS... this will 10x within a week. Think about investor psychology.

1 cent incoming

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Market cap is what rn? It will have to come back down to earth.

Prob like deepbrain chain all over again

this, DBC's market cap opened in the top 100 and then it crashed for months

DBC ico was 2 cents and it went up to 60 cents.
That's a 30x
Thus, we are going up to 600 vitaliks

This. There is a reason shit like tron moons. It’s the name. Normies are gonna buy the fuck outta HOT. not to mention they feel like ballers when $1 gets them a few thousand tokens.


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whoa back to 130 already?? nice

144 now

That will unironically make me a millionaire.

Attached: bogcube.png (694x800, 413K)

This shit is insane, the flash crash made me so hard too. I really don't want off /Holo's Wild Ride/

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oh 10x you say? 2 billion cap within a week? lol

>didn't anyone tell the FUN girl that she's not supposed to look out the glory hole?

149 now! Normans will push it to 1000.... muh blockchain killer.... THAT us when we sell, BIZ and not before then. Follow my lead and you will all get unlimited young thai trannys at your disposal. Only the hottest ones.

Imagine putting $100k into the ICO. fuck me

>due to idex shit exchange
>Now going in big
>explode like tron/eos
>to make it bix

chink confirmed

ah man holo will be my very first certified moon mission. so much enterprise level interest in holochain (i.e. mozilla) all the shill fags and normies are only just hearing about it while the hot team have been on top of their shit for years

we're gonna need listing though, so far we have negative news

And we got in at the ground fucking floor, feels good man

happen with nano new frend however bitcoin was $20,000 then so it's a lot easier for that 2bil

So how much will 100k of these things net me in 5 years?

I loved all of the coordinated FUD earlier to get people to dump while the exchange wasn't working properly.

Attached: holoyo.jpg (800x670, 166K)

Nano was made in 2014 but I see this going really high before launch

uhm. has anyone actually looked at this project under a microscope? one co-founder majored in Comparative Religion in college, the other is a Quaker (literally says he's a Quaker on his LinkedIn)

then you have their "ICO" (initial ?community offering) where they talk about health, wellbeing, human-ness of the internet, and a whole bunch of other weird hippy shit. their white papers looked insanely technical and, while at first i was impressed, after watching their video and seeing where their leaders' backgrounds, i'm 100% passing on this project. good luck Holo investors

More intelligent minds have poured over all the relevant data. We determined this is a guaranteed moonshoot.

Get a clue and set aside your prejudices once and a while.

This is better though - it's up there with Ethereum or ADA, a future too 10 coin. So there'll be more than just normies....

it's because holochain isn't a blockchain, maaaan, it's a cult
comparative religion major checks out

Yeah, we know. Kind of a bunch of crazed occultist types. But it's irrelevant - look at the code on Github, look at what it can already do. I don't care if they used legit meme magic to create this - it's amazing.

we need to show / convince eveyone it is a real project. It is havinig a PR issue right now with the IDEX shit... its unfourtunate.

Right now it's honestly the only real x100 left (lots of other great projects, but this is just pure potential). At least a x50. Do the math and DYOR first of course. This is going to be shilled hard as the new Jow Forums Savior for a reason.

Well, considering they haven't even begun marketing yet, released the hardware nodes & it's not officially on ANY exchange (just got randomly listed on IDEX) - just enjoy the accumulation phase I guess. I'm already way up, but I'll be increasing my stack each dip - my target price is 1 cent, so I want 100 million (achievable) at a good price.

Biz needs to come together on this and let this be our coin. We will literally all be millionaires if we combine our shilling powers and green wojaks

True, and it isn't shit.

It's like when everyone finally gave into ETH and we all rode it from 40 to 1000

nah everything biz touches dies

"So we have the infrastructure, and now this flow comes in. And the flow, the currency for the ICO, relates to this infrastructure."
-Jean Russel, directly from their ICO video

This type of shit does not instill confidence in their project. While their code may be great, their personalities and personal goals will hinder any true progress of this project. Good luck, hope you moon!

there is no lockup for their coins either, correct?

panic sold it all on the dump. ive literally never seen a coin dump like that before was over 50% in a few hours. just didnt feel natural at all blowing through every support like a hot knife

refuse to touch it again. theres 1000 other coins im sure i can find another decent one

buying the dip again

its almost too easy...

Literally the most retarded logic. The drop/pop will be proportional to the hype.

That's why you don't see this happen much because there was so much hype it drove the price up. Eventually people will notice and want to take profits. It's only natural. To walk away from a potential future top 5 coin and potential crypto-killer for something so silly.

Then again you panic sold on the dump which is one of the most meme'ed things around here to do so I shouldn't give you too much credit.

You do realize that the founders do not want people to buy in simply to profit? Your goal is against their entire philosophy.

Dude everyone was telling you it was because the exchange wasn't working.

If people are in all caps saying that they can't put buy orders in for over two hours then maybe don't sell

was the eos dump proportional?

it pumped for literally 2 weeks straight, and went through a normal ~25% retrace which obviously i didnt sweat at all

if eos dropped to $10 through hours of dumping (not just 1 quick crash), i would have panic sold that too

just something completely unnatural about the way it dumped, felt like insane manipulation/insiders/exit scamming or something

Of course it was very much manipulated, but then so is EOS or anything else. You think charts get drawn from natural buying and selling?


They paint the charts with what They want, and people buy and sell accordingly. When it's time for EOS to pump, They will give it the green candles.

Retards will retard no matter what. I was spamming buy for 2 hours yesterday at .141 because it looked like the new floor (then because the exchange went down the dump happened). I’m still very comfy but when IDEX gets its shit together this thing will fly past 200

Luckily every retard on youtube is telling normies to use IDEX and HOT is the top volume for days now

Market cap is already 100 mil and they do not plan on entering any other exchanges. Cool predictions guys! Fantasizing is fun

We’ll see how long it is before it gets listed elsewhere.


Why don't the tradingview chart for HOLO load on IDEX? What are you guys using to see the graph?

If the hype continues my guess is it will be listed within 10 days somewhere. Shouldn't take long considering how many norms this is breaking.

its working sorta. Just select the "5" at the top left and zoom in a bit till you can see the last few hours or so. It's a bit buggy but should work.


Grabbed another 2 mil during the morons panic selling... good work niglets

We are witnessing something great. So happy to be somewhat here at the beginning.

Can't wait to dump some fresh capital on this once the price settles a bit more.

That's it?

Click on the cog/settings then click "lock scale"

I thought ETH would settle when it started flying upward... Did not make the same mistake with EOS or HOT

fellow 4chans, most of you will doubt me but as someone who was early in ETH, Holo has same fundamentals. think long term in this project and u will be rewarded well

how many I have to own to make it?

shillng has gotten to the point of being completely pointless.

everyone realizes good or not, honest or not, people are just pumping their bags. period. so you really can't trust anything.

at best you get pointed in a direction to do some research.

So far I have seen one medium article shilling how great the code is.

Do we have any other sources commenting on the quality of their work so far?


He could've wrote that without going full libtard. I really hope they try to keep the political ideologies on the back burner with this project because it would be a shame if they ruin the tech with their leftist agenda

its actually amazing to see Jow Forums pumping this ponzi coin to such heights. Well done.

he kinda lost me when the platform started communicating with aliens and dna

>doesn't know anything about ethereum

Kek, that dude is an occultist who wants to destroy enslaving modes of economy, left or right.

While I don't agree with the anti-Trumpness, the fact that this was written a year ago gives me goosebumps. They're literally gonna launch the platform this very year. It's like betting on the black horse.

Man from here on now I will just follow my gut this guys may be crazy, he wants the word to shift and doesnt give a fuck.
Thanks for memeing.

Is 200m hot enough to make it ?

Holy shit son that's a lot. 11.9M
Would you mind rounding that up to 12 for me? I'm literally all in on this.

do we know any date of some event/update/listing of HOLO?

OP "Just about to double my bag holdings!!! Wish me luck!!"

Me too I'm all in and not planning to sell on shorterm

I'll wait around a week. The ICO has just ended.

Holy shit he sounds literally insane

Or just get yourself a HoloPort and start earning Holofuel for hosting Holo dApps

igg DOT me/at/h-o-l-o/x/10417124


idgaf about the money i spent, so Jow Forums is this a good long term hold?

How will DROOMPHL EVER recover?

Made a discord. Feel free to join.

Dude is based as fuck.
Fuck shitty 21st century tech
I want to be shitposting with the fucking ayys with 22nd century tech

"Ceptr protocols will eventually be extended to speak using chemical messengers, that is we will learn and make explicit the communication protocols our body and plants and ecosystems use to intracommunicate, and articulate those protocols as a spec. This will allow our cells and even our DNA to participate in the higher echelons of their existence politically, i.e., democratically. So we will also be able to heal nature and many new kinds of diseases (political diseases of the cells) will be able to be resolved peacefully."

wtf am I reading?

Attached: onechaintorulethemall.jpg (1024x576, 134K)

Why is he based? Incoherent schizo ramblings are now based or something? Can you even explain what Holochain does?

"Ceptr is the Third Foundation from the last book of Asimov's Foundation series.
Creating Ceptr is, in my opinion, the single highest leverage point in fixing the world's problem today.
If there were a better project than Ceptr, most Ceptr developers would defect and join the better project. Moreover, if there were a similar project to Ceptr, it would be trivial to make them intercompatible, because Ceptr relies on self-describing, holographically constructed protocols.
If aliens use computers, they will already be Ceptr-compatible, or it will be trivial to make them so."

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-02 at 15.26.58.png (960x632, 287K)

There's a quick rundown:

ELI5 in.....3 hours.

Skynet. It's over guys. GG

READ: cryptobriefing.com/holochain-code-review-and-distributed-computing-thoughts/

Oh I finally understand what this is supposed to do. Sounds like a great idea, too bad the dude from the breddit link talks like a schizo.