1. Your country

1. Your country.

2. Do people in your country side with the Palestinians or the kikes?

Attached: 1531587535021.jpg (709x554, 139K)

jews ofc :3

1. the US

2. the government firmly supports Israel. the republicans overwhelmingly support Israel. the Democrats are 50-50

Well before 2015 we were pro Palestine. Ever since we are pro Juden.

What did the jews do to your country in 2015?

Jews, because nobody cares about unproductive, violent and savage FAGestinians. Now fuck off to desert, achmed.

>nuke israel
>nuke palestine

Mudslims are the worst, they haven't contributed anything to humanity. The genocide of muslims is always justified.

Everyone here knows the Jews are always on the wrong side


i think its 60/40 for nose terrorists but with rapid demographic merkelisation its becoming pro peace terrorist. lots of jewish restaurants are getting there windows thrown in lately by our new diverse friends


Based and redpilled

What? Only a small group of right wing losers and christcucks care about the jews

>Inb4 MUH PISSLAMIC (made available by pillaging advanced Christian, Mazdean and Hindu lands and translatory works of Christians and Jews, while most "islamic" scholars were not muslims) GOLDEN AGE

Free Falastin

the left mostly support palestinians, the right doesn't get involved into this for obvious reasons

I stand with Israel

Pic related: a Japanese male claiming that Koran is used as law in Israel

Attached: 3cab746c.jpg (600x336, 42K)

Both, of course.

Attached: DYXctvuWkAETE_Q.jpg (1200x676, 80K)

Tell me something about Palestinians which is not related to Israel.

My country backed Sweden recognition of Patlestine and of Israel ilegal setlement and breaking UN treatys but still do business with jews.

I for the other hand believe in the right of conquest and what the jews did and still do is acceptable the problem lies within the internacional meme rules.
The right of conquest is just as real as the right to live with dignity and to pray to whatever prophet you see fit.

All heil Apolo!

they are actually Jordanians or Egyptians.


they're subhuman


ah truly the land of freedom and democracy

He is sort of correct. Marraige in Israel is based on religious law, and Muslims are required to be married by a state approved Sheikh, who would obviously use the Koran

And your point is?

I don't think people know what the issue is about, but dislike towards Jews is not rare.

Jesus was a Palestinian.

Nazareth is a Palestinian town.

Al-Quds ("""Jerusalem""") is a Palestinian town.

they're the population native to Palestina

Stop stealing our history.
Jesus was a Jew.

It's more like "Palestinians ™" when an Israeli soldier or person just walks near them but does nothing more. It's called Pallywood™
Fucking camel-raping terrorists posing as ancient people, go back to Saudi Arabia and Iran, you vermin!

So do you believe jews are ethnicly unique? And not just local people converted?

Kikes ofc, only stormfags, anglo leftists and other closet muslims support Palestine

That's a political statement - therefore related to Israel.

Jesus was Palestinian

Jesus was a commie retard

Palestinians are commie retards

it's tough, because while I dislike jews I like Israel

In order to answer this question you need to examine each Jewish community separately. I believe that each community is mixed with the local to some extent.

no it's a historical statement

mostly pro-Palestinian, especially the left
pro-Israel is a new fruit here

The previous name the Arabs used before al-Quds is Bayt al-Miqdas .. am I right?

Bayt al-Miqdas comes from Beit ha-Miqdash, the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

The question of them being natives of this land is political and highly linked to Israel. Please try again.

what do you mean by most islamic scholars were not muslims?

What is the original jewish home then? And all jewish comunity has blood of the original jews?

Most hispanic jews are full Hispanics that converted and stayed jewish for centurys.
I can almost always tell apart hispanic jew.

Palestinian food is pretty much the same as the rest of the region (Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Greece...)

hmm we've shown you mercy for the last 70 years... i see now it was a mistake , i pledge here and now that if i do go in gaza i will crucify and behead every terrorist shit i'll find.
Maybe then you'll understand that it's not smart to fuck with us.

it's alright my man, we all have our own jerk off fantasies,. Make sure the so called terrorshits are kiddos btw, you'll enjoy the power trip better.

did you just dismiss 6 centuries of innovation because we used Byzantine and Persian knowledge to further our own? Wew lad..............
I find your statement about islamic scholars not being muslims truly enlightening also, this is next level shit

My entire existence revolves around terrorists trying to kill me , i'm going to turn fantasy into reality.

mongolians think f-sound is p-sound, because you use neither, right?

>What is the original jewish home then?


Upper class and porteños: kikes
Working class: Palestine